RancherCLI에서 다중 클러스터 배포 수행
11484 단어 rancherkubernetes
k3s와 같은 에지 장치에 대해 Rancher에서 통합 관리하고 앱을 배포하고 싶습니다.
Rancher 화면에서도 Global→Apps에서 Lanch로 배포하면 가능하지만,
장치 수가 늘어날 때 화면에서 조작할 수 없으므로 CLI에서의 조작을 기억합니다.
CLI 준비
Rancher 화면의 오른쪽 하단에서 다운로드합니다.
다운로드한 파일을 확장합니다. (mac/linux의 예)
tar xvzf rancher-darwin-amd64-v2.3.2.tar.gz
원하는 대로 .bash_profile 등에 경로를 추가해 봅시다.
CLI로 로그인
Rancher 화면에서 키 발급
CLI로 로그인
게시한 BearerToken 설정 및 로그인
rancher login https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ -t token-bjbph:9rh....
이것으로 CLI에서 작업할 준비가 완료되었습니다.
다중 클러스터 배포
우선은 CLI로 할 수 있는 일람을 내보낸다.
demo:project demo$ rancher -h
Rancher CLI, managing containers one UTF-8 character at a time
Usage: rancher [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Version: v2.3.2
--debug Debug logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
apps, [app] Operations with apps. Uses helm. Flags prepended with "helm" can also be accurately described by helm documentation.
catalog Operations with catalogs
clusters, [cluster] Operations on clusters
context Operations for the context
globaldns Operations on global DNS providers and entries
inspect View details of resources
kubectl Run kubectl commands
login, [l] Login to a Rancher server
multiclusterapps, [multiclusterapp mcapps mcapp] Operations with multi-cluster apps
namespaces, [namespace] Operations on namespaces
nodes, [node] Operations on nodes
projects, [project] Operations on projects
ps Show workloads in a project
server Operations for the server
settings, [setting] Show settings for the current server
ssh SSH into a node
up apply compose config
wait Wait for resources cluster, app, project, multiClusterApp
help, [h] Shows a list of commands or help for one command
그런 다음 multilusterapps (mcapps/mcapp에서도 가능)
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps -h
Operations with multi-cluster apps
rancher multiclusterapps command [command options] [arguments...]
ls List multi-cluster apps
delete Delete a multi-cluster app
install Install a multi-cluster app
rollback Rollback a multi-cluster app to a previous version
upgrade Upgrade an app to a newer version
add-project Add target projects to a multi-cluster app
delete-project Delete target projects from a multi-cluster app
add-member Add members to a multi-cluster app
delete-member Delete members from a multi-cluster app
list-members, lm List current members of a multi-cluster app
list-answers, la List current answers of a multi-cluster app
list-templates, lt List templates available for installation
show-template, st Show versions available to install for an app template
show-app, sa Show an app's available versions and revisions
--format value, -o value 'json', 'yaml' or custom format
--quiet, -q Only display IDs
--help, -h show help
추가 install 명령을 살펴보십시오.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps install -h
Install a multi-cluster app
Install a multi-cluster app in the current Rancher server. This defaults to the newest version of the app template.
Specify a version using '--version' if required.
# Install the redis template with no other options
$ rancher multiclusterapp install redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and specify an answers file location
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --answers /example/answers.yaml redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set multiple answers and the version to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --set foo=bar --set baz=bunk --version 1.0.1 redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set target projects to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --target mycluster:Default --target c-98pjr:p-w6c5f redis appFoo
# Block cli until installation has finished or encountered an error. Use after multiclusterapp install.
$ rancher wait <multiclusterapp-id>
rancher multiclusterapps install [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME, APP_NAME]...
--answers value, -a value Path to an answers file, the format of the file is a map with key:value. This supports JSON and YAML.
--values value Path to a helm values file.
--set value Set answers for the template, can be used multiple times. You can set overriding answers for specific clusters or projects by providing cluster ID or project ID as the prefix. Example: --set foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:p-8w2x8:foo=bar
--version value Version of the template to use
--no-prompt Suppress asking questions and use the default values when required answers are not provided
--target value, -t value Target project names/ids to install the app into
--role value Set roles required to launch/manage the apps in target projects. For example, set "project-member" role when the app needs to manage resources in the projects in which it is deployed. Or set "cluster-owner" role when the app needs to manage resources in the clusters in which it is deployed. (default: "project-member")
--member value Set members of the app, with the same access type defined by --member-access-type
--member-access-type value Access type of the members. Specify only one value, and it applies to all members defined by --member. Valid options are 'owner', 'member' and 'read-only' (default: "owner")
--upgrade-strategy value Strategy for upgrade. Valid options are "rolling-update" and "simultaneously" (default: "simultaneously")
--upgrade-batch-size value The number of apps in target projects to be upgraded at a time. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--upgrade-batch-interval value The number of seconds between updating the next app during upgrade. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--helm-timeout value Amount of time for helm to wait for k8s commands (default is 300 secs). Example: --helm-timeout 600 (default: 300)
--helm-wait Helm will wait for as long as timeout value, for installed resources to be ready (pods, PVCs, deployments, etc.). Example: --helm-wait
이것으로 갈 수 있으므로 테스트. 우선은 대상이 되는 프로젝트를 씻어 둔다.
demo:project demo$ rancher context switch
1 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-4429z Default Default project created for the cluster
2 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-x24pp System System project created for the cluster
3 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-hm4xg Default Default project created for the cluster
4 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-jbb8l System System project created for the cluster
5 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-7sggn Default Default project created for the cluster
6 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-lmdsz System System project created for the cluster
7 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-9vgrp Default Default project created for the cluster
8 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-rtj9x System System project created for the cluster
기본적으로 사용할 수있는 HelmChart도 씻어 둡니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps lt
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-ha artifactory-ha repository
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-jcr artifactory-jcr repository
cattle-global-data:library-cert-manager cert-manager
cattle-global-data:library-chartmuseum chartmuseum
cattle-global-data:library-citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller
cattle-global-data:library-redis redis Database,KeyValue
gke-cluster1과 gke-cluster2의 Default 프로젝트에 Redis를 설치해보십시오.
rancher mcapps install -t c-6zc8c:p-4429z -t c-xknk6:p-7sggn --version 9.0.2 redis multi-redis
설정은 전부 디폴트인 채로 Enter 키를 누르면 무사히 인스톨 되었습니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default,gke-cluster2:Default
특정 프로젝트를 제거
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps delete-project multi-redis c-xknk6:p-7sggn
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default
제대로 빗나가네요.
다중 클러스터 배포의 기본 작업을 CLI에서 시도했습니다.
CLI의 조작이라면 대상 디바이스가 늘어도 텍스트 관리가 가능하고 자동화도 가능하다.
전대에 앱을 배포라든가, 그룹핑해 배포라든지, 일부의 클러스터만 분리해 다른 버젼을 넣어 보거나(카나리아 릴리스적인)도 자유자재로 할 수 있으므로 여러가지 업무 요건에도 대응할 수 있군요.
이 문제에 관하여(RancherCLI에서 다중 클러스터 배포 수행), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다
텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)
Rancher 화면의 오른쪽 하단에서 다운로드합니다.
다운로드한 파일을 확장합니다. (mac/linux의 예)
tar xvzf rancher-darwin-amd64-v2.3.2.tar.gz
원하는 대로 .bash_profile 등에 경로를 추가해 봅시다.
CLI로 로그인
Rancher 화면에서 키 발급
CLI로 로그인
게시한 BearerToken 설정 및 로그인
rancher login https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ -t token-bjbph:9rh....
이것으로 CLI에서 작업할 준비가 완료되었습니다.
다중 클러스터 배포
우선은 CLI로 할 수 있는 일람을 내보낸다.
demo:project demo$ rancher -h
Rancher CLI, managing containers one UTF-8 character at a time
Usage: rancher [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Version: v2.3.2
--debug Debug logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
apps, [app] Operations with apps. Uses helm. Flags prepended with "helm" can also be accurately described by helm documentation.
catalog Operations with catalogs
clusters, [cluster] Operations on clusters
context Operations for the context
globaldns Operations on global DNS providers and entries
inspect View details of resources
kubectl Run kubectl commands
login, [l] Login to a Rancher server
multiclusterapps, [multiclusterapp mcapps mcapp] Operations with multi-cluster apps
namespaces, [namespace] Operations on namespaces
nodes, [node] Operations on nodes
projects, [project] Operations on projects
ps Show workloads in a project
server Operations for the server
settings, [setting] Show settings for the current server
ssh SSH into a node
up apply compose config
wait Wait for resources cluster, app, project, multiClusterApp
help, [h] Shows a list of commands or help for one command
그런 다음 multilusterapps (mcapps/mcapp에서도 가능)
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps -h
Operations with multi-cluster apps
rancher multiclusterapps command [command options] [arguments...]
ls List multi-cluster apps
delete Delete a multi-cluster app
install Install a multi-cluster app
rollback Rollback a multi-cluster app to a previous version
upgrade Upgrade an app to a newer version
add-project Add target projects to a multi-cluster app
delete-project Delete target projects from a multi-cluster app
add-member Add members to a multi-cluster app
delete-member Delete members from a multi-cluster app
list-members, lm List current members of a multi-cluster app
list-answers, la List current answers of a multi-cluster app
list-templates, lt List templates available for installation
show-template, st Show versions available to install for an app template
show-app, sa Show an app's available versions and revisions
--format value, -o value 'json', 'yaml' or custom format
--quiet, -q Only display IDs
--help, -h show help
추가 install 명령을 살펴보십시오.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps install -h
Install a multi-cluster app
Install a multi-cluster app in the current Rancher server. This defaults to the newest version of the app template.
Specify a version using '--version' if required.
# Install the redis template with no other options
$ rancher multiclusterapp install redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and specify an answers file location
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --answers /example/answers.yaml redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set multiple answers and the version to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --set foo=bar --set baz=bunk --version 1.0.1 redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set target projects to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --target mycluster:Default --target c-98pjr:p-w6c5f redis appFoo
# Block cli until installation has finished or encountered an error. Use after multiclusterapp install.
$ rancher wait <multiclusterapp-id>
rancher multiclusterapps install [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME, APP_NAME]...
--answers value, -a value Path to an answers file, the format of the file is a map with key:value. This supports JSON and YAML.
--values value Path to a helm values file.
--set value Set answers for the template, can be used multiple times. You can set overriding answers for specific clusters or projects by providing cluster ID or project ID as the prefix. Example: --set foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:p-8w2x8:foo=bar
--version value Version of the template to use
--no-prompt Suppress asking questions and use the default values when required answers are not provided
--target value, -t value Target project names/ids to install the app into
--role value Set roles required to launch/manage the apps in target projects. For example, set "project-member" role when the app needs to manage resources in the projects in which it is deployed. Or set "cluster-owner" role when the app needs to manage resources in the clusters in which it is deployed. (default: "project-member")
--member value Set members of the app, with the same access type defined by --member-access-type
--member-access-type value Access type of the members. Specify only one value, and it applies to all members defined by --member. Valid options are 'owner', 'member' and 'read-only' (default: "owner")
--upgrade-strategy value Strategy for upgrade. Valid options are "rolling-update" and "simultaneously" (default: "simultaneously")
--upgrade-batch-size value The number of apps in target projects to be upgraded at a time. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--upgrade-batch-interval value The number of seconds between updating the next app during upgrade. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--helm-timeout value Amount of time for helm to wait for k8s commands (default is 300 secs). Example: --helm-timeout 600 (default: 300)
--helm-wait Helm will wait for as long as timeout value, for installed resources to be ready (pods, PVCs, deployments, etc.). Example: --helm-wait
이것으로 갈 수 있으므로 테스트. 우선은 대상이 되는 프로젝트를 씻어 둔다.
demo:project demo$ rancher context switch
1 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-4429z Default Default project created for the cluster
2 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-x24pp System System project created for the cluster
3 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-hm4xg Default Default project created for the cluster
4 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-jbb8l System System project created for the cluster
5 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-7sggn Default Default project created for the cluster
6 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-lmdsz System System project created for the cluster
7 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-9vgrp Default Default project created for the cluster
8 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-rtj9x System System project created for the cluster
기본적으로 사용할 수있는 HelmChart도 씻어 둡니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps lt
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-ha artifactory-ha repository
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-jcr artifactory-jcr repository
cattle-global-data:library-cert-manager cert-manager
cattle-global-data:library-chartmuseum chartmuseum
cattle-global-data:library-citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller
cattle-global-data:library-redis redis Database,KeyValue
gke-cluster1과 gke-cluster2의 Default 프로젝트에 Redis를 설치해보십시오.
rancher mcapps install -t c-6zc8c:p-4429z -t c-xknk6:p-7sggn --version 9.0.2 redis multi-redis
설정은 전부 디폴트인 채로 Enter 키를 누르면 무사히 인스톨 되었습니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default,gke-cluster2:Default
특정 프로젝트를 제거
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps delete-project multi-redis c-xknk6:p-7sggn
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default
제대로 빗나가네요.
다중 클러스터 배포의 기본 작업을 CLI에서 시도했습니다.
CLI의 조작이라면 대상 디바이스가 늘어도 텍스트 관리가 가능하고 자동화도 가능하다.
전대에 앱을 배포라든가, 그룹핑해 배포라든지, 일부의 클러스터만 분리해 다른 버젼을 넣어 보거나(카나리아 릴리스적인)도 자유자재로 할 수 있으므로 여러가지 업무 요건에도 대응할 수 있군요.
이 문제에 관하여(RancherCLI에서 다중 클러스터 배포 수행), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다
텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)
rancher login https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/ -t token-bjbph:9rh....
우선은 CLI로 할 수 있는 일람을 내보낸다.
demo:project demo$ rancher -h
Rancher CLI, managing containers one UTF-8 character at a time
Usage: rancher [OPTIONS] COMMAND [arg...]
Version: v2.3.2
--debug Debug logging
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
apps, [app] Operations with apps. Uses helm. Flags prepended with "helm" can also be accurately described by helm documentation.
catalog Operations with catalogs
clusters, [cluster] Operations on clusters
context Operations for the context
globaldns Operations on global DNS providers and entries
inspect View details of resources
kubectl Run kubectl commands
login, [l] Login to a Rancher server
multiclusterapps, [multiclusterapp mcapps mcapp] Operations with multi-cluster apps
namespaces, [namespace] Operations on namespaces
nodes, [node] Operations on nodes
projects, [project] Operations on projects
ps Show workloads in a project
server Operations for the server
settings, [setting] Show settings for the current server
ssh SSH into a node
up apply compose config
wait Wait for resources cluster, app, project, multiClusterApp
help, [h] Shows a list of commands or help for one command
그런 다음 multilusterapps (mcapps/mcapp에서도 가능)
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps -h
Operations with multi-cluster apps
rancher multiclusterapps command [command options] [arguments...]
ls List multi-cluster apps
delete Delete a multi-cluster app
install Install a multi-cluster app
rollback Rollback a multi-cluster app to a previous version
upgrade Upgrade an app to a newer version
add-project Add target projects to a multi-cluster app
delete-project Delete target projects from a multi-cluster app
add-member Add members to a multi-cluster app
delete-member Delete members from a multi-cluster app
list-members, lm List current members of a multi-cluster app
list-answers, la List current answers of a multi-cluster app
list-templates, lt List templates available for installation
show-template, st Show versions available to install for an app template
show-app, sa Show an app's available versions and revisions
--format value, -o value 'json', 'yaml' or custom format
--quiet, -q Only display IDs
--help, -h show help
추가 install 명령을 살펴보십시오.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps install -h
Install a multi-cluster app
Install a multi-cluster app in the current Rancher server. This defaults to the newest version of the app template.
Specify a version using '--version' if required.
# Install the redis template with no other options
$ rancher multiclusterapp install redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and specify an answers file location
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --answers /example/answers.yaml redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set multiple answers and the version to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --set foo=bar --set baz=bunk --version 1.0.1 redis appFoo
# Install the redis template and set target projects to install
$ rancher multiclusterapp install --target mycluster:Default --target c-98pjr:p-w6c5f redis appFoo
# Block cli until installation has finished or encountered an error. Use after multiclusterapp install.
$ rancher wait <multiclusterapp-id>
rancher multiclusterapps install [OPTIONS] [TEMPLATE_NAME, APP_NAME]...
--answers value, -a value Path to an answers file, the format of the file is a map with key:value. This supports JSON and YAML.
--values value Path to a helm values file.
--set value Set answers for the template, can be used multiple times. You can set overriding answers for specific clusters or projects by providing cluster ID or project ID as the prefix. Example: --set foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:foo=bar --set c-rvcrl:p-8w2x8:foo=bar
--version value Version of the template to use
--no-prompt Suppress asking questions and use the default values when required answers are not provided
--target value, -t value Target project names/ids to install the app into
--role value Set roles required to launch/manage the apps in target projects. For example, set "project-member" role when the app needs to manage resources in the projects in which it is deployed. Or set "cluster-owner" role when the app needs to manage resources in the clusters in which it is deployed. (default: "project-member")
--member value Set members of the app, with the same access type defined by --member-access-type
--member-access-type value Access type of the members. Specify only one value, and it applies to all members defined by --member. Valid options are 'owner', 'member' and 'read-only' (default: "owner")
--upgrade-strategy value Strategy for upgrade. Valid options are "rolling-update" and "simultaneously" (default: "simultaneously")
--upgrade-batch-size value The number of apps in target projects to be upgraded at a time. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--upgrade-batch-interval value The number of seconds between updating the next app during upgrade. Only used if --upgrade-strategy is rolling-update. (default: 1)
--helm-timeout value Amount of time for helm to wait for k8s commands (default is 300 secs). Example: --helm-timeout 600 (default: 300)
--helm-wait Helm will wait for as long as timeout value, for installed resources to be ready (pods, PVCs, deployments, etc.). Example: --helm-wait
이것으로 갈 수 있으므로 테스트. 우선은 대상이 되는 프로젝트를 씻어 둔다.
demo:project demo$ rancher context switch
1 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-4429z Default Default project created for the cluster
2 gke-cluster1 c-6zc8c:p-x24pp System System project created for the cluster
3 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-hm4xg Default Default project created for the cluster
4 raspberrypi4 c-pnsvk:p-jbb8l System System project created for the cluster
5 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-7sggn Default Default project created for the cluster
6 gke-cluster2 c-xknk6:p-lmdsz System System project created for the cluster
7 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-9vgrp Default Default project created for the cluster
8 raspberrypi3 c-zl5v2:p-rtj9x System System project created for the cluster
기본적으로 사용할 수있는 HelmChart도 씻어 둡니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps lt
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-ha artifactory-ha repository
cattle-global-data:library-artifactory-jcr artifactory-jcr repository
cattle-global-data:library-cert-manager cert-manager
cattle-global-data:library-chartmuseum chartmuseum
cattle-global-data:library-citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller citrix-k8s-cpx-ingress-controller
cattle-global-data:library-redis redis Database,KeyValue
gke-cluster1과 gke-cluster2의 Default 프로젝트에 Redis를 설치해보십시오.
rancher mcapps install -t c-6zc8c:p-4429z -t c-xknk6:p-7sggn --version 9.0.2 redis multi-redis
설정은 전부 디폴트인 채로 Enter 키를 누르면 무사히 인스톨 되었습니다.
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default,gke-cluster2:Default
특정 프로젝트를 제거
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps delete-project multi-redis c-xknk6:p-7sggn
demo:project demo$ rancher mcapps
cattle-global-data:multi-redis multi-redis active 9.0.2 gke-cluster1:Default
제대로 빗나가네요.
다중 클러스터 배포의 기본 작업을 CLI에서 시도했습니다.
CLI의 조작이라면 대상 디바이스가 늘어도 텍스트 관리가 가능하고 자동화도 가능하다.
전대에 앱을 배포라든가, 그룹핑해 배포라든지, 일부의 클러스터만 분리해 다른 버젼을 넣어 보거나(카나리아 릴리스적인)도 자유자재로 할 수 있으므로 여러가지 업무 요건에도 대응할 수 있군요.
이 문제에 관하여(RancherCLI에서 다중 클러스터 배포 수행), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다
텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)
이 문제에 관하여(RancherCLI에서 다중 클러스터 배포 수행), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://qiita.com/yamaneko_usg3/items/9e483780d08024e3c754텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)