Dogelog Q&A: Can I run it on an iPad?

To help understand Dogelog, we made a little Q&A. Here are the results:

What is a Cross Compiler?

Q: What does it mean that Dogelog was produced by a cross compiler?
A: Dogelog is not enteirely written in JavaScript, a great part was written in Prolog and then cross compiled into JavaScript.

Q: Can Dogelog be run without Android?
A: Yes, since the result after cross compilation was entirely JavaScript, you can run it everywhere where you find JavaScript, no Android required.

Q: Can Dogelog be run without internet connection?
A: Yes, the compilation has only generated client code, there is no server code, so once the JavaScript is loaded, you can run it without a connection.

Q: Can Dogelog be run without a Browser?
A: Yes, its also possible to run Dogelog from within node.js for
example, which is headless.

Does it run on Smartphones?

Q: Can Dogelog be run from within a smartphone?
A: Yes, if you find a capable JavaScript environment you can also
run it on a small device as a smartphone.

Q: Can a smartphone use be demonstrated?
A: Yes we have updated the link ㅋㅋㅋ xぉg. ch so
that it does automatic zooming, by adding these lines:
    body {
        font-family: verdana, sans-serif;
        font-size: 2vw;
        line-height: 1.4em

Here is a screenshot, even an offline use, where the
internet connection was cut off after Dogelog was loaded:

Does it run on Tablets?

Q: Can a tablet use be demonstrated?
A: Yes the same link h tp // w w. 도게ぉg. ch/ also works for tablets. Strangely the same Chrome browser has better rendering on a Apple iPad than on Smasung smartphone. But this is an issue of HTML/CSS and not of Dogelog:

Q: For further questions about Dogelog, where should I go?
A: Documentation about Dogelog will soon be out, tickets with bug reports or feature requests can be opened on GitHub at:
htps : // 기주 b. 코 m / j 부 r 세 / 도게 ぉ g도 온 / 이스에 s

See also previous post:

Dogelog Runtime, Prolog to the Moon
htps : // 이 m/j4응_부 r53/있어 ms/17f86429745426bd14fd

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