2048 미니 게임 C 언어 구현 코드

32661 단어 C 언어2048 게임
본 논문 의 사례 는 C 언어 가 2048 게임 을 실현 하 는 구체 적 인 코드 를 공유 하여 여러분 께 참고 하 시기 바 랍 니 다.구체 적 인 내용 은 다음 과 같 습 니 다.
대학 1 학년 때 c 언어 를 배 워 서 잘 못 썼 는데 그 때 는 괜 찮 았 어 요.
환경 실행 vc 6.0,cpp 파일.
기본적으로 c 가 썼 지만 글꼴 색상 을 바 꾸 고 콘 솔 에서 커서 를 이동 하 는 등 c 가 아 닌 것 같 습 니 다.


#define x0 26 
#define y0 1 
/*    */ 
void p(int*a,int i,int x,int y); 
/*      */ 
void shua(void); 
/*          */ 
int test(void); 
/*      */ 
void kg(int*a); 
/*        */ 
void ct(int x,int y,int l,int k,int c); 
/*    2048*/ 
void p2048(int x,int y); 
/*         */ 
int col(int*a); 
/*    */ 
void gotoxy(int x,int y) 
 COORD coordScreen={0,0}; 
/*    */ 
void textcolor(int color) 
/*    */ 
void prin(int*a,int*score,int*scoremax) 
 int i; 
 for (i = 0; i < 16; i++) 

score=%d MAXscore=%d
", *score, *scoremax); } /* */ int shu(void) { int s = 0; s = 1 + (int)(12.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); if (s == 12) return 4; else return 2; } /* */ int rands(void) { return (int)(16.0 * rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)); } /* */ int main(void) { int flag = 0, c = 0, pd = 1, n = 0, i = 0, m = 0, j = 0, sj, sj1, sj2, a[16] = { 0 }, b[16] ={0}, x = 0, score = 0, t = 0, jx = 0, scoremax = 0,ks=1,yx=0; char sr,an; // p2048(17,1); textcolor(255); gotoxy(35,15); for(;;) { an=getch(); switch(an) { case 72: if(ks==1) ks=0; else ks=1; break; case 80: if(ks==1) ks=0; else ks=1; break; case '\r': yx=1; break; default: break; } if(ks==1) gotoxy(35,15); else gotoxy(34,18); if(ks==1&&yx==1) break; else if(ks==0&&yx==1) { textcolor(240); gotoxy(0,0); for(i=0;i<=500;i++) { printf(" "); } gotoxy(0,0); ct(12,5,58,10,223); gotoxy(13,6); printf(" 2048 "); gotoxy(13,8); printf(" , 。"); gotoxy(13,9); printf(" 2048 , 。"); gotoxy(13,11); printf(" :"); gotoxy(13,13); printf(" :↑ :↓ :← :→ :r :e"); textcolor(240); printf("

I know "); getch(); p2048(17,1); textcolor(255); gotoxy(34,18); } yx=0; } // HANDLE hOut=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); cci.bVisible=FALSE; SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); // textcolor(240); gotoxy(0,0); for(i=0;i<=500;i++) { printf(" "); } gotoxy(0,0); /* */ srand((int)time(0)); /* */ sj = rands(); sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); for (;;) { if (sj == sj1 || sj == sj2 || sj1 == sj2) { sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); } else break; } a[sj] = shu(); a[sj1] = shu(); a[sj2] = shu(); /* */ prin(a,&score,&scoremax); for (;;) { /* */ sr = getch(); /* scanf("%d",&n); *//* , */ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) b[j] = a[j]; switch (sr) { /* */ case 72: /* */ for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) { for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (a[j] == 0) { a[j] = a[j + 4]; a[j + 4] = 0; } if (a[j + 4] == 0) { a[j + 4] = a[j + 8]; a[j + 8] = 0; } if (a[j + 8] == 0) { a[j + 8] = a[j + 12]; a[j + 12] = 0; } } /* */ if (a[j] == a[j + 4]) { a[j] = a[j] * 2; score = score + a[j]; a[j + 4] = a[j + 8]; a[j + 8] = a[j + 12]; a[j + 12] = 0; if (a[j + 4] == a[j + 8]) { a[j + 4] = 2 * a[j + 4]; score = score + a[j + 4]; a[j + 8] = 0; } } else if (a[j + 4] == a[j + 8]) { a[j + 4] = 2 * a[j + 4]; score = score + a[j + 4]; a[j + 8] = a[j + 12]; a[j + 12] = 0; } else if (a[j + 8] == a[j + 12]) { a[j + 8] = 2 * a[j + 8]; score = score + a[j + 8]; a[j + 12] = 0; } else; } break; /* */ case 80: /* */ for (j = 12; j < 16; j++) { for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (a[j] == 0) { a[j] = a[j - 4]; a[j - 4] = 0; } if (a[j - 4] == 0) { a[j - 4] = a[j - 8]; a[j - 8] = 0; } if (a[j - 8] == 0) { a[j - 8] = a[j - 12]; a[j - 12] = 0; } } /* */ if (a[j] == a[j - 4]) { a[j] = a[j] * 2; score = score + a[j]; a[j - 4] = a[j - 8]; a[j - 8] = a[j - 12]; a[j - 12] = 0; if (a[j - 4] == a[j - 8]) { a[j - 4] = 2 * a[j - 4]; score = score + a[j - 4]; a[j - 8] = 0; } } else if (a[j - 4] == a[j - 8]) { a[j - 4] = 2 * a[j - 4]; score = score + a[j - 4]; a[j - 8] = a[j - 12]; a[j - 12] = 0; } else if (a[j - 8] == a[j - 12]) { a[j - 8] = 2 * a[j - 8]; score = score + a[j - 8]; a[j - 12] = 0; } else; } break; /* */ case 75: /* */ for (j = 0; j <= 12; j = j + 4) { for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (a[j] == 0) { a[j] = a[j + 1]; a[j + 1] = 0; } if (a[j + 1] == 0) { a[j + 1] = a[j + 2]; a[j + 2] = 0; } if (a[j + 2] == 0) { a[j + 2] = a[j + 3]; a[j + 3] = 0; } } /* */ if (a[j] == a[j + 1]) { a[j] = a[j] * 2; score = score + a[j]; a[j + 1] = a[j + 2]; a[j + 2] = a[j + 3]; a[j + 3] = 0; if (a[j + 1] == a[j + 2]) { a[j + 1] = 2 * a[j + 1]; score = score + a[j + 1]; a[j + 2] = 0; } } else if (a[j + 1] == a[j + 2]) { a[j + 1] = 2 * a[j + 1]; score = score + a[j + 1]; a[j + 2] = a[j + 3]; a[j + 3] = 0; } else if (a[j + 2] == a[j + 3]) { a[j + 2] = 2 * a[j + 2]; score = score + a[j + 2]; a[j + 3] = 0; } else; } break; /* */ case 77: /* */ for (j = 3; j <= 16; j = j + 4) { for (c = 0; c < 3; c++) { if (a[j] == 0) { a[j] = a[j - 1]; a[j - 1] = 0; } if (a[j - 1] == 0) { a[j - 1] = a[j - 2]; a[j - 2] = 0; } if (a[j - 2] == 0) { a[j - 2] = a[j - 3]; a[j - 3] = 0; } } /* */ if (a[j] == a[j - 1]) { a[j] = a[j] * 2; score = score + a[j]; a[j - 1] = a[j - 2]; a[j - 2] = a[j - 3]; a[j - 3] = 0; if (a[j - 1] == a[j - 2]) { a[j - 1] = 2 * a[j - 1]; score = score + a[j - 1]; a[j - 2] = 0; } } else if (a[j - 1] == a[j - 2]) { a[j - 1] = 2 * a[j - 1]; score = score + a[j - 1]; a[j - 2] = a[j - 3]; a[j - 3] = 0; } else if (a[j - 2] == a[j - 3]) { a[j - 2] = 2 * a[j - 2]; score = score + a[j - 2]; a[j - 3] = 0; } else; } break; /* */ case 'r': for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) a[j] = 0; sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); for (;;) { if (sj1 == sj2) { sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); } else break; } a[sj1] = shu(); a[sj2] = shu(); flag = 0; score = 0; jx = 0; break; /* */ case 'e': shua(); ct(32,19,15,3,207); printf(" !"); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); getch(); return 0; break; /* ( ) */ default: ; break; } /*windows */ //system ("cls"); /* */ if (score > scoremax) scoremax = score; /* ( 2048) */ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (a[j] == 2048 && jx == 0) { /* */ /* */ prin(a,&score,&scoremax); shua(); ct(20,19,15,3,207); printf(" !"); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); t=2; an=75; yx=0; for(;;) { an=getch(); switch(an) { case 72: if(t==2) { t=3; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(38,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(47,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); } else if(t==1) { t=2; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(47,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); } else { t=1; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(38,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(47,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(49,19); printf(" Continue "); } break; case 80: if(t==2) { t=1; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(38,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(47,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); } else if(t==1) { t=3; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(38,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(47,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(49,19); printf(" Continue "); } else { t=2; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(47,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); } break; case '\r': yx=1; break; } if(yx==1) { yx=0; break; } } shua(); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); /* */ if (t == 1) { shua(); pd = 1; x = 0; for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) a[j] = 0; sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); for (;;) { if (sj1 == sj2) { sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); } else break; } a[sj1] = shu(); a[sj2] = shu(); for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) b[j] = a[j]; flag = 0; score = 0; break; } /* */ else if (t == 2) { jx = 1; shua(); } else { shua(); ct(32,19,15,3,207); printf(" !"); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); getch(); return 0; } } } /* */ /* flag,pd,x */ flag = 0; pd = 1; x = 0; /* :pd=0 ,pd=1 */ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (a[j] == 0) pd = 0; } /* :x=1 ,x=0 */ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (a[j] != b[j]) { x = 1; break; } } /* */ if (pd == 0 && x == 1) { for (;;) { sj = rands(); if (a[sj] == 0) { a[sj] = shu(); break; } else; } } /* */ /* */ else if (pd != 0) { /* */ for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) { if (j != 3 && j != 7 && j != 11 && j != 15 && a[j] == a[j + 1]) { flag = flag + 1; } if (j != 12 && j != 13 && j != 14 && j != 15 && a[j] == a[j + 4]) { flag = flag + 1; } if (j != 0 && j != 4 && j != 8 && j != 12 && a[j] == a[j - 1]) { flag = flag + 1; } if (j != 0 && j != 1 && j != 2 && j != 3 && a[j] == a[j - 4]) { flag = flag + 1; } } /* */ if (flag == 0) { /* */ /* */ prin(a,&score,&scoremax); shua(); ct(20,19,15,3,271); printf(" !"); textcolor(240); gotoxy(38,19); printf("Whether continue the game ?"); gotoxy(44,21); printf("@Yes No"); gotoxy(44,21); t=1; an=75; yx=0; for(;;) { an=getch(); switch(an) { case 75: if(t==1) { t=0; gotoxy(53,21); printf("@"); gotoxy(44,21); printf(" "); } else { t=1; gotoxy(44,21); printf("@"); gotoxy(53,21); printf(" "); } break; case 77: if(t==1) { t=0; gotoxy(53,21); printf("@"); gotoxy(44,21); printf(" "); } else { t=1; gotoxy(44,21); printf("@"); gotoxy(53,21); printf(" "); } break; case '\r': yx=1; break; } if(yx==1) { yx=0; break; } } shua(); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); if (t == 1) { for (j = 0; j < 16; j++) a[j] = 0; sj=rands(); sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); for (;;) { if (sj1 ==sj2||sj1==sj||sj2==sj) { sj1 = rands(); sj2 = rands(); } else break; } a[sj]=shu(); a[sj1] = shu(); a[sj2] = shu(); score = 0; jx = 0; } else { shua(); ct(32,19,15,3,207); printf(" !"); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); getch(); return 0; } } } else; /* */ prin(a,&score,&scoremax); } return 0; } /* */ void p(int*a,int i,int x,int y) { int x1=x,y1=y; textcolor(col(a+i)); x1=x+(i%4)*7; y1=y+(i/4)*4; gotoxy(x1,y1); printf(" "); gotoxy(x1,y1+1); kg(a+i); gotoxy(x1,y1+2); printf(" "); textcolor(240); } /* */ void kg(int*a) { if(*a==0) printf(" ",*a); else if(*a<10) printf(" %d ",*a); else if(*a<100) printf(" %d ",*a); else if(*a<1000) printf(" %d ",*a); else if(*a<10000) printf("%d ",*a); else printf("%d",*a); } /* */ int col(int*a) { int co=127; if(*(a)==0) co=127; else if(*(a)==2) co=143; else if(*(a)==4) co=191; else if(*(a)==8) co=175; else if(*(a)==16) co=239; else if(*(a)==32) co=223; else if(*(a)==64) co=207; else if(*(a)==128) co=95; else if(*(a)==256) co=159; else if(*(a)==512) co=63; else if(*(a)==1024) co=111; else if(*(a)==2048) co=79; else if(*(a)==4096) co=287; else co=271; return co; } /* 2048*/ void p2048(int x,int y) { int i; textcolor(240); gotoxy(0,0); for(i=0;i<=500;i++) { printf(" "); } //2 textcolor(207); gotoxy(x,y); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+7,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+7,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+4); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+5); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+6); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+7); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+8); printf(" "); gotoxy(x,y+9); printf(" "); //0 textcolor(239); gotoxy(x+13,y); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+4); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+4); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+5); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+5); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+6); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+6); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+7); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13+7,y+7); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+8); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+13,y+9); printf(" "); //4 textcolor(159); gotoxy(x+26,y); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26+7,y); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26+7,y+1); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26+7,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26+7,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+4); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+5); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+6); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+7); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+8); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+26,y+9); printf(" "); //8 textcolor(175); for(i=0;i<10;i++) { gotoxy(x+39,y+i); printf(" "); } textcolor(240); gotoxy(x+42,y+2); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+42,y+3); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+42,y+6); printf(" "); gotoxy(x+42,y+7); printf(" "); // ct(35,15,20,1,240); printf(" Game Sart"); ct(35,18,20,1,240); printf("How to play"); printf("
"); printf("

Made by Mr Yan"); gotoxy(35-25,15); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); } /* */ void ct(int x,int y,int l,int k,int c) { int i=0,j=0; textcolor(c); gotoxy(x,y); for(i=0;i<k;i++) { gotoxy(x,y+i); for(j=0;j<l;j++) { printf(" "); } } gotoxy(x+1,y+k/2); } void shua(void) { gotoxy(0,18); textcolor(255); printf("
"); printf("
"); printf("
"); printf("
"); printf("
"); printf("
"); gotoxy(0,0); } /* */ int test(void) { int i,t,yx; char an; textcolor(240); gotoxy(0,0); for(i=0;i<=500;i++) { printf(" "); } gotoxy(0,0); HANDLE hOut=GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE); CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci; GetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); cci.bVisible=FALSE; SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut,&cci); //printf("
"); 2 1 3 /* 2 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); 2 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(49,19); printf(" Continue "); 1 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(38,20); printf(" Restart "); 1 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); 3 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(38,21); printf(" Exit "); 3 textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); // 0000000000000000000000000 24 */ shua(); ct(20,19,15,3,207); printf(" !"); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); t=2; an=75; yx=0; for(;;) { an=getch(); switch(an) { case 72: if(t==2) { t=3; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(38,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(47,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); } else if(t==1) { t=2; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(47,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); } else { t=1; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(38,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(47,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(49,19); printf(" Continue "); } break; case 80: if(t==2) { t=1; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(38,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(47,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(49,21); printf(" Exit "); } else if(t==1) { t=3; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(38,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(47,20); printf(" Restart "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(49,19); printf(" Continue "); } else { t=2; textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,19); printf(" "); textcolor(159); gotoxy(38,19); printf(" Continue "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,21); printf(" "); textcolor(175); gotoxy(47,21); printf(" Exit "); textcolor(240); gotoxy(36,20); printf(" "); textcolor(239); gotoxy(49,20); printf(" Restart "); } break; case '\r': yx=1; break; } if(yx==1) { yx=0; break; } } shua(); textcolor(255); gotoxy(0,0); textcolor(240); if(t==2) printf("Continue "); else if(t==1) printf("Restart "); else printf("Exit "); return 0; }
이상 이 바로 본 고의 모든 내용 입 니 다.여러분 의 학습 에 도움 이 되 고 저 희 를 많이 응원 해 주 셨 으 면 좋 겠 습 니 다.

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