여러분 들 께 비교적 편리 하 게 sql 을 맞 추 는 방법 을 추천 합 니 다.

7013 단어 sql

프론트 데스크 톱 에서 인 자 를 전달 할 때 이렇게 전달 할 수 있 습 니 다.

........................ sp[14].................
sql 맞 출 때 이렇게 쓸 수 있어 요.
private String getsqlcsp(List<String> sp) {
  String sqlc = "";
  for (int i = 0; i < sp.size(); i++) {
   if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(sp.get(i))) {
    String[] code = sp.get(i).split(";");
    if (code.length > 0) {
     for (int j = 0; j < code.length; j++) {
      switch (i) {
      case 0:
       if (code[j] == "") {
       } else {
        sqlc += " and t.gender = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 1:

       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and ( " + code[j] + ")";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and ( " + code[j];
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or " + code[j] + ")";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or " + code[j];
      case 2:
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and t.id in (select m.user_id from user_organization m where m.organization_name like '%"
           + code[j] + "%')";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and t.id in (select m.user_id from user_organization m where m.organization_name like '%"
           + code[j] + "%'";
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or m.organization_name like '%"
          + code[j] + "%')";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or m.organization_name like '%"
          + code[j] + "%'";
      case 3:
       sqlc += " and t.contact = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 4:
       sqlc += " and t.area1 = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 5:
       sqlc += " and t.area2 = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 6:
       code[j] = code[j].trim();
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and t.id in (select s.user_id from user_role s  where  s.role_code = '"
           + code[j] + "')";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and t.id in ( select s.user_id from user_role s where s.role_code = '"
           + code[j] + "'";
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or  s.role_code = '" + code[j] + "')";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or  s.role_code = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 7:
       code[j] = code[j].trim();
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and ( " + code[j] + ")";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and ( " + code[j];
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or " + code[j] + ")";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or " + code[j];
      case 8:
       code[j] = code[j].trim();
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and t.job_title = '" + code[j]
           + "'";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and (t.job_title = '" + code[j]
           + "'";
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or t.job_title = '" + code[j] + "')";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or t.job_title = '" + code[j] + "'";
      case 9:
       code[j] = code[j].trim();
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and t.pc_activities like '%"
           + code[j] + "%'";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and (t.pc_activities like '%"
           + code[j] + "%'";
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or t.pc_activities like '%" + code[j]
          + "%')";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or t.pc_activities like '%" + code[j]
          + "%'";
      case 10:
       sqlc += " and t.ms_eff_date > to_date('" + code[j]
         + " 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')";
      case 11:
       sqlc += " and t.ms_eff_date < to_date('" + code[j]
         + " 23:59:59','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')";
      case 12:
       sqlc += " and t.time_for_now > to_date('" + code[j]
         + " 00:00:00','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')";
      case 13:
       sqlc += " and t.time_for_now < to_date('" + code[j]
         + " 23:59:59','yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss')";
      case 14:
       sqlc += " and to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') - to_char(ms_eff_date,'yyyy') >= "
         + Integer.parseInt(code[j]);
      case 15:
       sqlc += " and to_char(sysdate,'yyyy') - to_char(ms_eff_date,'yyyy') <= "
         + Integer.parseInt(code[j]);
      case 16:
       code[j] = code[j].trim();
       if (j == 0) {
        if (code.length == 1) {
         sqlc += " and t.id in (select s.user_id from log_user_sing s where s.sing_code like '%"
           + code[j] + "%')";
        } else {
         sqlc += " and t.id in (select s.user_id from log_user_sing s where s.sing_code like '%"
           + code[j] + "%'";
       } else if (j == code.length - 1) {
        sqlc += " or s.sing_code like '%" + code[j]
          + "%')";
       } else {
        sqlc += " or s.sing_code like '%" + code[j]
          + "%'";
  return sqlc;

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