iBeacon 온도 센서를 만들 때까지 제3회

9157 단어 블루투스BGScript
비콘의 Major 값을 위치, Minor 값을 온도 값으로 광고하고,
그것을받는 온도 관리 응용 프로그램을 만들 때까지 메모.

이번에는 취득한 온도를 iBeacon의 Minor 값으로 설정하여 광고하고 iPhone에서 온도를 표시하는 곳까지가 목표.


샘플 bgs 파일의 몇 줄을 바꿨습니다.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <gatt in="gatt112.xml" />
    <hardware in="hardware.xml" />
    <script in="iBeacon.bgs" />
    <image out="iBeacon_BLE112.hex" />
    <device type="ble112" />
    <boot fw="bootuart" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

    <sleeposc enable="true" ppm="30" />
    <usb enable="false" />
    <txpower power="15" bias="5" />
    <port index="0" tristatemask="0" pull="up" />
    <script enable="true" />

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <service uuid="1800">
        <description>Generic Access Profile</description>

        <characteristic uuid="2a00">
            <properties read="true" const="true"/>
            <value>iBeacon Demo</value>

        <characteristic uuid="2a01">
            <properties read="true" const="true"/>
            <value type="hex">0200</value>

    <service uuid="180a">
        <description>Device Information</description>

        <characteristic uuid="2a29">
            <properties read="true" const="true" />
            <value>Bluegiga BLE112</value>

        <characteristic uuid="2a24">
            <properties read="true" const="true" />

        <characteristic uuid="2a26">
            <properties read="true" const="true" />

        <characteristic uuid="2a27">
            <properties read="true" const="true" />

dim advdata(30)
dim celsius
dim offset
dim a
dim b
dim c
dim x

# system boot event listener
event system_boot(major, minor, patch, build, ll_version, protocol_version, hw)

    # 一秒毎にhardware_set_soft_timerイベントを呼び出す
    call hardware_set_soft_timer(32768,0,0)

    # Set advertisement interval to 125ms.
    # Use all three advertisement channels
    call gap_set_adv_parameters(200, 200, 7)

    # Initialize iBeacon ADV data
    # Flags = LE General Discovery, single mode device (02 01 06)
    advdata(0:1) = $02
    advdata(1:1) = $01
    advdata(2:1) = $06
    # Manufacturer data
    advdata(3:1) = $1a
    advdata(4:1) = $ff
    # Preamble
    advdata(5:1) = $4c
    advdata(6:1) = $00
    advdata(7:1) = $02
    advdata(8:1) = $15

    # Apple AirLocate Service UUID: e2c56db5-dffb-48d2-b060-d0f5a71096e0
    advdata(9:1) = $e2
    advdata(10:1) = $c5
    advdata(11:1) = $6d
    advdata(12:1) = $b5
    advdata(13:1) = $df
    advdata(14:1) = $fb
    advdata(15:1) = $48
    advdata(16:1) = $d2
    advdata(17:1) = $b0
    advdata(18:1) = $60
    advdata(19:1) = $d0
    advdata(20:1) = $f5
    advdata(21:1) = $a7
    advdata(22:1) = $10
    advdata(23:1) = $96
    advdata(24:1) = $e0

    # Major : 01
    advdata(25:1) = $00
    advdata(26:1) = $01

    # Minor : 00
    advdata(27:1) = $00
    advdata(28:1) = $00

    # Measured TX power : -58
    advdata(29:1) = $c6

    # Set advertisement data
    call gap_set_adv_data(0, 30, advdata(0:30))

    #set to advertising mode - with user data
    call gap_set_mode(4, gap_undirected_connectable)

# タイマーイベント
event hardware_soft_timer(handle)

   # BLE112内部の温度センサーから温度を取得
   # Call ADC read
   # 14 = internal temperature sensor
   # 3 = 12 effective bits
   # 0 = Internal 1.24V reference
   call hardware_adc_read(14,3,0)

# ADCの結果を取得した時のイベント
event hardware_adc_result(input,value)

    # ADC value is 12 MSB
    celsius = value / 16

    # Calculate temperature
    # ADC*V_ref/ADC_max / T_coeff + offset
    celsius = (10*celsius*1150/2047) * 10/45 + offset

    # Extracting desimals from integer
    a = (celsius / 100)                     #2X.X
    b = (celsius / 10) + (a*-10)            #X4.X
    c = (celsius)      + (a*-100) + (b*-10) #XX.8

    # 整数と小数に分けてアドバタイズデータに設定
    advdata(27:1) = (a*10) + b
    advdata(28:1) = c

    call gap_set_adv_data(0, 30, advdata(0:30))

# Disconnection event listener
event connection_disconnected(handle, result)
    call gap_set_adv_parameters(20, 100, 7)

    #set to advertising mode - with user data
    call gap_set_mode(4, gap_undirected_connectable)

우선 완성

iOS측의 구현은 자주 있는 iBeacon의 구현이므로 생략.

마지막 3은 BLE113을 사용합니다 (1과 2는 BLE112). 온도가 전혀 맞지 않는다. 내부 온도 센서를 사용하는 것은 역시 좋지 않은가…


  • 첫 번째 iBeacon 샘플보다 이번이 간단합니다 (gatt.xml에 UUID를 설정하지 않아도 됨).
  • Minor값은 16bit까지 설정할 수 있으므로, 28.5도라면 285로 설정해 마지막 한 자리수를 소수로 설정하려고 했는데 모르겠다. 우선 최초의 8bit를 정수. 다음 8bit를 소수로 했다. (예 : 0001101100000010에서 27.2도를 어떻게 계산합니다 ...
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