우선순위 대기열, 코드 참조 범례

7225 단어 우선 순위
비교적 규범적으로 보이는 코드
1. 버전 정보
2. 사전 처리 정보
3. 라이브러리 함수 참조
4. 일반 프로그래밍
5. 매크로 정의
6. 복제 구조 함수
7. 내수 함수
8. 변수 명명 규범
9. 코드의 시간 공간 효율
10. 오류 복구 능력
11. 사양명세 주석 및 들여쓰기
코드 예:

** Project:PriorityQueue

** File:priqueue.h

** Edition:v1.0.0 Demo

** Coder:KingsamChen [MDSA Group]

** Last Modify:2011-9-1


#if _MSC_VER > 1000

#pragma once


#ifndef _PRIQUEUE_05232021_A052_400f_ADD6_8FA21FDCBF7E

#define _PRIQUEUE_05232021_A052_400f_ADD6_8FA21FDCBF7E

#include <cassert>

#include <cstdio>

#define PARENT(x) (((x) - 1) >> 1)

#define LEFTCHILD(x) (((x) << 1) + 1)

#define RIGHTCHILD(x) (((x) + 1) << 1)

template<typename T>

class CPriQueue



		typedef int pos;



		CPriQueue(const CPriQueue& q);



		CPriQueue& operator =(const CPriQueue& q);

		void BuildHeap(const T ary[], int count);

		void Insert(const T& ele);

		T ExtractMin();

		inline T Min() const;

		inline int GetCount() const;

		inline bool IsEmpty() const;

		inline bool IsFull() const;

		pos Find(const T& ele) const;

		void DecreaseKey(pos p, unsigned int det);

		void IncreaseKey(pos p, unsigned int det);

		void Delete(pos p);

		// diagnostic interface

		#if _DEBUG

		void DgPrint();



		void PercolateUp(int i, const T& ele);

		void PercolateDown(int i, const T& ele);


		enum{INI_CAPCITY = 50, NOT_FOUND = -1};

		T* m_pHeap;

		int m_capcity;

		int m_count;


template<typename T>

CPriQueue<T>::CPriQueue() : m_count(0)


	m_pHeap = new T[INI_CAPCITY];

	assert(m_pHeap != NULL);

	m_capcity = INI_CAPCITY;


template<typename T>

CPriQueue<T>::CPriQueue(const CPriQueue& q) : m_capcity(q.m_capcity),



	m_pHeap = new T[m_capcity];

	assert(m_pHeap != NULL);	

	// the element may have internal handle pointing to the extra data outside

	// assume that the object already overloaded operator =

	for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)


		m_pHeap[i] = q.m_pHeap[i];



template<typename T>



	if (m_pHeap != NULL)


		delete [] m_pHeap;

		m_pHeap = NULL;

		m_capcity = 0;

		m_count = 0;



template<typename T>

CPriQueue<T>& CPriQueue<T>::operator =(const CPriQueue& q)


	if (m_capcity < q.m_count)


		// need to expand



	m_count = q.m_count

	for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)


		m_pHeap[i] = q.m_pHeap[i];


	return *this;


template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::Insert(const T& ele)


	if (IsFull())


		// Logs error or expands capcity of the heap



	// new element may violate heap property

	PercolateUp(m_count, ele);





		Adjusts the specific element which may violate the heap property



		i[in] - the position in the heap of the specific element. 

		ele[in] - a copy of the element. It's used to make the function more

		efficient. Do not have this parameter refered to the element directly.

		It may possible change the value of the ele while adjusting.

	Return Value:



template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::PercolateUp(int i, const T& ele)


	for (int p = PARENT(i); ele < m_pHeap[p]; p = PARENT(p))


		// reaches the root

		if (0 == i)




		m_pHeap[i] = m_pHeap[p];

		i = p;


	m_pHeap[i] = ele;


template<typename T>

T CPriQueue<T>::ExtractMin()



	T ret(m_pHeap[0]);

	// new root violates the heap property

	PercolateDown(0, m_pHeap[--m_count]);

	return ret;




		It is Similar to the function PercolateUp but downward.


		i[in] - the position in the heap of the specific element. 

		ele[in] - the same as in PercolateUp

	Return Value:



template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::PercolateDown(int i, const T& ele)


	for (; LEFTCHILD(i) < m_count;)


		// the node may have only left child

		int iL = LEFTCHILD(i);

		int iR = RIGHTCHILD(i);

		int iMin = iR < m_count ? (m_pHeap[iL] < m_pHeap[iR] ? iL : iR) : iL;		

		if (m_pHeap[iMin] < ele)


			m_pHeap[i] = m_pHeap[iMin];

			i = iMin;







	m_pHeap[i] = ele;


template<typename T>

inline T CPriQueue<T>::Min() const



	return m_pHeap[0];	


template<typename T>

inline int CPriQueue<T>::GetCount() const


	return m_count;


template<typename T>

inline bool CPriQueue<T>::IsEmpty() const


	return 0 == m_count ? true : false;


template<typename T>

inline bool CPriQueue<T>::IsFull() const


	return m_capcity == m_count ? true : false;




		Returns the position of the specific element to be found. The function

		takes O(N) time


		ele[in] - the element we search for

	Return Value:

		The function returns NOT_FOUND if the specific element is not found

		otherwise the return value indicates the position of the element


template<typename T>

typename CPriQueue<T>::pos CPriQueue<T>::Find(const T& ele) const


	pos index = NOT_FOUND;

	for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)


		if (m_pHeap[i] == ele)


			index = i;




	return index;


template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::DecreaseKey(pos p, unsigned int det)


	assert(p >= 0);

	m_pHeap[p] -= det;

	T newEle(m_pHeap[p]);

	// adjusts the order property

	PercolateUp(p, newEle);


template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::IncreaseKey(pos p, unsigned int det)


	assert(p >= 0);

	m_pHeap[p] += det;

	T newEle(m_pHeap[p]);

	PercolateDown(p, newEle);	


template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::Delete(pos p)


	assert(p >= 0);

	int det = m_pHeap[p] - m_pHeap[0] + 1;

	DecreaseKey(p, det);





		Builds up the heap from an array


		ary[in] - the array contains elements

		count[in] - indicates the counts of the elements in array

	Return Value:



template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::BuildHeap(const T ary[], int count)


	assert(m_capcity >= count);

	for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)


		m_pHeap[i] = ary[i];


	m_count = count;

	for (int i = PARENT(count - 1); i >= 0; --i)


		T eleMov(m_pHeap[i]);

		PercolateDown(i, eleMov);



#if _DEBUG

template<typename T>

void CPriQueue<T>::DgPrint()


	for (int i = 0; i < m_count; ++i)


		wprintf_s(L"%d\t", m_pHeap[i]);


"); } #endif #endif

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