Ubuntu에 유용한 명령

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다음은 때때로 필요한 명령 및 사용법의 편리하고 유용한 목록입니다.


  • Curl
  • Wget
  • Unzip

  • 곱슬 곱슬하다

    • Download a remote file
    curl -O [URL]


    curl –-remote-name [URL]

    An example would be:

    curl -O https://en-au.wordpress.org/latest-en_AU.zip


    curl –-remote-name https://en-au.wordpress.org/latest-en_AU.zip
    • To save a remote file with a different name:
    curl –O [FILENAME] [URL]
    • Download multiple remote files
    curl -O [URL1] -O [URL2]
    • Download a remote file via FTP
    curl -O [FTP_URL]
    • Download remote files via FTP with credentials
    curl -u [FTP_USER]:[FTP_PASSWORD] -O [FTP_URL]


    • Download a remote file
    wget [URL]
    • Download a remote file with a different name
    wget -O [FILENAME] [URL]
    • Download a remote file via FTP
    wget [FTP_URL]
    • Download files via FTP with credentials
    wget -u [FTP_USER]:[FTP_PASSWORD] -O [FTP_URL]

    압축 풀기

    • Test if a zip file is valid file
    unzip -t [ZIP_FILE_PATH]

    An example would be:

    unzip -t ./test.zip
    • List contents of a zip file
    unzip -l [ZIP_FILE_PATH]
    • Extract a zip file
    unzip [ZIP_FILE_PATH]
    • Extract a zip file to a different location/directory

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