Error message when I run sudo: unable to resolve host

1260 단어 sudo
I have this issue on AWS on some servers. Whenever I run  sudo  the terminal is stuck doing seemingly nothing, until it finally spits out this error message. My terminal looks like this:
ubuntu@(none):~$ sudo true
sudo: unable to resolve host (none)

What can I do to solve it?
Please post the contents of  /etc/hostname  and  /etc/hosts make sure your hostname  same with  hosts . e.g. the hostname is ubuntu-pc and hosts is ubuntu-pcmust be same.
wo things to check (assuming your machine is called  my-machine , you can change this as appropriate):
  • That the  /etc/hostname  file contains just the name of the machine.
  • That  /etc/hosts  has an entry for  localhost . It should have something like:    localhost.localdomain localhost    my-machine

  • If either of these files aren't correct (since you can't sudo), you may have to reboot the machine into recovery mode and make the modifications, then reboot to your usual environment.

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