React 및 ActiveJS를 사용한 자동 완성
HTTP Request logic using Observable HTTP API - Provided by RxJS
Asynchronous State Management - Provided by ActiveJS
Query and response handling
React Component
1. HTTP 요청 로직
First, we create a function that takes the search string and fetches results from the Wikipedia API using the ajax
HTTP utility provided by RxJS
function getWikipediaArticles(title: string): Observable<any> {
const url = "";
const params = new URLSearchParams({
search: title, // the articles to search for
action: "opensearch",
format: "json", // API response type
origin: "*", // to allow CORS requests
limit: 3 // maximum number of matched results
return ajax.getJSON(url + "?" + params);
returns a cold Observable, i.e. It will only make the HTTP request when we subscribe to it. And canceling a pending request is as easy as unsubscribing from this Observable, which is a necessity for the Typeahead because we want to keep only one request active at a time to prevent race conditions and save some resources.
is a native API that, among other things, can easily convert and encode an object
into query-parameters. e.g.: {a: 'b', c: 'd&d'}
becomes a=b&c=d%26d
2. ActiveJS AsyncSystem을 이용한 상태 관리
To handle all the nitty-gritty aspects of an asynchronous task we'll use an AsyncSystem, it takes care of all the state-management we're going to need for the Typeahead. We'll pass our search-query, response-data, and response-error through it, and access the same from it whenever/wherever we need them.
export const searchSystem = new AsyncSystem<string, any, any>({
QUERY_UNIT: { dispatchDebounce: true }
exactly does what it implies, it debounces the queries for 200ms
by default, and we can also pass a custom number if we want.
The AsyncSystem gives us four Observable data Units pertaining to every aspect of an asynchronous API request. We'll extract these data Units for ease of use.
// extract the Observable data Units for easier access
const {queryUnit, dataUnit, errorUnit, pendingUnit} = searchSystem;
to store, and share the queries, and to trigger the API call
to store, and share the response-data
to store, and share the response-error
to store, and share the pending-status (This happens automatically. When we dispatch to queryUnit
it becomes true
, and when we dispatch to dataUnit
or errorUnit
it becomes false
3. 쿼리 및 응답 처리
We already have HTTP Service and State Management in place, now we just need to connect them together and set up the mechanism for Typeahead, such that whenever the queryUnit
emits a value we trigger a search request, and also cancel any pending request at the same time.
// setup a stream using RxJS operators,
// such that at a time only one request is active
const searchStream = queryUnit.future$ // listen for future values emitted by queryUnit, so that it doesn't start making requests immediately
filter(query => { // process the typed query
if (query.trim()) {
return true; // only proceed if non-empty string
dataUnit.clearValue(); // if query is empty, clear the data
return false; // don't go any further
// switchMap to ensure only one request at a time
switchMap(query =>
// create a new HTTP request Observable
// format the data, to make it easy to consume
// dispatch the formatted data to dataUnit
tap(data => dataUnit.dispatch(data)),
catchError(err => {
errorUnit.dispatch(err); // disptach the error
return EMPTY; // don't let the stream die
.subscribe(); // activate the stream
// parse and format the data recieved from the Wikipedia REST API
// just trust me on this one ;) it takes the response from the Wikipedia API
// and turns it into an Array of {title: string, url: string} objects
function formatSearchResults([query, titles, noop, urls]) {
return string, i: number) => ({
url: urls[i]
4. 리액트 컴포넌트
We're in the endgame now, we just need a simple React component and Hooks to finalize our Typeahead.
function App() {
// create local state to hold the Typeahed data
const [systemValue, setValue] = useState();
// extract the data for easier access
const {query, data, error, pending} = systemValue || {};
// subscribe to the value changes in the searchSystem the
// it will update our local state and trigger re-rendering
useEffect(() => {
const subscription = searchSystem.subscribe(setValue);
return () => subscription.unsubscribe(); // prevent memory leak
}, []);
// dispatch the input value to queryUnit
// to trigger new requests and start the whole process
const handleInput = e => queryUnit.dispatch(
// a rudimentary UI with essential components
return (
placeholder="Search Wikipedia, eg: Big Bang"
{query &&
IsPending: <b>{pending ? 'Yes' : 'No'} </b> |
Error: <b>{error || 'NA'}</b>
{data?.map(item =>
<a href="{item.url}" target="_blank" rel="noopener">
// render the component
render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
That's it, folks, we're done!
Here's the result of our labor.
Let me know if it was helpful, or if it's too much too fast.
If you liked the solution, then you'd like what ActiveJS has to offer, it's a one-stop solution for all your State Management needs, be it sync or async, persistence or immutability, time-travel or less-code, it's all there. (no reducers though)
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이 문제에 관하여(React 및 ActiveJS를 사용한 자동 완성), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)