Android 시스템에서 Sparse Array의 원본 코드를 깊이 있게 분석하다
17632 단어 AndroidSparseArray
어젯밤에 Android 응용 프로그램에 int가 String에 비치는 사전표를 추가하고 싶었는데 HashMap을 사용하여 실현되었을 때 Eclipse가 경고를 했습니다. 어젯밤에 프로젝트가 시작되었을 때 긴장했습니다. 제가 직접 무시했습니다. 오늘 구체적인 Eclipse 힌트를 보았는데 다음과 같습니다.
Use new SparseArray<String> (...) instead for better performance
이 경고는 더 좋은 성능을 얻기 위해 Sparse Array를 사용하는 것을 의미한다.원본 코드
Sparse Array의 전체 코드가 비교적 간단하기 때문에 먼저 원본 코드를 보여준 다음에 왜 Sparse Array를 사용하는 것이 HashMap을 사용하는 것보다 더 좋은 성능을 가지는지 분석한다.
public class SparseArray<E> implements Cloneable {
private static final Object DELETED = new Object();
private boolean mGarbage = false;
private int[] mKeys;
private Object[] mValues;
private int mSize;
* Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings.
public SparseArray() {
* Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings that will not
* require any additional memory allocation to store the specified
* number of mappings. If you supply an initial capacity of 0, the
* sparse array will be initialized with a light-weight representation
* not requiring any additional array allocations.
public SparseArray(int initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity == 0) {
mKeys = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_INTS;
mValues = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_OBJECTS;
} else {
initialCapacity = ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize(initialCapacity);
mKeys = new int[initialCapacity];
mValues = new Object[initialCapacity];
mSize = 0;
public SparseArray<E> clone() {
SparseArray<E> clone = null;
try {
clone = (SparseArray<E>) super.clone();
clone.mKeys = mKeys.clone();
clone.mValues = mValues.clone();
} catch (CloneNotSupportedException cnse) {
/* ignore */
return clone;
* Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or <code>null</code>
* if no such mapping has been made.
public E get(int key) {
return get(key, null);
* Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or the specified Object
* if no such mapping has been made.
public E get(int key, E valueIfKeyNotFound) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (i < 0 || mValues[i] == DELETED) {
return valueIfKeyNotFound;
} else {
return (E) mValues[i];
* Removes the mapping from the specified key, if there was any.
public void delete(int key) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (i >= 0) {
if (mValues[i] != DELETED) {
mValues[i] = DELETED;
mGarbage = true;
* Alias for {@link #delete(int)}.
public void remove(int key) {
* Removes the mapping at the specified index.
public void removeAt(int index) {
if (mValues[index] != DELETED) {
mValues[index] = DELETED;
mGarbage = true;
* Remove a range of mappings as a batch.
* @param index Index to begin at
* @param size Number of mappings to remove
public void removeAtRange(int index, int size) {
final int end = Math.min(mSize, index + size);
for (int i = index; i < end; i++) {
private void gc() {
// Log.e("SparseArray", "gc start with " + mSize);
int n = mSize;
int o = 0;
int[] keys = mKeys;
Object[] values = mValues;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
Object val = values[i];
if (val != DELETED) {
if (i != o) {
keys[o] = keys[i];
values[o] = val;
values[i] = null;
mGarbage = false;
mSize = o;
// Log.e("SparseArray", "gc end with " + mSize);
* Adds a mapping from the specified key to the specified value,
* replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there
* was one.
public void put(int key, E value) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (i >= 0) {
mValues[i] = value;
} else {
i = ~i;
if (i < mSize && mValues[i] == DELETED) {
mKeys[i] = key;
mValues[i] = value;
if (mGarbage && mSize >= mKeys.length) {
// Search again because indices may have changed.
i = ~ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (mSize >= mKeys.length) {
int n = ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize(mSize + 1);
int[] nkeys = new int[n];
Object[] nvalues = new Object[n];
// Log.e("SparseArray", "grow " + mKeys.length + " to " + n);
System.arraycopy(mKeys, 0, nkeys, 0, mKeys.length);
System.arraycopy(mValues, 0, nvalues, 0, mValues.length);
mKeys = nkeys;
mValues = nvalues;
if (mSize - i != 0) {
// Log.e("SparseArray", "move " + (mSize - i));
System.arraycopy(mKeys, i, mKeys, i + 1, mSize - i);
System.arraycopy(mValues, i, mValues, i + 1, mSize - i);
mKeys[i] = key;
mValues[i] = value;
* Returns the number of key-value mappings that this SparseArray
* currently stores.
public int size() {
if (mGarbage) {
return mSize;
* Given an index in the range <code>0...size()-1</code>, returns
* the key from the <code>index</code>th key-value mapping that this
* SparseArray stores.
* <p>The keys corresponding to indices in ascending order are guaranteed to
* be in ascending order, e.g., <code>keyAt(0)</code> will return the
* smallest key and <code>keyAt(size()-1)</code> will return the largest
* key.</p>
public int keyAt(int index) {
if (mGarbage) {
return mKeys[index];
* Given an index in the range <code>0...size()-1</code>, returns
* the value from the <code>index</code>th key-value mapping that this
* SparseArray stores.
* <p>The values corresponding to indices in ascending order are guaranteed
* to be associated with keys in ascending order, e.g.,
* <code>valueAt(0)</code> will return the value associated with the
* smallest key and <code>valueAt(size()-1)</code> will return the value
* associated with the largest key.</p>
public E valueAt(int index) {
if (mGarbage) {
return (E) mValues[index];
* Given an index in the range <code>0...size()-1</code>, sets a new
* value for the <code>index</code>th key-value mapping that this
* SparseArray stores.
public void setValueAt(int index, E value) {
if (mGarbage) {
mValues[index] = value;
* Returns the index for which {@link #keyAt} would return the
* specified key, or a negative number if the specified
* key is not mapped.
public int indexOfKey(int key) {
if (mGarbage) {
return ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
* Returns an index for which {@link #valueAt} would return the
* specified key, or a negative number if no keys map to the
* specified value.
* <p>Beware that this is a linear search, unlike lookups by key,
* and that multiple keys can map to the same value and this will
* find only one of them.
* <p>Note also that unlike most collections' {@code indexOf} methods,
* this method compares values using {@code ==} rather than {@code equals}.
public int indexOfValue(E value) {
if (mGarbage) {
for (int i = 0; i < mSize; i++)
if (mValues[i] == value)
return i;
return -1;
* Removes all key-value mappings from this SparseArray.
public void clear() {
int n = mSize;
Object[] values = mValues;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
values[i] = null;
mSize = 0;
mGarbage = false;
* Puts a key/value pair into the array, optimizing for the case where
* the key is greater than all existing keys in the array.
public void append(int key, E value) {
if (mSize != 0 && key <= mKeys[mSize - 1]) {
put(key, value);
if (mGarbage && mSize >= mKeys.length) {
int pos = mSize;
if (pos >= mKeys.length) {
int n = ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize(pos + 1);
int[] nkeys = new int[n];
Object[] nvalues = new Object[n];
// Log.e("SparseArray", "grow " + mKeys.length + " to " + n);
System.arraycopy(mKeys, 0, nkeys, 0, mKeys.length);
System.arraycopy(mValues, 0, nvalues, 0, mValues.length);
mKeys = nkeys;
mValues = nvalues;
mKeys[pos] = key;
mValues[pos] = value;
mSize = pos + 1;
* {@inheritDoc}
* <p>This implementation composes a string by iterating over its mappings. If
* this map contains itself as a value, the string "(this Map)"
* will appear in its place.
public String toString() {
if (size() <= 0) {
return "{}";
StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(mSize * 28);
for (int i=0; i<mSize; i++) {
if (i > 0) {
buffer.append(", ");
int key = keyAt(i);
Object value = valueAt(i);
if (value != this) {
} else {
buffer.append("(this Map)");
return buffer.toString();
먼저 SparseArray의 구조 함수를 살펴보겠습니다.
* Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings.
public SparseArray() {
* Creates a new SparseArray containing no mappings that will not
* require any additional memory allocation to store the specified
* number of mappings. If you supply an initial capacity of 0, the
* sparse array will be initialized with a light-weight representation
* not requiring any additional array allocations.
public SparseArray(int initialCapacity) {
if (initialCapacity == 0) {
mKeys = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_INTS;
mValues = ContainerHelpers.EMPTY_OBJECTS;
} else {
initialCapacity = ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize(initialCapacity);
mKeys = new int[initialCapacity];
mValues = new Object[initialCapacity];
mSize = 0;
구조 방법에서 알 수 있듯이 이곳도 용기의 크기를 미리 설정했고 기본 크기는 10이다.데이터 추가 작업을 살펴보겠습니다.
* Adds a mapping from the specified key to the specified value,
* replacing the previous mapping from the specified key if there
* was one.
public void put(int key, E value) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (i >= 0) {
mValues[i] = value;
} else {
i = ~i;
if (i < mSize && mValues[i] == DELETED) {
mKeys[i] = key;
mValues[i] = value;
if (mGarbage && mSize >= mKeys.length) {
// Search again because indices may have changed.
i = ~ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (mSize >= mKeys.length) {
int n = ArrayUtils.idealIntArraySize(mSize + 1);
int[] nkeys = new int[n];
Object[] nvalues = new Object[n];
// Log.e("SparseArray", "grow " + mKeys.length + " to " + n);
System.arraycopy(mKeys, 0, nkeys, 0, mKeys.length);
System.arraycopy(mValues, 0, nvalues, 0, mValues.length);
mKeys = nkeys;
mValues = nvalues;
if (mSize - i != 0) {
// Log.e("SparseArray", "move " + (mSize - i));
System.arraycopy(mKeys, i, mKeys, i + 1, mSize - i);
System.arraycopy(mValues, i, mValues, i + 1, mSize - i);
mKeys[i] = key;
mValues[i] = value;
데이터 검색 방법:
* Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or <code>null</code>
* if no such mapping has been made.
public E get(int key) {
return get(key, null);
* Gets the Object mapped from the specified key, or the specified Object
* if no such mapping has been made.
public E get(int key, E valueIfKeyNotFound) {
int i = ContainerHelpers.binarySearch(mKeys, mSize, key);
if (i < 0 || mValues[i] == DELETED) {
return valueIfKeyNotFound;
} else {
return (E) mValues[i];
이를 통해 알 수 있듯이put 데이터와 get 데이터의 과정에서 모두 이분 검색 알고리즘을 통일적으로 호출했다. 사실 이것이 바로 Sparse Array가 효율을 향상시킬 수 있는 핵심이다.
static int binarySearch(int[] array, int size, int value) {
int lo = 0;
int hi = size - 1;
while (lo <= hi) {
final int mid = (lo + hi) >>> 1;
final int midVal = array[mid];
if (midVal < value) {
lo = mid + 1;
} else if (midVal > value) {
hi = mid - 1;
} else {
return mid; // value found
return ~lo; // value not present
개인적으로는 (lo+hi)>>>1의 방법이 좀 이상하다고 생각하는데, 직접 로+(hi-lo)/2로 하는 것이 더 좋다.
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