Python으로 채식 식당 추천(퀵 정렬 사용)

6640 단어 codecademy
이것은 제가 Codecademy의 Computer Science Path를 위해 수행한 프로젝트입니다. 가장 적합한 것부터 가장 낮은 것까지 런던의 채식 옵션 목록(레스토랑은 가짜임)을 제공하기 위해 사용자에게 몇 가지 질문을 합니다.

from random import randrange, shuffle

def quicksort_two_lists(list, list2, start, end):
  # this portion of list has been sorted
  if start >= end:
  # select random element to be pivot
  pivot_idx = randrange(start, end + 1)
  pivot_element = list[pivot_idx]
  # swap random element with last element in sub-lists
  list[end], list[pivot_idx] = list[pivot_idx], list[end]
  list2[end], list2[pivot_idx] = list2[pivot_idx], list2[end]

  # tracks all elements which should be to left (greater than) pivot
  greater_than_pointer = start

  for i in range(start, end):
    # we found an element out of place
    if list[i] > pivot_element:
      # swap element to the right-most portion of greater elements
      list[i], list[greater_than_pointer] = list[greater_than_pointer], list[i]
      list2[i], list2[greater_than_pointer] = list2[greater_than_pointer], list2[i]
      # tally that we have one more greater element
      greater_than_pointer += 1
  # move pivot element to the right-most portion of greater elements
  list[end], list[greater_than_pointer] = list[greater_than_pointer], list[end]
  list2[end], list2[greater_than_pointer] = list2[greater_than_pointer], list2[end]
  # recursively sort left and right sub-lists
  quicksort_two_lists(list, list2, start, greater_than_pointer - 1)
  quicksort_two_lists(list, list2, greater_than_pointer + 1, end)

class Restaurant:
    def __init__(self, name, location, price, type, space, reviews): = name
        self.location = location
        self.price = price
        self.type = type = space = reviews

    def __repr__(self):
        description = "{}\nLocation: {}\nValue for money: {}/5\nType: {}\nSpace: {}/5\nOverall rate of reviews: {}/5".format(, self.location, self.price, self.type,,
        return description

veggie_world = Restaurant("Veggie World", "London City", 3, "Vegan", 3, 4)
tomato_love = Restaurant("Tomato Love", "Greenwich", 4, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 4, 4)
plant_rainbow = Restaurant("Plant Rainbow", "Camden", 2, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 5, 3)
vegan_teriyaki = Restaurant("Vegan Teriyaki", "Greenwich", 4, "Vegan", 4, 5)
peace_for_you = Restaurant("Peace for You", "London City", 3, "Vegan", 4, 4)
green_madness = Restaurant("Green Madness", "Camden", 3, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 4, 4)
sauce_for_the_soul = Restaurant("Sauce for the Soul", "London City", 4, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 2, 4)
kill_the_salad = Restaurant("Kill the Salad", "London City", 3, "Vegan", 3, 4)
seitan_and_co = Restaurant("Seitan and Company", "Camden", 3, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 4, 4)
eat_your_greens = Restaurant("Eat your Greens", "London City", 4, "Ovo-lacto vegetarian", 3, 5)

restaurants_dict = {veggie_world: 0, tomato_love: 0, plant_rainbow: 0, vegan_teriyaki: 0, peace_for_you: 0, green_madness: 0, \
    sauce_for_the_soul: 0, kill_the_salad: 0, seitan_and_co: 0, eat_your_greens: 0}

while True:
  location = input("Is location important? Enter yes/no: ")
  if location in {"yes", "no"}:
  print("Please enter a valid answer: yes/no.")

if location == "yes":
  while True:
    location = input("Where would you like to eat?\n1. London City\n2. Greenwich\n3. Camden\nEnter the corresponding number: ")
    if location in {"1", "2", "3"}:
    print("Please enter a valid answer: 1, 2 or 3.")

  if location == "1":
    for key in restaurants_dict.keys():
      if key.location == "London City":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 5
      elif key.location == "Greenwich":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 1
      elif key.location == "Camden":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 2
  elif location == "2":
    for key, value in restaurants_dict.items():
      if key.location == "London City":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 1
      elif key.location == "Greenwich":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 5
  elif location == "3":
    for key, value in restaurants_dict.items():
      if key.location == "London City":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 2
      elif key.location == "Camden":
        restaurants_dict[key] += 5

while True:
  price = input("Is quality for money important? Enter yes/no: ")
  if price in {"yes", "no"}:
  print("Please enter a valid answer: yes/no.")

while True:
  type = input("What type of cuisine do you prefer? Enter vegan/ovo-lacto vegetarian: ")
  if type in {"vegan", "ovo-lacto vegetarian"}:
  print("Please enter a valid answer: vegan/ovo-lacto vegetarian.")

while True:
  space = input("Is having space and being comfortable important? Enter yes/no: ")
  if space in {"yes", "no"}:
  print("Please enter a valid answer: yes/no.")

while True:
  reviews = input("Is the general rating of customers important? Enter yes/no: ")
  if reviews in {"yes", "no"}:
  print("Please enter a valid answer: yes/no.")

for key in restaurants_dict.keys():
  if price == "yes":
    restaurants_dict[key] += key.price
  if key.type == type:
    restaurants_dict[key] += 3
  if space == "yes":
    restaurants_dict[key] +=
  if reviews == "yes":
    restaurants_dict[key] +=

keys = list(restaurants_dict.keys())
values = list(restaurants_dict.values())

quicksort_two_lists(values, keys, 0, len(values)-1)
order = 1
pre_value = values[0]
print("\nRestaurant recommendations, from most suitable to least:")
for key, value in zip(keys, values):
  if pre_value != value:
    order += 1
  print(str(order) + ".", key, "\n")
  pre_value = value

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