java call sap

33849 단어 자바
1. 필요 한 jar, windows 용 dll, Liux 용 so 다운로드
   win 다운로드 주소     링크 ux 다운로드 주소   win 다운로드 주소 new
2. 환경:
  windows -> 윈도 우즈 디 렉 터 리 에 sapjco 3. dll 넣 기
  linux -> libsapjco 3. so 를 lib 디 렉 터 리 에 넣 기 (권한 이 없 으 면 환경 변 수 를 만들어 넣 기)
3. 코드:
  1 package;


  3 import;

  4 import;

  5 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;

  6 import java.util.Date;

  7 import java.util.List;

  8 import java.util.Properties;

  9 import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;


 11 import;


 13 import;

 14 import;

 15 import;

 16 import;

 17 import;

 18 import;

 19 import;

 20 import;



 23 public class AUJcoClient

 24 {

 25     static String ABAP_AS_POOLED = "AU_AS_WITH_POOL";

 26     static String[] jcoPara=Operate.getAUJcoPara();

 27     static int timeOut=Integer.parseInt(jcoPara[8]);

 28     public static int FUNCTIONCOUNT=0;

 29     public static long FOLLOWCOUNT=0;

 30     public static int PEAK_LIMIT=Integer.parseInt(jcoPara[7]);


 32     public static ConcurrentHashMap<Long,Long> hm=new ConcurrentHashMap<Long,Long>();



 35     /**

 36      * initial JCO connection

 37      */

 38     static{

 39         for(int i=0;i<jcoPara.length;i++){

 40             System.out.print(jcoPara[i]+",");

 41         }

 42         Properties connectProperties = new Properties();

 43         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_ASHOST, jcoPara[0]);

 44         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_SYSNR,  jcoPara[1]);

 45         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_CLIENT, jcoPara[2]);

 46         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_USER,   jcoPara[3]);

 47         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PASSWD, jcoPara[4]);

 48         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_LANG,   jcoPara[5]);

 49         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_POOL_CAPACITY, jcoPara[6]);

 50         connectProperties.setProperty(DestinationDataProvider.JCO_PEAK_LIMIT, jcoPara[7]);


 52         createDataFile(ABAP_AS_POOLED, "jcoDestination", connectProperties);


 54    }


 56     static void createDataFile(String name, String suffix, Properties properties){

 57         File cfg = new File(name+"."+suffix);

 58         if(!cfg.exists()){

 59             FileOutputStream fos = null;

 60             try{

 61                 fos = new FileOutputStream(cfg, false);

 62       , "for tests only !");

 63             }catch (Exception e){

 64                 //Point 4 –  handle this exception

 65                 throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create the destination file " + cfg.getName(), e);

 66             }finally{

 67                 try{

 68                     if(fos!=null) fos.close(); 

 69                 }catch(Exception e){

 70                     e.printStackTrace();

 71                 }

 72             }

 73         }

 74     }


 76     /**

 77      * access JCO Interface 'Z_CREDIT_EXPOSURE'

 78      * @param customerAccountNumber

 79      * @param companyCode

 80      * @param creditControlArea

 81      * @param dateCreditExposure

 82      * @return

 83      * @throws JCoException 

 84      */

 85     public static String[] functionCallcreditExposure(String customerAccountNumber,String companyCode,String creditControlArea,String dateCreditExposure) throws Exception{

 86         String[] res = new String[3];

 87         String  creditLimit = null;

 88         String  Receivable = null;

 89         String  creditExposure = null;

 90         try{

 91         JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(ABAP_AS_POOLED);

 92         JCoFunction function = destination.getRepository().getFunction("Z_CREDIT_EXPOSURE");

 93         JCoParameterList inParm  = function.getImportParameterList();

 94             inParm.setValue("KUNNR", "4002485");

 95             inParm.setValue("BUKRS",  "AU40");

 96             inParm.setValue("KKBER","AU40");

 97             inParm.setValue("DATE_CREDIT_EXPOSURE","99991231");

 98             FUNCTIONCOUNT++;

 99             function.execute(destination);

100             FOLLOWCOUNT++;

101             if(FOLLOWCOUNT>100000) FOLLOWCOUNT=0; 

102             hm.put(new Long(FOLLOWCOUNT), new Date().getTime()/1000);

103             creditExposure = function.getExportParameterList().getString("SUM_OPENS").toString();

104             Receivable = function.getExportParameterList().getString("OPEN_ITEMS").toString();

105             creditLimit = function.getExportParameterList().getString("CREDITLIMIT").toString();

106             res[0] = creditExposure;

107             res[1] = Receivable;

108             res[2] = creditLimit;

109         }catch (JCoException e) {

110             throw e;

111         }finally{

112             FUNCTIONCOUNT--;

113         }

114         return res;

115     }


117     /**

118      * access JCO Interface 'Y_RFC_AP_ACC_GETKEYDATEBALANC'

119      * @param  material String

120      * @param  req_qty String

121      * @param  customer String

122      * @return String part status

123      */

124     public static String functionCallGetBalance(String vendorAccountNumber,String companyCode,String dateCreditExposure) throws Exception{

125         String  vendorBalance = null;

126         try{

127         JCoDestination destination = JCoDestinationManager.getDestination(ABAP_AS_POOLED);

128         JCoFunction function = destination.getRepository().getFunction("Y_RFC_AP_ACC_GETKEYDATEBALANC");

129         JCoParameterList inParm    = function.getImportParameterList();

130             inParm.setValue("VENDOR", vendorAccountNumber);

131             inParm.setValue("COMPANYCODE",  companyCode);

132             inParm.setValue("KEYDATE",dateCreditExposure);

133             FUNCTIONCOUNT++;

134             function.execute(destination);

135             FOLLOWCOUNT++;

136             if(FOLLOWCOUNT>100000) FOLLOWCOUNT=0; 

137             hm.put(new Long(FOLLOWCOUNT), new Date().getTime()/1000);

138             vendorBalance = function.getExportParameterList().getString("LC_BAL").toString();

139         } catch(AbapException e) {

140             System.out.println(e.toString());

141         }finally{

142             FUNCTIONCOUNT--;

143         }

144         return vendorBalance;

145     }


147     /**

148      * Control Maximum concurrency

149      * @param  material String

150      * @param  req_qty String

151      * @param  customer String

152      *@return part status

153      */

154     public static Object functionControlGetBalance(String VendoraccountNumber,String CompanyCode,String DateCreditExposure) throws Exception {


156         String status=null;

157         Object partStat=null;

158         Date d1=null;

159         Date d2=null;

160                 String path= PropsUtil.get("JCO_ROOT");

161         try{

162             /*

163              * WAS          "Library is already loaded in another ClassLoader" bug,      jvm

164              * Java      JNI        classloader       ,       JNI         classloader  。

165              *    JNI class     jar ,       (default、all share) lib   ,       

166              */

167             JCo.setTrace(0, path);

168         }catch (Exception e) {

169             System.err.println("Jco loader error:"+e);

170         }


172         LayOut lo=new LayOut(path+"/AUJcoPrint.log");


174         SimpleDateFormat sdf=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss");

175         SimpleDateFormat sdf2=new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss:SSS");

176         StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer("");


178         try{

179             sb.append(sdf2.format(new Date())).append("\t").append("VendoraccountNumber:")

180             .append(VendoraccountNumber).append("\t").append("CompanyCode:").append(CompanyCode)

181             .append("\t").append("DateCreditExposure:").append(DateCreditExposure).append("\r
"); 182 int i=0; 183 // PEAK_LIMIT, timeOut 184 while(FUNCTIONCOUNT>PEAK_LIMIT && i<timeOut){ 185 Thread.sleep(1000); 186 i++; 187 } 188 if(FUNCTIONCOUNT<PEAK_LIMIT){ 189 d1=new Date(); 190 // JCO 191 partStat=functionCallGetBalance(VendoraccountNumber,CompanyCode,DateCreditExposure); 192 if(partStat==null){ 193 partStat="sku not exist"; 194 } 195 d2=new Date(); 196 status="OK"; 197 }else{ 198 status="reached the maximum number of JCO_PEAK_LIMIT"; 199 partStat="timeout"; 200 System.err.println(FUNCTIONCOUNT+" "+new Date().toLocaleString()); 201 } 202 // } 203 }catch(Exception e){ 204 // 205 status=e.getMessage(); 206 e.printStackTrace(); 207 }finally{ 208 StringBuffer sb2=new StringBuffer(""); 209 long responseTime=-1; 210 if(d1!=null&&d2!=null) responseTime=d2.getTime()-d1.getTime(); 211 sb2.append(sdf2.format(new Date())).append("\t").append("ExecID:") 212 .append(FOLLOWCOUNT).append("\t").append("InvocationTime:") 213 .append(d1==null?"null":sdf.format(d1)).append("\t").append("ResponseReceivedTime:") 214 .append(d2==null?"null":sdf.format(d2)).append("\t") 215 .append("TotalTimeTaken:").append(responseTime).append("\t") 216 .append("Status:").append(status); 217 lo.writeFile(sb.append(sb2).toString()); 218 } 219 return partStat; 220 } 221 222 /* public static void main(String[] args){ 223 try{ 224 System.out.println("=======AUbegin============="); 225 String xx = functionCallGetBalance("A1053905A","1","1000053"); 226 String[] res = functionCallcreditExposure("632","AU40","AU40","99991231"); 227 System.out.println("======end==============:"); 228 }catch(Exception e){ 229 e.printStackTrace(); 230 } 231 }*/ 232 }

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