Ribbon 로드 밸런싱 규칙

1. 폴링 규칙 RoundRobinRule This rule simply choose servers by round robin.It is often used as the default rule or fallback of more advanced rules.
2. 서비스가 죽었는지 또는 서비스가 높은 병발에 있는지에 따라 가중치를 Availability Filtering Rule This rule will skip servers that are deemed "circuit tripped"or with high concurrent connection count.By default, an instance is circuit tripped if the RestClient fails to make a connection to it for the last three times. Once an instance is circuit tripped, it will remain in this state for 30 seconds before the circuit is deemed as closed again. However, if it continues to fail connections, it will become “circuit tripped” again and the wait time for it to become “circuit closed” will increase exponentially to the number of consecutive failures. 3. 응답 시간에 따른 가중치 Weighted Response Time Rule For this rule, each server is given a weight according to its average response time.The longer the response time, the less weight it will get. The rule randomly picks a server where the possibility is determined by server’s weight. To enable WeightedResponseTimeRule, set it with the load balancer via API or set the following property 4.랜덤 원칙 RandomRule 5.설정 방법: 응용 프로그램에서.properties에 추가:

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