Haystack - Search for Django

1676 단어 django
Haystack - Search for Django
Search doesn't have to be hard. Haystack lets you write your search
code once and choose the search engine you want it to run on. With a
familiar API that should make any Djangonaut feel right at home and
an architecture that allows you to swap things in and out as you need
to, it's how search ought to be.
Haystack is
BSD licensed ,
plays nicely with third-party apps without needing to modify the
source and supports
Solr ,
Elasticsearch ,
Whoosh and
Xapian .
Get started
  • Install the package: 
  • Latest stable (1.2.6) off PyPI: pip install django-haystack
  • Latest dev (2.0.0-beta) off GitHub: pip install -e git+https://github.com/toastdriven/django-haystack.git@master#egg=django-haystack

  • Add haystack to your INSTALLED_APPS .
  • Create search_indexes.py files for your models.
  • Setup the main SearchIndex via autodiscover .
  • Include haystack.urls to your URLconf.
  • Search!
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