weekend studies : fetch vs axios

15947 단어 axiosReactFetchFetch

Basic syntax
Before we delve into more advanced features of Axios, let’s compare its basic syntax to fetch(). Here’s how you can use Axios to send a POST request with custom headers to a URL. Axios automatically converts the data to JSON, so you don’t have to.

axios가 post request를 헤더에 담아 보내는 방식이다. axios는 json으로 자동으로 바꾸기 때문에 내가 그런 작업을 해줄 필요가 없다

// axios

const options = {
  url: 'http://localhost/test.htm',
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
  data: {
    a: 10,
    b: 20

  .then(response => {

Now compare this code to the fetch() version, which produces the same result:

fetch ( ) 를 비교해보자

// fetch()

const url = 'http://localhost/test.htm';
const options = {
  method: 'POST',
  headers: {
    'Accept': 'application/json',
    'Content-Type': 'application/json;charset=UTF-8'
  body: JSON.stringify({
    a: 10,
    b: 20

fetch(url, options)
  .then(response => {

Notice that:

주목할 점

When using fetch(), you’d have to convert the data to json manually.
axios와 달리 fetch함수에서는 데이터를 직접 json으로 변환시켜주어야함.

Automatic transformation of data is a nice feature to have,
but again, it’s not something you can’t do with fetch().
To send data, fetch() uses the body property, while Axios uses the data property
데이터를 보낼때 fetch는 바디 프로퍼티로 담아 보내고 axios는 데이터라는 프로퍼티에 담아보낸다

// axios
  .then(response => {
  }, error => {

// fetch()
  .then(response => response.json())    // one extra step
  .then(data => {
  .catch(error => console.error(error));

The data in fetch() is stringified. The URL is passed as an argument to fetch(). In Axios, however, the URL is set in the options object. In other words, to get the json object response: in fetch call the json() function on the response object, in Axios get data property of the response object.

Fetch request function includes the url as parameter, Axios request function does not include the url as parameter.
위를 보면 fetch는 stringified( res=>res.json() )되어 fetch의 인자로 전달되는 반면에 axios는 response의 객체 형태. object의 key에 접근한다. ( res=> res.data)

그외의 차이점

  • Fetch has no url in request object, Axios has url in request object

  • Fetch request is ok when response object contains the ok property, Axios request is ok when status is 200 and statusText is 'OK'


  • 사용하기 더 편하다 (fetch도 물론 편하다)
  • fetch에서 지원하지 않는 기능들을 지원해준다.
  • Promise base


  • import 하지않고 쓸 수 있다.
  • React Native의 경우 업데이트가 잦아서, 라이브러리가 업데이트를 쫒아오지 못하는 경우가 생기는데, Fetch의 경우 이런 걱정 필요 없음.
  • Promise base
  • 네트워크 에러가 발생했을 때, 기다려야 함.. > response timeout API 제공 x
  • 지원하지 않는 브라우저가 있음.

axios의 장점

One of the main selling points of Axios is its 1) wide browser support. Even old browsers like IE11 can run Axios without any issue. Fetch(), on the other hand, only supports Chrome 42+, Firefox 39+, Edge 14+, and Safari 10.1+

2) The simplicity of setting timeout in Axios is one of the reasons some developers prefer axios to fetch(). In Axios, you can use the optional timeout property in the config object to set the number of milliseconds before the request is aborted.

  method: 'post',
  url: '/login',
  timeout: 4000,    // 4 seconds timeout
  data: {
    firstName: 'David',
    lastName: 'Pollock'
.then(response => {/* handle the response */})
.catch(error => console.error('timeout exceeded'))

One of the key features of Axios is 3) its ability to intercept HTTP requests. (axios 인터셉터는 1.요청하기 직전, 2. 응답을 받고 then, catch로 처리 직전에 가로챌 수 있다)HTTP interceptors come in handy when you need to examine or change HTTP requests from your application to the server or vice versa (e.g., logging, authentication, etc.). With interceptors, you won’t have to write separate code for each HTTP request.

Here’s how you can declare a request interceptor in Axios:

axios.interceptors.request.use(config => {
  // log a message before any HTTP request is sent
  console.log('Request was sent');

  return config;

// sent a GET request
  .then(response => {


Axios provides a more comfortable to use API in comparison with fetch(). The most significant disadvantage of using fetch() is the verbose workaround to set a timeout for your request. It’s a much-needed functionality to prevent hanging requests.

On the other hand, remember that Axios sets the default timeout to zero. Therefore, don’t forget to set a timeout for each request. Alternatively, you can use a request interceptor to automatically set the request timeout.

Furthermore, for Node.js especifically, automatic JSON parsing is a useful feature to keep your code clean. Again, you can use an interceptor for the Fetch API to parse a response object automatically to JSON.

Yet, as seen in this guide, we have to overwrite the fetch() method to add custom logic. I think it adds complexity to your code. For that reason, Axios is a clear winner to send HTTP requests based on its simplicity and ease-of-use.

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