opencv 소스 코드 분석: cvCreateTreeCascadeClassifier
23050 단어 adaboost직렬 분류 기opencv 소스 코드 분석
* dirname -
* , 0, 1, 2, ... (nstages-1).
* vecfilename - .vec ,
* bgfilename -
* bg_vecfile - bgfilename , true
* npos -
* nneg -
* nstages -
* numprecalculated - , : (number_of_samples*(sizeof( float ) + sizeof( short ))) bytes
* numsplits -
* 1 - stumps, 2 and more - trees.
* minhitrate -
* maxfalsealarm -
* weightfraction -
* mode - 0 - BASIC = Viola
* 1 - CORE = All upright
* 2 - ALL = All features
* symmetric - 0
* equalweights - 0
* winwidth -
* winheight -
* boosttype -
* 0 - Discrete AdaBoost
* 1 - Real AdaBoost
* 2 - LogitBoost
* 3 - Gentle AdaBoost
* stumperror - Discrete AdaBoost
* 0 -
* 1 -
* 2 -
void cvCreateTreeCascadeClassifier( const char* dirname,
const char* vecfilename,
const char* bgfilename,
int npos, int nneg, int nstages,
int numprecalculated,
int numsplits,
float minhitrate, float maxfalsealarm,
float weightfraction,
int mode, int symmetric,
int equalweights,
int winwidth, int winheight,
int boosttype, int stumperror,
int maxtreesplits, int minpos, bool bg_vecfile )
CvTreeCascadeClassifier* tcc = NULL;
CvIntHaarFeatures* haar_features = NULL;
CvHaarTrainingData* training_data = NULL;
CvMat* vals = NULL;
CvMat* cluster_idx = NULL;
CvMat* idx = NULL;
CvMat* features_idx = NULL;
CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateTreeCascadeClassifier" );
int i, k;
CvTreeCascadeNode* leaves;
int best_num, cur_num;
CvSize winsize;
char stage_name[PATH_MAX];
char buf[PATH_MAX];
char* suffix;
int total_splits;
int poscount; //
int negcount; //
int consumed; //
double false_alarm;
double proctime;
int nleaves;
double required_leaf_fa_rate; //
float neg_ratio; //
int max_clusters;
///* max number of clusters */
//#define CV_MAX_CLUSTERS 3
max_clusters = CV_MAX_CLUSTERS;
neg_ratio = (float) nneg / npos;
nleaves = 1 + MAX( 0, maxtreesplits );
// c++ pow(x,y) x y 。 nstages ,
required_leaf_fa_rate = pow( (double) maxfalsealarm, (double) nstages ) / nleaves;
printf( "Required leaf false alarm rate: %g
", required_leaf_fa_rate );
total_splits = 0;
winsize = cvSize( winwidth, winheight );
CV_CALL( cluster_idx = cvCreateMat( 1, npos + nneg, CV_32SC1 ) );
CV_CALL( idx = cvCreateMat( 1, npos + nneg, CV_32SC1 ) );
CV_CALL( tcc = (CvTreeCascadeClassifier*)
icvLoadTreeCascadeClassifier( dirname, winwidth + 1, &total_splits ) );
CV_CALL( leaves = icvFindDeepestLeaves( tcc ) );
CV_CALL( icvPrintTreeCascade( tcc->root ) );
haar_features = icvCreateIntHaarFeatures( winsize, mode, symmetric );
printf( "Number of features used : %d
", haar_features->count );
training_data = icvCreateHaarTrainingData( winsize, npos + nneg );
sprintf( stage_name, "%s/", dirname );
suffix = stage_name + strlen( stage_name );
if (! bg_vecfile)
if( !icvInitBackgroundReaders( bgfilename, winsize ) && nstages > 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Unable to read negative images" );
if( nstages > 0 )
/* width-first search in the tree */
CvSplit* first_split;
CvSplit* last_split;
CvSplit* cur_split;
CvTreeCascadeNode* parent;
CvTreeCascadeNode* cur_node;
CvTreeCascadeNode* last_node;
first_split = last_split = cur_split = NULL;
parent = leaves;
leaves = NULL;
int best_clusters; /* best selected number of clusters */
float posweight, negweight;
double leaf_fa_rate;
if( parent ) sprintf( buf, "%d", parent->idx );
else sprintf( buf, "NULL" );
printf( "
Parent node: %s
", buf );
printf( "*** 1 cluster ***
" );
tcc->eval = icvEvalTreeCascadeClassifierFilter;
/* find path from the root to the node <parent> */
icvSetLeafNode( tcc, parent );
/* load samples */
consumed = 0;
poscount = icvGetHaarTrainingDataFromVec( training_data, 0, npos,
(CvIntHaarClassifier*) tcc, vecfilename, &consumed );
printf( "POS: %d %d %f
", poscount, consumed, ((double) poscount)/consumed );
if( poscount <= 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Unable to obtain positive samples" );
fflush( stdout );
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
nneg = (int) (neg_ratio * poscount);
negcount = icvGetHaarTrainingDataFromBG( training_data, poscount, nneg,
(CvIntHaarClassifier*) tcc, &false_alarm, bg_vecfile ? bgfilename : NULL );
printf( "NEG: %d %g
", negcount, false_alarm );
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
if( negcount <= 0 )
CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Unable to obtain negative samples" );
leaf_fa_rate = false_alarm;
if( leaf_fa_rate <= required_leaf_fa_rate )
printf( "Required leaf false alarm rate achieved. "
"Branch training terminated.
" );
else if( nleaves == 1 && tcc->next_idx == nstages )
printf( "Required number of stages achieved. "
"Branch training terminated.
" );
CvTreeCascadeNode* single_cluster;
CvTreeCascadeNode* multiple_clusters;
int single_num;
icvSetNumSamples( training_data, poscount + negcount );
posweight = (equalweights) ? 1.0F / (poscount + negcount) : (0.5F/poscount);
negweight = (equalweights) ? 1.0F / (poscount + negcount) : (0.5F/negcount);
icvSetWeightsAndClasses( training_data,
poscount, posweight, 1.0F, negcount, negweight, 0.0F );
fflush( stdout );
/* precalculate feature values */
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
icvPrecalculate( training_data, haar_features, numprecalculated );// haar_features numprecalculated
printf( "Precalculation time: %.2f
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
/* train stage classifier using all positive samples */
CV_CALL( single_cluster = icvCreateTreeCascadeNode() );
fflush( stdout );
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
single_cluster->stage =
(CvStageHaarClassifier*) icvCreateCARTStageClassifier( //
training_data, NULL, haar_features,
minhitrate, maxfalsealarm, symmetric,
weightfraction, numsplits, (CvBoostType) boosttype,
(CvStumpError) stumperror, 0 );
printf( "Stage training time: %.2f
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
single_num = icvNumSplits( single_cluster->stage );//
best_num = single_num;
best_clusters = 1;
multiple_clusters = NULL;
printf( "Number of used features: %d
", single_num );
if( maxtreesplits >= 0 )
max_clusters = MIN( max_clusters, maxtreesplits - total_splits + 1 );
/* try clustering */
vals = NULL;
for( k = 2; k <= max_clusters; k++ )
int cluster;
int stop_clustering;
printf( "*** %d clusters ***
", k );
/* check whether clusters are big enough */
stop_clustering = ( k * minpos > poscount );
if( !stop_clustering )
if( k == 2 )
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
CV_CALL( vals = icvGetUsedValues( training_data, 0, poscount,
haar_features, single_cluster->stage ) ); //
printf( "Getting values for clustering time: %.2f
", (proctime + TIME(0)) );
printf( "Value matirx size: %d x %d
", vals->rows, vals->cols );
fflush( stdout );
cluster_idx->cols = vals->rows;
for( i = 0; i < negcount; i++ ) idx->data.i[i] = poscount + i;
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
*cvKMeans2( vals, k, cluster_idx, CV_TERM_CRITERIA() )
*vals: , 。
*cluster_idx : , cluster_count 。
CV_CALL( cvKMeans2( vals, k, cluster_idx, CV_TERM_CRITERIA() ) );
printf( "Clustering time: %.2f
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
for( cluster = 0; cluster < k; cluster++ ) num[cluster] = 0;
for( i = 0; i < cluster_idx->cols; i++ )
for( cluster = 0; cluster < k; cluster++ )
if( num[cluster] < minpos )
stop_clustering = 1;
if( stop_clustering )
printf( "Clusters are too small. Clustering aborted.
" );
cur_num = 0;
cur_node = last_node = NULL;
for( cluster = 0; (cluster < k) && (cur_num < best_num); cluster++ )
CvTreeCascadeNode* new_node;
int num_splits;
int last_pos;
int total_pos;
printf( "Cluster: %d
", cluster );
last_pos = negcount;
for( i = 0; i < cluster_idx->cols; i++ )
if( cluster_idx->data.i[i] == cluster )
idx->data.i[last_pos++] = i;
idx->cols = last_pos;
total_pos = idx->cols - negcount;
printf( "# pos: %d of %d. (%d%%)
", total_pos, poscount,
100 * total_pos / poscount );
CV_CALL( new_node = icvCreateTreeCascadeNode() );
if( last_node ) last_node->next = new_node;
else cur_node = new_node;
last_node = new_node;
posweight = (equalweights)
? 1.0F / (total_pos + negcount) : (0.5F / total_pos);
negweight = (equalweights)
? 1.0F / (total_pos + negcount) : (0.5F / negcount);
icvSetWeightsAndClasses( training_data,
poscount, posweight, 1.0F, negcount, negweight, 0.0F );
/* CV_DEBUG_SAVE( idx ); */
fflush( stdout );
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
new_node->stage = (CvStageHaarClassifier*)
icvCreateCARTStageClassifier( training_data, idx, haar_features,
minhitrate, maxfalsealarm, symmetric,
weightfraction, numsplits, (CvBoostType) boosttype,
(CvStumpError) stumperror, best_num - cur_num );
printf( "Stage training time: %.2f
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
if( !(new_node->stage) )
printf( "Stage training aborted.
" );
cur_num = best_num + 1;
num_splits = icvNumSplits( new_node->stage );
cur_num += num_splits;
printf( "Number of used features: %d
", num_splits );
} /* for each cluster */
if( cur_num < best_num )
icvReleaseTreeCascadeNodes( &multiple_clusters );
best_num = cur_num;
best_clusters = k;
multiple_clusters = cur_node;
icvReleaseTreeCascadeNodes( &cur_node );
} /* try different number of clusters */
cvReleaseMat( &vals );
CvSplit* curSplit;
CV_CALL( curSplit = (CvSplit*) cvAlloc( sizeof( *curSplit ) ) );
CV_ZERO_OBJ( curSplit );
if( last_split ) last_split->next = curSplit;
else first_split = curSplit;
last_split = curSplit;
curSplit->single_cluster = single_cluster;
curSplit->multiple_clusters = multiple_clusters;
curSplit->num_clusters = best_clusters;
curSplit->parent = parent;
curSplit->single_multiple_ratio = (float) single_num / best_num;
if( parent ) parent = parent->next_same_level;
} while( parent );
/* choose which nodes should be splitted */
float max_single_multiple_ratio;
cur_split = NULL;
max_single_multiple_ratio = 0.0F;
last_split = first_split;
while( last_split )
if( last_split->single_cluster && last_split->multiple_clusters &&
last_split->single_multiple_ratio > max_single_multiple_ratio )
max_single_multiple_ratio = last_split->single_multiple_ratio;
cur_split = last_split;
last_split = last_split->next;
if( cur_split )
if( maxtreesplits < 0 ||
cur_split->num_clusters <= maxtreesplits - total_splits + 1 )
cur_split->single_cluster = NULL;
total_splits += cur_split->num_clusters - 1;
icvReleaseTreeCascadeNodes( &(cur_split->multiple_clusters) );
cur_split->multiple_clusters = NULL;
} while( cur_split );
/* attach new nodes to the tree */
leaves = last_node = NULL;
last_split = first_split;
while( last_split )
cur_node = (last_split->multiple_clusters)
? last_split->multiple_clusters : last_split->single_cluster;
parent = last_split->parent;
if( parent ) parent->child = cur_node;
/* connect leaves via next_same_level and save them */
for( ; cur_node; cur_node = cur_node->next )
FILE* file;
if( last_node ) last_node->next_same_level = cur_node;
else leaves = cur_node;
last_node = cur_node;
cur_node->parent = parent;
cur_node->idx = tcc->next_idx;
sprintf( suffix, "%d/%s", cur_node->idx, CV_STAGE_CART_FILE_NAME );
file = NULL;
if( icvMkDir( stage_name ) && (file = fopen( stage_name, "w" )) != 0 )
cur_node->stage->save( (CvIntHaarClassifier*) cur_node->stage, file );
fprintf( file, "
((parent) ? parent->idx : -1),
((cur_node->next) ? tcc->next_idx : -1) );
printf( "Failed to save classifier into %s
", stage_name );
if( file ) fclose( file );
if( parent ) sprintf( buf, "%d", parent->idx );
else sprintf( buf, "NULL" );
printf( "
Parent node: %s
", buf );
printf( "Chosen number of splits: %d
", (last_split->multiple_clusters)
? (last_split->num_clusters - 1) : 0 );
cur_split = last_split;
last_split = last_split->next;
cvFree( &cur_split );
} /* for each split point */
printf( "Total number of splits: %d
", total_splits );
if( !(tcc->root) ) tcc->root = leaves;
CV_CALL( icvPrintTreeCascade( tcc->root ) );
} while( leaves );
/* save the cascade to xml file */
char xml_path[1024];
int len = (int)strlen(dirname);
CvHaarClassifierCascade* cascade = 0;
strcpy( xml_path, dirname );
if( xml_path[len-1] == '\\' || xml_path[len-1] == '/' )
strcpy( xml_path + len, ".xml" );
cascade = cvLoadHaarClassifierCascade( dirname, cvSize(winwidth,winheight) );
if( cascade )
cvSave( xml_path, cascade );
cvReleaseHaarClassifierCascade( &cascade );
} /* if( nstages > 0 ) */
/* check cascade performance */
printf( "
Cascade performance
" );
tcc->eval = icvEvalTreeCascadeClassifier;
/* load samples */
consumed = 0;
poscount = icvGetHaarTrainingDataFromVec( training_data, 0, npos,
(CvIntHaarClassifier*) tcc, vecfilename, &consumed );
printf( "POS: %d %d %f
", poscount, consumed,
(consumed > 0) ? (((float) poscount)/consumed) : 0 );
if( poscount <= 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to obtain positive samples
" );
proctime = -TIME( 0 );
negcount = icvGetHaarTrainingDataFromBG( training_data, poscount, nneg,
(CvIntHaarClassifier*) tcc, &false_alarm, bg_vecfile ? bgfilename : NULL );
printf( "NEG: %d %g
", negcount, false_alarm );
", (proctime + TIME( 0 )) );
if( negcount <= 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "Warning: unable to obtain negative samples
" );
if (! bg_vecfile)
if( tcc ) tcc->release( (CvIntHaarClassifier**) &tcc );
icvReleaseIntHaarFeatures( &haar_features );
icvReleaseHaarTrainingData( &training_data );
cvReleaseMat( &cluster_idx );
cvReleaseMat( &idx );
cvReleaseMat( &vals );
cvReleaseMat( &features_idx );
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opencv 소스 코드 분석: cvCreateTreeCascadeClassifier저 는 opencv 2.4.9 를 사 용 했 습 니 다. cvCreate Tree Cascade Classifier 의 소스 코드 는... opencv \ sources \ apps \ haartraining \ c...
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