법의학 얼굴 스케치 구성 및 인식

법의학에서 손으로 그린 ​​얼굴 스케치는 범죄자를 식별하고 식별하는 데 사용되는 최신 기술과 함께 사용할 때 여전히 매우 제한적이고 시간이 많이 걸리는 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 논문에서는 사용자가 애플리케이션의 드래그 앤 드롭 기능을 사용하여 포렌식 아티스트의 도움 없이 용의자의 합성 얼굴 스케치를 생성할 수 있고 그려진 합성 얼굴 스케치를 훨씬 빠르게 경찰 데이터베이스와 자동으로 일치시킬 수 있는 독립 실행형 애플리케이션을 제시합니다. 딥 러닝 및 클라우드 인프라를 효율적으로 사용합니다.

GitHub Repo :

프로젝트 배포 단계:

1. Download the Source Code from the Repo (https://github.com/imakashsahu/Third-Eye-Final-Year-Project)
2. Download and Install the Java JDK 8 (https://www.oracle.com/in/java/technologies/javase/javase-jdk8-downloads.html)
3. Download the latest NetBeans Installer (https://netbeans.apache.org/download/index.html)
3. Install and Open NetBeans
4. GoTo Tools > Plugin > Available Plugin 
5. Search for "Java FX" and check "Gluon Plugin" & "JavaFx implementation for Windows" then click on Install
6. Now search for "Maven" and check "Gradle" then click on Install
7. Restart NetBeans

PART 1 [ThirdEye v2]--얼굴 스케치 구성

데모 : ( )

1. This part 1 of the project is been build using JAVA FX
2. Download Scene Builder (https://gluonhq.com/products/scene-builder/)
3. GoTo tools > options > Java > JavaFx
4. Browse for the Scene Builder Directory and select the directory from C:\ProgramFiles
5. Now GoTo File > Open Project > ThirdEye v2
6. Now under projects click on "ThirdEye v2 > Libraries" Right Click and select "Add Jar"
7. Browse to "ThirdEye v2 > lib" and select all and open
8. Download and Install SQLite Browser (https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/)
9. Open the "login.sqlite" file from the "ThirdEye v2" Folder
10. Add your Own Creds this is Important to get the OTP to login
11. Turn On Less secure for you Gmail (https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps)
12. Now go to NetBeans, under projects click on "ThirdEye v2 > Source Package > thirdeye.v2" Double click on Login_screenController.java
13. On Line 144, Enter your GMail Creds to send OTP
14. Run the Project (F6)
15. Enter the Credential from DB Lite
16. Enter the OTP received to the email 
17. Select Create Sketch and your are good to go 
18. Change the File Directory on line 508 of file "dashboard_controller.java"!!!!!

PART 2 [ThirdEye_FaceMatch]--얼굴 스케치 인식

데모 : ( )

1. This part 2 of the project is been build using JAVA Maven and AWS for Deep learning
2. This part requires you to have AWS account with Credit Card been added to be activated
3. Create a AWS Free Tier account by adding in your Credit Card
4. Create a IAM user profile for the JAVA (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/sdk-for-java/latest/developer-guide/get-started.html)
5. Add S3 and Rekognition Full Access
4. Install AWS CLI on Windows (https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/install-windows.html)
5. Run "aws configure" in CMD
5. Create a s3 Bucket 
6. Now GoTo File > Open Project > ThirdEye_FaceMatch
7. Create a S3 Bucket on the AWS console
8. Create a collection in s3 using the "collection_create.java" file
9. Add images to the collection using the "collection_add_image.java" file
10. Enter the S3 Bucket name and collection details in the "collection_search_face.java" file
11. Run the Project (F6)

공개된 기술 문서

기술 문서 읽기: http://www.ijitjournal.org/volume-6/issue-4/IJIT-V6I4P2.pdf

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