
2284 단어 listfunctionPIVOT
 partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex)
     pivotValue := list[pivotIndex]
     swap list[pivotIndex] and list[right]  // Move pivot to end

     storeIndex := left
 i from
 left to
 list[i] < pivotValue
             swap list[storeIndex] and list[i]
             increment storeIndex
     swap list[right] and list[storeIndex]  // Move pivot to its final place


function select(list, left, right, k) if left = right // If the list contains only one element return list[left] // Return that element select pivotIndex between left and right pivotNewIndex := partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex) pivotDist := pivotNewIndex - left + 1 // The pivot is in its final sorted position, // so pivotDist reflects its 1-based position if list were sorted if pivotDist = k return list[pivotNewIndex] else if k < pivotDist return select(list, left, pivotNewIndex - 1, k) else return select(list, pivotNewIndex + 1, right, k - pivotDist)

function select(list, left, right, k) loop select pivotIndex between left and right pivotNewIndex := partition(list, left, right, pivotIndex) pivotDist := pivotNewIndex - left + 1 if pivotDist = k return list[pivotNewIndex] else if k < pivotDist right := pivotNewIndex - 1 else k := k - pivotDist left := pivotNewIndex + 1

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