Javascript Tagalog - Array Concat 메서드

Disclaimer: This is a Blog i made with the initial intention of reinforcing my knowledge in JS. I just thought sharing my blogs might be helpful for someone since they are written in tagalog/taglish. Incase of Misinformation I won't be responsible for it and you can comment on the blog to address the mistake or email me. I'm always trying my best to be as accurate as possible. take a look at other resources just to be sure.
Ano ngaba ang Array Concat 메서드는 Javascript입니까?
yung Array Concat 방법, pagsasama niyalang yung dalawang array.
Mas maganda if titignan niyo mga pictures mas maiintindihan niyo agad.

파노 가미틴:

const arr1 = [1,2]
const arr2 = [3,4,5]

const arr3 = arr1.concat( arr2 )
console.log( arr3 ) // [1,2,3,4,5]

반환 값 niya is yung 조합 ng dalawang 배열

Concat sa ibang 값

const arr1 = [1,2]
const arr2 = '3'

const arr3 = arr1.concat( arr2 )
console.log( arr3 ) // [1,2,'3']

if 힌디어 배열 yung linagay na 인수, i pu-push niyalang yung 인수 값 sa 배열

baka 지나치게 단순화되고 부정확한 정보 nasulat ko 그래서 여기에 더 자세한 문서가 있습니다(영어).
MDN Documentation - Array Concat method
더 많은 타갈로그어 Javascript 학습 리소스:

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