Way to move the camera

1. Create a component which traces “Player”

It creates a component which trace “Player”. This component has some function following.
  • Get the position of “Player”.
  • Adjust a coordinate of the Player’s position every frame.

  • So, at first, it creates the “Follow Player” component. Then add “Main Camera” to it.
  • Select “Main Camera” in Hierarchy View.
  • Click the “Add Component” button in Inspector View.
  • Select “New Script” and add “Follow Player”.
  • Move “FollowPlayer.cs”, is under Assets, to Assets/Script folder in Project Browser.

  • Next, double click “FollowPlayer” to invoke code editor.

    2. Way to trace player

    It makes tracing function from getting an object’s position. Write a source code below in “FollowPlayer.cs”.

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class FollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
        public Transform target;    // Reference to target
        void Update ()
            // set target’s position to oneself
            GetComponent<Transform>().position = target.position;

    Look component of “Main Camera” and confirm what add term of target in “Follow Player”. Drag & drop “Player” onto this term.

    Let’s start the game. Game View shows a view like the below picture as FPS.

    3. Set offset to a component

    Change a camera point like TPS that have an appropriate distance to ball. So, add a function which maintains the distance between “Player” and “Main Camera” when starting the game. The function is created by below sub-functions.
  • Get a relative distance between “Player” and “Main Camera” when starting the game.
  • Set the position of the camera to “Player’s position + relative distance” every frame.

  • At first, Set the position and rotation to “Main Camera” like a below picture.

    Next, Change a source code.

    using UnityEngine;
    using System.Collections;
    public class FollowPlayer : MonoBehaviour
        public Transform target;    // Reference to target
        private Vector3 offset;     // relative distance
        void Start ()
            // Get relative distance between “Player” and “Main Camera”
            offset = GetComponent<Transform>().position - target.position;
        void Update ()
            // Set “Player’s position + relative distance” to oneself
            GetComponent<Transform>().position = target.position + offset;

    Let's play the game.

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