OS-3-Process concept
# Outline:
1. process concept
2. process scheduling
3. operations on processes
4. Inter-process communication
1. process concept:
process = a program in execution
Process state:
- new: The process is being created
- running: Instructions are being executed
- waiting: The process is waiting for some event to occur (I/O request)
- ready : The process is waiting to be assigned to a processor
- terminated : The process
PCB(process control block)
- 프로세스의 모든 정보를 담고 있는 자료구조( process state, program counter, cpu registers, cpu scheduling information, memory-management information , accounting information , i/0 status information 등등)
- context switch가 발생하면:
- 다른 프로세스로 전환될때 실행중이던 process의 모든 정보인 snapshot를 PCB에 저장해놓는다.
- 나중에 이 프로세스의 상태가 ready->running 으로 바뀌어도 PCB의 값을 보고 다시 실행을 이어나갈수있다.
2. Process scheduling:
- Scheduling queue: Process들을 담을 공간
1. Job queue: 모든 프로세스들의 집합
2. Ready queue: State가 Ready인 프로세스들의 집합
3. Device queue: I/O 디바이스를 기다리는 프로세스의 집합
프로세스들은 다양한 큐 사이를 이동한다.
- Scheduler:
- Long-term scheduler(Job scheduler):
메모리를 어떻게 할당할지를 결정
어떤 프로세스를 Ready queue에 넣을지 결정
- Short-term scheduler(CPU scheduler):
빠르게 context switching을 해준다.
Ready queue에서 프로세스를 선택
concurrently처럼 보이게 해준다.
- Medium-term scheduler:
Swapping을 담당한다.
Context switch:
1. Job queue: 모든 프로세스들의 집합
2. Ready queue: State가 Ready인 프로세스들의 집합
3. Device queue: I/O 디바이스를 기다리는 프로세스의 집합
프로세스들은 다양한 큐 사이를 이동한다.
- Long-term scheduler(Job scheduler):
메모리를 어떻게 할당할지를 결정
어떤 프로세스를 Ready queue에 넣을지 결정 - Short-term scheduler(CPU scheduler):
빠르게 context switching을 해준다.
Ready queue에서 프로세스를 선택
concurrently처럼 보이게 해준다. - Medium-term scheduler:
Swapping을 담당한다.
When CPU switches to another process, the system must
save the state of the old process and
load the saved state for the new process
Context-switch time is a big overhead;
3. Operation on processes
Process creation(fork)
Process termination(exit)
Operation on process
Resoource sharing options
child share subset of parent's resources
Execution options
Parent and child execute concurrently
Parent waits until child terminates (wait() 함수를 이용하여)
Address space
child duplicates parent's address space
child has a program loaded into it(exec() 함수를 이용하여)
Fork system call
- resource sharing:
- parent and children share files
- CPU time or memory(address space) are not shared (부모와자식프로세스는 별도의 프로세스이므로)
- Execution
- parent and children execute concurrently
- Address space
- Child Duplicate parent address space
- Call once, return twice:
- fork() return value의 값이 parent(=pid of child)와child(=0)에 따라 다르다.
- Every process has the same program!
exec system call is used to load a new program
- Reaping child processes(부모가 자식을 거둔다)
parent waits for its children to terminate
zombie process
자식 프로세스가 exit()하였는데 부모 프로세스가 wait() 하지않아 자식 프로세스가 zombie 상태가 되는것.
Process termination
exit: 마지막문장에서 실행되고 OS에게 자발적으로 삭제해달라고 요청한다.
abort: 부모가 자식 프로세스를 종료시키는 것.
위 그림에서 1번은 orpahn process가 발생한것이고, 2번은 cascading termination이 발생한것이다.
4. Inter-process communication(IPC)
Independent process cannot affect or be affected by the execution of another process
Cooperationg process can affect or be affected by the execution of another process.-> Process 간 communication이 필요하다.
- information sharing(ex:file)
- computation speed-up
- modularity
- convinience
- Message passing
- Shared Memory
위 두가지 방법은 os의 도움이 있어야 한다.
- Producer-Consumer problem using a programmed shared-memory
- producer process produces information
- consumer consumes informathion
- Must be synchronized
버퍼가 비어있거나, 가득차있을때 발생하는 것.
while(); 루프를 계속돌고 있는 상황
Shared memory:
shmget: 프로세스가 share memory를 만든다.
shmat: 프로세스가 자신의 address space를 shared memory에 붙인다.
- IPC facility provides two operations:
- send(message)
- receive(message) - If P and Q communicate:
- establish Communication link (maibox) between them
- exchange messages via send/receive
Establishing links:
Direct communication
- process must name each other explicitly (= "hard-coding") -> 이름이 바뀌면 recompile 해야한다.
- send(P,message) - send a message to process P
- receive(Q,message) - receive a message from process Q
Indirect communication:
- Messages are directed and received from mailboxes
- each mailbox has a unique id
- processes can communicate only if thy share a mailbox
Direct communication vs Indirect communication:
Direct communication(pipe):
- Links are established automatically
- usually bi-directional
- Between each pair there exists exactly one link
- shortcoming: can we know the name in advance? -
Indirect communication
- link established only if processes share a common mailbox
- A link may be associated with many processes
- Each pair of processes may share several communication links
- link may be unidirectional or bi-directional
A link may be associated with many processes.
Each pair of processes may share several commuication links.
Indirect communication operations:
- create a new mailbox.
- send and receive messages through mailbox.
- destroy a mailbox.
who gets the message (if p2,p3 tries)?
- allow a link to be assocaited with at most two processes.
- Broadcasting
- allow only one process to receive a message.
- Allow the sending process to select the receiver.
Mailbox synchronization:
Message passing may be either blocking or non-blocking.
Blocking is considered Synchronous.
Non-blocking is considered Asynchronous.
OS는 Primitive만 제공해주고, 옵션은 프로그래머가 선택한다.
IPC comparsion
Message VS Shared memory:
- Message-passing:
useful for inter-computer communication , exchanging smaller amounts of data and implemented using system calls so it is time-consuming. - Shared memory:
producer-consumer system -> synchronization을 위한 spinlock이 개발되었다.
Author And Source
이 문제에 관하여(OS-3-Process concept), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://velog.io/@yyong3519/OS-3Process-concept저자 귀속: 원작자 정보가 원작자 URL에 포함되어 있으며 저작권은 원작자 소유입니다.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)