optirun 오류 해결


  1. sudo apt-get install -f
  2. sudo apt-get clean
  3. sudo apt-get update 
  4. sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) 
  5. sudo dkms autoinstall -k $(uname -r) 
  6. sudo apt-get --purge --reinstall install nvidia-current 
  7. #Reboot or run:
  8. sudo modprobe -v -r nouveau 
  9. sudo restart bumblebeed 
  • You had a PAE kernel for which the headers were not installed
  • As a result, nvidia could not be built
  • Therefore Bumblebee autodetected nouveau and uses that instead
  • Ubuntu ships with horrible outdated nouveau drivers so that did not work

  • After rebuilding the nvidia driver, nouveau was still loaded. Since that takes precedence over "nvidia is available for loading"in auto-detection mode, the nvidia driver was not used.

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