자신의 사전 커밋 후크 만들기

12292 단어 hooktutorialgitpython
이 튜토리얼에서 우리는 유일무이한 pre-commit 에 의해 만들어진 멋진 패키지Anthony Sottile를 사용하여 아주 기본적인 git hook을 만들 것입니다 👏👏.

후크는 매우 기본적입니다. 단위 테스트가 없거나 실제 프로젝트에서 매우 기능적이지 않을 것입니다. 놀라운 것을 만드는 데 필요한 첫 번째 단계를 보여 주지만.

I recommend you using a virtual environment to follow this tutorial.

튜토리얼 색인

  • Create the structure of the project
  • Create the functionality
  • Turn it into a python package
  • Turn it into a hook
  • Test it

  • 1. 프로젝트 구조 만들기

    Please create the following structure:

    ├── test-the-hook-in-this-folder
    └── the-hook
        ├── print_arguments
        │   ├── __init__.py
        │   └── main.py
        ├── setup.cfg
        └── setup.py
    • test-the-hook-in-this-folder : Folder in which we will test our hook by the end of the tutorial (we won't use it until step 5).
    • the-hook : Folder that contains all the files required for the package.
    • print_arguments : This is our python package (and also a spoiler of what our hook will do).
    • __init__.py : Turn the folder that contains it into a package.
    • main.py : Here is where the logic of the hook will be.
    • setup.py : Necessary for building our package.
    • setup.cfg : Describe our package.

    2. 기능 생성

    I will work in the the-hook folder for steps 2 to 4.

    For creating the functionality, we only need to edit the main.py file:

    # print_arguments/main.py
    import argparse
    def print_arguments(arguments: list[str]):
        for argument in arguments:
    def main():
        parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        parser.add_argument("filenames", nargs="*")
        args = parser.parse_args()
    if __name__ == "__main__":

    Yes, our hook will print the arguments we pass to it. We can test its functionality:

    python print_arguments/main.py arg1 arg2 arg3



    3. 파이썬 패키지로 변환

    To do this, we need to edit our 2 setup files.


    # setup.py
    from setuptools import setup


    # setup.cfg
    name = print-arguments
    description = print the arguments you pass
    version = 0.1.0
    author = Jorge Alvarado
    author_email = [email protected]
    license = MIT
    url = https://jorgealvarado.me
    packages = find:
    console_scripts =
        print-arguments = print_arguments.main:main

    Important points:

    • packages = find: : It help us find our print_arguments package when packaging.
    • console_scripts : This is our entry point, with this we kind of expose our function to the world. The name of our single entry point, in this case print-arguments , will be used by pre-commit .

    You can choose other values for the rest of the points.

    Install the package with:

    pip install .

    Make sure you are in the-hook folder when running that command.

    4. 후크로 돌립니다.

    For our hook to work we need our project to be a git repository. So let's do that by running the following commands (make sure you are in the the-hook folder):

    Initialize the git repository:

    git init

    Add every file and commit them:

    git add .; git commit -m "Create the package"

    Now the hook part. First let's install pre-commit :

    pip install pre-commit

    Create a .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file inside the the-hook folder and edit it:

    # .pre-commit-hooks.yaml
    - id: some-id
      name: some-name
      description: some description
      entry: print-arguments
      language: python
    • id : The id of our hook. We will need it for testing and in the future if someone wants to use our hook, the id will be required.
    • name : The name of the hook, it is what is shown during hook execution.
    • description (optional): Description of the hook.
    • entry : The entry point, the executable to run. It has to match with the entry point name defined inside our setup.cfg .
    • language : The language of the hook, it tells pre-commit how to install the hook.

    👀 See a complete list of the options.

    이 단계를 완료하려면 후크 항목을 커밋해야 합니다.

    git add .; git commit -m "Create a hook"

    5. 테스트

    Time to use the test-the-hook-in-this-folder folder. Change directory to that folder, once there, let's create a very little git project:

    Create some files

    touch a.py b.py

    Initialize the git repository:

    git init

    Commit the files:

    git add .; git commit -m "Create the project"

    Finally, let's test our hook:

    pre-commit try-repo ../the-hook some-id --verbose --all-files


    - hook id: some-id
    - duration: 0.08s


    • We got some-name in the output, because that's what we defined in our .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file.
    • We used some-id (defined in the .pre-commit-hooks.yaml file as well) in the command to refer to our hook (we could have multiple hooks).
    • a.py and b.py were printed. That's because we used the flag --all-files in our command (If we didn't, the hook execution would have been skipped, because there are no new/edited files for git).

    Remember that you need to be in the test-the-hook-in-this-folder folder for the command just used to work.

    If we now add a new file to our test folder:

    touch c.py

    We track it with git:

    git add c.py

    And then we run the command without the --all-files flag:

    pre-commit try-repo ../the-hook some-id --verbose

    We get:

    - hook id: some-id
    - duration: 0.07s

    As you can see, only c.py was printed this time, because is the only new/edited file for git, so our hook was run only against that file. This is the behavior you will normally want.

    Now you know how to create a pre-commit hook 🪝! Go and make cool things with this knowledge 😁.

    Let me know if you create a hook or something. This is one 몇 주 전에 만들었습니다.

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