Photoshop 호환성 우선순위를 제거하고 덮어쓰기 AppleScript-Droplet

4579 단어 AppleScript포토샵
on open of myFiles
    tell application "Adobe Photoshop CC 2014"
        set myOldSetting to maximize compatibility of settings
        set maximize compatibility of settings to never
        repeat with i in myFiles
            set myFile to i as Unicode text
            open alias myFile
            set myLayer to make new art layer at end of current document with properties {name:"Trash"}
            delete myLayer
            save current document in file myFile
            close current document
        end repeat
        set maximize compatibility of settings to myOldSetting
    end tell
end open

호환성을 선호 환경 설정을 일시적으로 never로, 레이어 만들기 및 삭제에서 저장 플래그를 설정하고 덮어쓰기 저장합니다.

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