기업이 웹 애플리케이션 개발을 위해 ASP.NET Core를 선택하는 이유는 무엇입니까?

ASP.NET Core가 ? Here, we have mentioned some reasons for that:

1. Open Source Framework

Open source code is amongst the main reasons why ASP.net has become so popular amongst web application developers. At present, this framework code is available on GitHub, where it will be possible for anybody to alter, review, or even contribute. Apart from this, there is the massive .net core community supporting the results in seamless and fast application development.

All bug fixes and improvements are quicker, and they are released quite regularly such that there is no need for you to wait for a long time to harness the most recent developments.

One more reason why ASP.net core has become quite popular amongst the developers happens to be the flexibility of the open-source framework.

You will be able to add libraries, framework components, and so on as per the project’s requirement. Furthermore, there is no need to upgrade the framework once a new package or an updated version is available. This will help to save a considerable amount of time.

2. Cross-platform support

Cross-platform implementation architecture is amongst the best things regarding NET development. Although the framework has been built to run only on Windows tools and applications created, it can function seamlessly on other platforms like Windows, Linux, and Mac OS. Visual Studio IDE is featured by enabling the developers to create web apps on any OS of their preference and attain project collaboration.

Independent packaging and installation are featured by .Net core, which happens to be cross-platform compatible. This helps to make it an outstanding framework for developing top-notch web applications. After the app has been created, it offers the option for reusing the code again for developing the application irrespective of the platform or OS.

3. High performance

One of the essential aspects considered by developers for effective ASP.Net development services will be superior performance. ASP.net core will assure you of outstanding performance, scalability, and flexibility that helps in writing reusable, simple-to-maintain, and effective programming codes. This is feasible with the opportunity of leveraging core libraries and tool optimization.

Automation code optimization is facilitated by the one-of-a-kind web development framework at the time of compilation. This aids in enhancing the codes’ performance.

Apart from this, innovative concepts, upgrades, or quicker release cycles associated with space allocation and memory make it an effective open-source framework for IoT, mobile, and cloud apps.

Although this modular framework is not intended only for the developers, it likewise provides an affordable and reliable solution through the applications. The most recent introduction of the Kestrel web server helps make the .net core framework among the most powerful and fastest web frameworks.

4. Sophisticated programming features

It is a fact that the ASP.Net stack has gone through a significant overhaul, presenting the ASP.net core framework to you with lots of sophisticated features. These consist of:

Cross-platform architecture

Automated memory management

Garbage collection

Package management

Asynchronous programming

Language independence

Simple to customize enterprise-grade web applications which are rich in features

Multiple language support

Impeccable development of RESTful APIs and MVC web apps

These features help make it faster, easier, and efficient for the developers to create robust and contemporary web apps.

5. Razor Pages

This particular innovative feature has been included in the most recent Microsoft dot net core framework. The primary objective will be to integrate more efficiency while developing page-focused environments. This page-based coding architecture allows the developers of any dot net development company to create a top-quality web user interface with improved productivity.

This advanced feature helps to make the framework less complicated since it is possible to make each app page self-contained with its unique view. Moreover, it is likewise feasible to organize the codes of every single page together effectively and promptly.

Razor pages help to make it easier and exceptionally productive for creating web apps that are scalable, high-performance, and robust.

6. Simplicity is essential for successful ASP.net development

Simplicity is another main reason for the huge popularity of the ASP net core framework. With this particular framework, key functionalities like client authentication, form submission, or site configuration are faster and more hassle-free. It features an MVC architecture that is time-tested – Model, View, plus Controller – that helps create APIs and custom web apps. This enables the programmers of any dot net development company to code, test, or debug an application in any of the above-mentioned architectures.

These codes can be reused, which makes it simpler to modify and manage web app programming. It features an event-driven and server-side programming model that is quite easy to maintain.

Moreover, it is inbuilt configuration data does not need any complicated procedure of registering the components. Consequently, it becomes quite simple to deploy applications successfully.

7. Excellent developer tools for working with

A remarkable thing regarding ASP.Net core happens to be the availability of a comprehensive suite of outstanding developer tools, like Jetbrains, Resharper, and many others that make it simpler to create, test, and implement different types of applications.

Apart from this, it features Microsoft Visual Studio, which happens to be amongst the top IDEs available for developing sophisticated ASP.net applications. It helps in advanced features like debugging, profiling, unit testing, GIT integration, code completion, etc.

The most recent Visual Studio version is not obtainable with a fully-fledged and free community edition. Consequently, it will not be possible for you to code web applications easily for ASP.net core as basic text files by simply leveraging your preferred text editor.

8. Extremely versatile

One more significant reason why the developers select ASP.Net development happens to be its versatility. This framework will help you create contemporary web apps and easily switch over to desktop or mobile apps without much inconvenience.

This provides you with lots of flexibility for mixing up your application development work and achieving one which is top-quality, robust, and innovative. The capability of switching from one application development procedure to another is a remarkable quality that helps to differentiate ASP.net core from the rest of the server-side focused programming languages.

Get to know here Bonus reason of ASP.NET Core for Web App Development: https://www.rlogical.com/blog/why-enterprises-choose-asp-net-core-for-web-application-development/과 관련하여 환상적인 선택이 된 이유는 무엇입니까?

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