자바 는 poi 를 사용 하여 엑셀 데 이 터 를 읽 습 니 다 (엑셀 이 클 수 있 습 니 다. csv 로 변환 한 다음 읽 습 니 다)

14602 단어 Java지식 정리

-- -- -- -- -- 설정 -- -- -- -- --
jdbc. properties 에 추가: excelUrl =/... xlsx 파일 디 렉 터 리 경로/(excelUrl + "xxxx. xlsx"는 전체 경로)
poi - 3.16 의 jar 가방 6 개, poi - 3.16/lib 의 jar 가방 5 개, poi - 3.16/ooxml - lib 의 jar 가방 2 개 가 져 오기
Excelreader. java 와 XLsXCSV. java 가 져 오기 항목
-- -- -- 방법 -- -- -- -- --
Excel_reader 클래스 의:
xlsx_reader(String excel_name , ArrayList args)
//excel_name 은 읽 을 xlsx 파일 이름 (접미사 포함), args 는 가 져 올 열 번호 의 목록 입 니 다.
//2 차원 배열 Array List > 1 차원 은 xlsx 의 줄 을 표시 하고 2 차원 은 xlsx 의 셀 을 표시 합 니 다.
//빈 칸 을 null 로 되 돌려 주 려 면 - 또는 0 으로 처리 해 야 합 니 다.
//args 는 int 나 String 을 쓸 수 있 습 니 다. args [i] 가 int 라면 되 돌아 오 는 2 차원 배열 의 I 열 은 xlsx 의 제 args [i] 열 입 니 다.
//args [i] 가 String 이면 돌아 오 는 2 차원 배열 의 i 열 은 문자 상수 입 니 다.
//예 를 들 어 xlsxreader ("숭 명 현 - 표 15:"하 담 "녹색 잎 채소 재배 보조금 - 2014. xlsx", args)
//그 중 args = [7, 8, 9, "녹비"]
//그러면 돌아 오 는 2 차원 배열 의 내용 은 다음 과 같다.
[소명, 350401219948383 * * *, null, 녹비]
[소 홍, 6453543543323 * * *, null, 녹비]
[소란 아, 445353453425643 * * *, null, 녹비]
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException;

import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.OpenXML4JException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.ss.usermodel.DataFormatter;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellAddress;
import org.apache.poi.ss.util.CellReference;
import org.apache.poi.util.SAXHelper;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.ReadOnlySharedStringsTable;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.XSSFReader;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.XSSFSheetXMLHandler;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.eventusermodel.XSSFSheetXMLHandler.SheetContentsHandler;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.extractor.XSSFEventBasedExcelExtractor;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.model.StylesTable;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFComment;
import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;  
 * A rudimentary XLSX -> CSV processor modeled on the 
 * POI sample program XLS2CSVmra from the package 
 * org.apache.poi.hssf.eventusermodel.examples. 
 * As with the HSSF version, this tries to spot missing 
 * rows and cells, and output empty entries for them. 
 * Data sheets are read using a SAX parser to keep the 
 * memory footprint relatively small, so this should be 
 * able to read enormous workbooks.  The styles table and 
 * the shared-string table must be kept in memory.  The 
 * standard POI styles table class is used, but a custom 
 * (read-only) class is used for the shared string table 
 * because the standard POI SharedStringsTable grows very 
 * quickly with the number of unique strings. 
 * For a more advanced implementation of SAX event parsing 
 * of XLSX files, see {@link XSSFEventBasedExcelExtractor} 
 * and {@link XSSFSheetXMLHandler}. Note that for many cases, 
 * it may be possible to simply use those with a custom 
 * {@link SheetContentsHandler} and no SAX code needed of 
 * your own! 
public class XLSX2CSV {  
     * Uses the XSSF Event SAX helpers to do most of the work 
     * of parsing the Sheet XML, and outputs the contents 
     * as a (basic) CSV. 
    private class SheetToCSV implements SheetContentsHandler {  
        private boolean firstCellOfRow = false;  
        private int currentRow = -1;  
        private int currentCol = -1;  
        private void outputMissingRows(int number) {  
            for (int i = 0; i < number; i++) {  
            	curstr = new ArrayList();
                for (int j = 0; j < minColumns; j++) {  
        public void startRow(int rowNum) {  
        	curstr = new ArrayList();
            // If there were gaps, output the missing rows  
            outputMissingRows(rowNum - currentRow - 1);  
            // Prepare for this row  
            firstCellOfRow = true;  
            currentRow = rowNum;  
            currentCol = -1;  
        public void endRow(int rowNum) {  
            // Ensure the minimum number of columns  
            for (int i = currentCol; i < minColumns ; i++) {  
        public void cell(String cellReference, String formattedValue,  
                         XSSFComment comment) {  
//            if (firstCellOfRow) {  
//                firstCellOfRow = false;  
//            } else {  
//                curstr.append(',');  
//            }  
            // gracefully handle missing CellRef here in a similar way as XSSFCell does  
            if (cellReference == null) {  
                cellReference = new CellAddress(currentRow, currentCol).formatAsString();  
            // Did we miss any cells?  
            int thisCol = (new CellReference(cellReference)).getCol();  
            int missedCols = thisCol - currentCol - 1;  
            for (int i = 0; i < missedCols; i++) {  
            currentCol = thisCol;  
            // Number or string?  
            try {  
            } catch (NumberFormatException e) {  
               // output.append('"');  
             //   output.append('"');  
        public void headerFooter(String text, boolean isHeader, String tagName) {  
            // Skip, no headers or footers in CSV  
    private final OPCPackage xlsxPackage;  
     * Number of columns to read starting with leftmost 
    private final int minColumns;  
     * Destination for data 
    private ArrayList> output;
    private ArrayList curstr;
    public  ArrayList> get_output(){
    	return output;
     * Creates a new XLSX -> CSV converter 
     * @param pkg        The XLSX package to process 
     * @param output     The PrintStream to output the CSV to 
     * @param minColumns The minimum number of columns to output, or -1 for no minimum 
    public XLSX2CSV(OPCPackage pkg, int minColumns) {  
        this.xlsxPackage = pkg;  
        this.minColumns = minColumns;  
     * Parses and shows the content of one sheet 
     * using the specified styles and shared-strings tables. 
     * @param styles 
     * @param strings 
     * @param sheetInputStream 
    public void processSheet(  
            StylesTable styles,  
            ReadOnlySharedStringsTable strings,  
            SheetContentsHandler sheetHandler,  
            InputStream sheetInputStream)  
            throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {  
        DataFormatter formatter = new DataFormatter();  
        InputSource sheetSource = new InputSource(sheetInputStream);  
        try {  
            XMLReader sheetParser = SAXHelper.newXMLReader();  
            ContentHandler handler = new XSSFSheetXMLHandler(  
                    styles, null, strings, sheetHandler, formatter, false);  
        } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) {  
            throw new RuntimeException("SAX parser appears to be broken - " + e.getMessage());  
     * Initiates the processing of the XLS workbook file to CSV. 
     * @throws IOException 
     * @throws OpenXML4JException 
     * @throws ParserConfigurationException 
     * @throws SAXException 
    public void process()  
            throws IOException, OpenXML4JException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException {  
        ReadOnlySharedStringsTable strings = new ReadOnlySharedStringsTable(this.xlsxPackage);  
        XSSFReader xssfReader = new XSSFReader(this.xlsxPackage);  
        StylesTable styles = xssfReader.getStylesTable();  
        XSSFReader.SheetIterator iter = (XSSFReader.SheetIterator) xssfReader.getSheetsData();  
        int index = 0;  
        while (iter.hasNext()) {  
        	output = new ArrayList> ();
            InputStream stream = iter.next();  
            String sheetName = iter.getSheetName();  
            System.out.println("    sheet: "+sheetName + " [index=" + index + "]:");  
            processSheet(styles, strings, new SheetToCSV(), stream);  
            System.out.println("sheet     !");
//    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {  
//      /*  if (args.length < 1) { 
//            System.err.println("Use:"); 
//            System.err.println("  XLSX2CSV  [min columns]"); 
//            return; 
//        }*/  
//        File xlsxFile = new File("F:\\8   .xlsx");  
//        if (!xlsxFile.exists()) {  
//            System.err.println("Not found or not a file: " + xlsxFile.getPath());  
//            return;  
//        }  
//        int minColumns = -1;  
//        if (args.length >= 2)  
//            minColumns = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);  
//        // The package open is instantaneous, as it should be.  
//        OPCPackage p = OPCPackage.open(xlsxFile.getPath(), PackageAccess.READ);  
//        XLSX2CSV xlsx2csv = new XLSX2CSV(p, System.out, minColumns);  
//        xlsx2csv.process();  
//        p.close();  
//    }  

import java.io.File;
import java.io.FileInputStream;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Properties;

import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidFormatException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.exceptions.InvalidOperationException;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.OPCPackage;
import org.apache.poi.openxml4j.opc.PackageAccess;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFCell;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFRow;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFSheet;
import org.apache.poi.xssf.usermodel.XSSFWorkbook;

public class Excel_reader {

	// *************xlsx      ************************
	//  jdbc.properties    excelUrl:xlsx     
	// excel_name    ,arg        (           ,                )
	@SuppressWarnings({ "resource", "unused" })
	public static ArrayList> xlsx_reader(String excel_name, ArrayList args)
			throws IOException {
		//   excel   url
		Properties properties = new Properties();
		InputStream inStream = JDBCTools.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream("jdbc.properties");
		String excelUrl = properties.getProperty("excelUrl");

		File xlsxFile = new File(excelUrl + excel_name);
		if (!xlsxFile.exists()) {
			System.err.println("Not found or not a file: " + xlsxFile.getPath());
			return null;
		ArrayList> excel_output = new ArrayList>();
		try {
			OPCPackage p;
			p = OPCPackage.open(xlsxFile.getPath(), PackageAccess.READ);
			XLSX2CSV xlsx2csv = new XLSX2CSV(p, 20); // 20      
			excel_output = xlsx2csv.get_output();
			p.close();   //  
		} catch (Exception e) {
			// TODO Auto-generated catch block

		System.out.println(excel_name + "     ");

		// //  xlsx  
		// XSSFWorkbook xssfWorkbook = null;
		// //        
		// System.out.println("     "+excel_name);
		// File excelFile = new File(excelUrl+excel_name);
		// InputStream is = new FileInputStream(excelFile);
		// xssfWorkbook = new XSSFWorkbook(is);
		// if(xssfWorkbook==null){
		// System.out.println("      ,     !");
		// return null;
		// }else{
		// System.out.println(excel_name+"     ");
		// }

		ArrayList> ans = new ArrayList>();
		//   xlsx  sheet

		//     sheet,        
		for (int rowNum = 0; rowNum < excel_output.size(); rowNum++) {
			ArrayList cur_output = excel_output.get(rowNum);
			ArrayList curarr = new ArrayList();
			for (int columnNum = 0; columnNum < args.size(); columnNum++) {
				Object obj = args.get(columnNum);
				if (obj instanceof String) {
				} else if (obj instanceof Integer) {
					String cell = cur_output.get((int) obj);
				} else {
					System.out.print("    !");
					return null;

		return ans;

//	//      xlsx excel      
//	@SuppressWarnings("deprecation")
//	private static String getValue(XSSFCell xssfRow) {
//		if (xssfRow == null) {
//			return null;
//		}
//		if (xssfRow.getCellType() == xssfRow.CELL_TYPE_BOOLEAN) {
//			return String.valueOf(xssfRow.getBooleanCellValue());
//		} else if (xssfRow.getCellType() == xssfRow.CELL_TYPE_NUMERIC) {
//			double cur = xssfRow.getNumericCellValue();
//			long longVal = Math.round(cur);
//			Object inputValue = null;
//			if (Double.parseDouble(longVal + ".0") == cur)
//				inputValue = longVal;
//			else
//				inputValue = cur;
//			return String.valueOf(inputValue);
//		} else if (xssfRow.getCellType() == xssfRow.CELL_TYPE_BLANK
//				|| xssfRow.getCellType() == xssfRow.CELL_TYPE_ERROR) {
//			return "";
//		} else {
//			return String.valueOf(xssfRow.getStringCellValue());
//		}
//	}


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