gist fetch에서 "바인딩되지 않은 슬롯"오류가 발생합니다.
149801 단어 gist.el
호스트 연락처'...
Opening TLS connection with
gnutls cli에 대한 TLS 연결을 열고 있습니다. 안전하지 않습니다. - p 443'...패하다gnutls-cli --insecure -p 443 --protocols ssl3'...failed
Opening TLS connection with
openssls 클라이언트를 사용하여 TLS 연결-연결api를 엽니다.github.통신:443-무ssl2-점화...완성api에 대한 TLS 연결을 열고 있습니다'...완성
만약: 바인딩되지 않은 슬롯: #, #,: 사용자, oref
Debugger entered--Lisp error: (unbound-slot "#<class gh-gist-gist>" "#<gh-gist-gist gh-gist-gist>" :user oref)
signal(unbound-slot ("#<class gh-gist-gist>" "#<gh-gist-gist gh-gist-gist>" :user oref))
byte-code("......" [req num err resp eieio-oref :num-retries zerop signal eieio-oset gh-url-run-request] 5)
gh-url-set-response(nil ([object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0] [object gh-api-paged-response "gh-api-paged-response" nil nil (("X-Served-By" . "132026e9262a0093e437f99db5f1e499") ("Vary" . "Accept-Encoding") ("X-Content-Type-Options" . "nosniff") ("Strict-Transport-Security" . "max-age=31536000") ("X-GitHub-Request-Id" . "3287C485:0AB5:1DF25BD:5350391B") ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" . "*") ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers" . "ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval") ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" . "true") ("Content-Length" . "6830") ("Content-Security-Policy" . "default-src 'none'") ("X-Frame-Options" . "deny") ("X-XSS-Protection" . "1; mode=block") ("X-GitHub-Media-Type" . "github.v3") ("Vary" . "Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP") ("X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes" . "") ("X-OAuth-Scopes" . "user, repo, gist") ("ETag" . "\"7be3a7cc283d39bca0132be9cb8a7af0\"") ("Last-Modified" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:24:37 GMT") ("Cache-Control" . "private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60") ("X-RateLimit-Reset" . "1397769918") ("X-RateLimit-Remaining" . "4997") ("X-RateLimit-Limit" . "5000") ("Status" . "200 OK") ("Content-Type" . "application/json; charset=utf-8") ("Date" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:27:11 GMT") ("Server" . "") (status-string . "OK") (status-code . "200") (status-version . "1.1")) 200 nil (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) [object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0]]))
#[(req &optional resp) "....." [req params url url-request-extra-headers url-request-data url-request-method eieio-oref :method :data :headers :url :query gh-url-params-encode "" :async make-instance default-response-cls url-retrieve gh-url-set-response url-retrieve-synchronously nil resp req-resp] 8]([object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0] [object gh-api-paged-response "gh-api-paged-response" nil nil (("X-Served-By" . "132026e9262a0093e437f99db5f1e499") ("Vary" . "Accept-Encoding") ("X-Content-Type-Options" . "nosniff") ("Strict-Transport-Security" . "max-age=31536000") ("X-GitHub-Request-Id" . "3287C485:0AB5:1DF25BD:5350391B") ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" . "*") ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers" . "ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval") ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" . "true") ("Content-Length" . "6830") ("Content-Security-Policy" . "default-src 'none'") ("X-Frame-Options" . "deny") ("X-XSS-Protection" . "1; mode=block") ("X-GitHub-Media-Type" . "github.v3") ("Vary" . "Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP") ("X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes" . "") ("X-OAuth-Scopes" . "user, repo, gist") ("ETag" . "\"7be3a7cc283d39bca0132be9cb8a7af0\"") ("Last-Modified" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:24:37 GMT") ("Cache-Control" . "private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60") ("X-RateLimit-Reset" . "1397769918") ("X-RateLimit-Remaining" . "4997") ("X-RateLimit-Limit" . "5000") ("Status" . "200 OK") ("Content-Type" . "application/json; charset=utf-8") ("Date" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:27:11 GMT") ("Server" . "") (status-string . "OK") (status-code . "200") (status-version . "1.1")) 200 nil (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) [object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0]])
apply(#[(req &optional resp) "....." [req params url url-request-extra-headers url-request-data url-request-method eieio-oref :method :data :headers :url :query gh-url-params-encode "" :async make-instance default-response-cls url-retrieve gh-url-set-response url-retrieve-synchronously nil resp req-resp] 8] ([object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0] [object gh-api-paged-response "gh-api-paged-response" nil nil (("X-Served-By" . "132026e9262a0093e437f99db5f1e499") ("Vary" . "Accept-Encoding") ("X-Content-Type-Options" . "nosniff") ("Strict-Transport-Security" . "max-age=31536000") ("X-GitHub-Request-Id" . "3287C485:0AB5:1DF25BD:5350391B") ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" . "*") ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers" . "ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval") ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" . "true") ("Content-Length" . "6830") ("Content-Security-Policy" . "default-src 'none'") ("X-Frame-Options" . "deny") ("X-XSS-Protection" . "1; mode=block") ("X-GitHub-Media-Type" . "github.v3") ("Vary" . "Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP") ("X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes" . "") ("X-OAuth-Scopes" . "user, repo, gist") ("ETag" . "\"7be3a7cc283d39bca0132be9cb8a7af0\"") ("Last-Modified" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:24:37 GMT") ("Cache-Control" . "private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60") ("X-RateLimit-Reset" . "1397769918") ("X-RateLimit-Remaining" . "4997") ("X-RateLimit-Limit" . "5000") ("Status" . "200 OK") ("Content-Type" . "application/json; charset=utf-8") ("Date" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:27:11 GMT") ("Server" . "") (status-string . "OK") (status-code . "200") (status-version . "1.1")) 200 nil (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) [object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0]]))
gh-url-run-request([object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0] [object gh-api-paged-response "gh-api-paged-response" nil nil (("X-Served-By" . "132026e9262a0093e437f99db5f1e499") ("Vary" . "Accept-Encoding") ("X-Content-Type-Options" . "nosniff") ("Strict-Transport-Security" . "max-age=31536000") ("X-GitHub-Request-Id" . "3287C485:0AB5:1DF25BD:5350391B") ("Access-Control-Allow-Origin" . "*") ("Access-Control-Expose-Headers" . "ETag, Link, X-GitHub-OTP, X-RateLimit-Limit, X-RateLimit-Remaining, X-RateLimit-Reset, X-OAuth-Scopes, X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes, X-Poll-Interval") ("Access-Control-Allow-Credentials" . "true") ("Content-Length" . "6830") ("Content-Security-Policy" . "default-src 'none'") ("X-Frame-Options" . "deny") ("X-XSS-Protection" . "1; mode=block") ("X-GitHub-Media-Type" . "github.v3") ("Vary" . "Accept, Authorization, Cookie, X-GitHub-OTP") ("X-Accepted-OAuth-Scopes" . "") ("X-OAuth-Scopes" . "user, repo, gist") ("ETag" . "\"7be3a7cc283d39bca0132be9cb8a7af0\"") ("Last-Modified" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:24:37 GMT") ("Cache-Control" . "private, max-age=60, s-maxage=60") ("X-RateLimit-Reset" . "1397769918") ("X-RateLimit-Remaining" . "4997") ("X-RateLimit-Limit" . "5000") ("Status" . "200 OK") ("Content-Type" . "application/json; charset=utf-8") ("Date" . "Thu, 17 Apr 2014 20:27:11 GMT") ("Server" . "") (status-string . "OK") (status-code . "200") (status-version . "1.1")) 200 nil (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) [object gh-api-paged-request "gh-api-paged-request" "GET" "" nil (("Authorization" . "token SHHHHH") ("Content-Type" . "application/json")) "null" nil 0]])
#[(api transformer method resource &optional data params) "......." [api fmt headers cache resource method eieio-oref :data-format :form (("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) :json (("Content-Type" . "application/json")) :cache sha1 format "%s" safe-methods pcache-has pcache-get gh-cache-outdated-p gh-cache-etag gh-auth-modify-request :auth make-instance gh-api-paged-request :method :url :base gh-api-expand-resource :query :headers "If-None-Match" :data gh-api-json-encode gh-url-form-encode "" gh-api-response "cached" :data-received t default-response-cls :transform gh-url-run-request gh-url-add-response-callback gh-api-callback :key :revive pcache-invalidate transformer key ...] 16]([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) "GET" "/gists/5971577")
apply(#[(api transformer method resource &optional data params) "........" [api fmt headers cache resource method eieio-oref :data-format :form (("Content-Type" . "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")) :json (("Content-Type" . "application/json")) :cache sha1 format "%s" safe-methods pcache-has pcache-get gh-cache-outdated-p gh-cache-etag gh-auth-modify-request :auth make-instance gh-api-paged-request :method :url :base gh-api-expand-resource :query :headers "If-None-Match" :data gh-api-json-encode gh-url-form-encode "" gh-api-response "cached" :data-received t default-response-cls :transform gh-url-run-request gh-url-add-response-callback gh-api-callback :key :revive pcache-invalidate transformer key ...] 16] ([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) "GET" "/gists/5971577"))
gh-api-authenticated-request([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] (closure (t) (&rest args) (apply (quote gh-object-read) (quote [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]) args)) "GET" "/gists/5971577")
#[(api gist-or-id) "\304\211\n;\203\n\305\306\307\"!\202\306\n\310\"\305\n!\311\312\313\314 \"$*\207" [transformer id gist-or-id api nil gh-object-reader eieio-oref gist-cls :id gh-api-authenticated-request "GET" format "/gists/%s"] 7]([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil])
apply(#[(api gist-or-id) "\304\211\n;\203\n\305\306\307\"!\202\306\n\310\"\305\n!\311\312\313\314 \"$*\207" [transformer id gist-or-id api nil gh-object-reader eieio-oref gist-cls :id gh-api-authenticated-request "GET" format "/gists/%s"] 7] ([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil]))
gh-gist-get([object gh-gist-api "api" t [object gh-cache "gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "~/.emacs.d/var/pcache/gh/gh-gist-api/DinoChiesa" "gh-0.2" #s(hash-table size 65 test equal rehash-size 1.5 rehash-threshold 0.8 data (("/users/DinoChiesa/gists" "GET" "518961b9e53cab492b8a913ae8ba7382d4306545") [object gh-cache-entry "gh-cache-entry" 1397766426.800354 nil ([object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "try-request.el" 877 "" nil]) t "Invoke Apigee Edge Mgmt API to list APIs, from elisp" "2014-04-17T19:24:47Z" "2014-04-17T19:36:40Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "11006228" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "exampleBase64Apigee.js" 4061 "" nil]) t "Example of doing base64 encoding in a JavaScript for an Apigee policy " "2014-01-15T06:04:33Z" "2014-01-15T06:04:34Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8431579" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 1628 "" nil]) t "Bash script to rename screen capture files on MacOSX to something cleaner. It's handy to attach this as a \"folder action\" so that files get renamed automagically. See" "2013-12-04T22:04:35Z" "2014-04-17T19:48:11Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "7796444" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "HelloWorldPort.wsdl" 2121 "" nil]) t "HelloWorld WSDL" "2013-10-03T18:44:08Z" "2013-10-03T18:44:09Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6814892" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "contentNego.js" 4130 "" nil]) t "content negotiation in JS for ASP-classic" "2013-07-26T14:08:05Z" "2013-07-26T14:08:06Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089138" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "stringExtensions.js" 1038 "" nil]) t "string extensions for use with the sql-1.asp example I posted previously." "2013-07-26T13:57:48Z" "2013-07-26T13:57:49Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "6089059" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Embedding-Gist.htm" 1054 "" nil]) t "Embed a Gist using jQuery. " "2013-05-22T02:24:58Z" "2013-05-22T02:24:59Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5624844" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "sql-1.asp" 6413 "" nil]) t "An example of a Classic ASP module implemented in JavaScript. This one reads from a SQL database, does content negotiation, returning a query result as Text, XML, JSON, or HTML. " "2013-05-21T04:40:50Z" "2013-07-26T14:09:12Z" "" "" "" 1 unbound "5617520" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "xmlpretty.el" 1403 "" nil]) t "elisp for pretty-printing XML from within emacs" "2013-04-30T14:16:29Z" "2013-04-30T14:16:30Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5489021" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "Sha1.js" 5738 "" nil]) :json-false "Javascript implementation of Sha1 , swiped from Google's closure library." "2013-04-23T05:48:43Z" "2013-04-23T05:48:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "8ac2344a03209716c623" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 16043 "" nil]) :json-false "JDBC Console client" "2013-04-18T20:37:09Z" "2013-04-18T20:37:10Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "caecab8d32162ca05ac8" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "hashUrlParameter.js" 6566 "" nil]) :json-false "Shows how to compute a SHA-1 Hash of a query parameter. " "2013-04-18T17:55:50Z" "2013-04-18T17:55:51Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "fae2f5a8e1a2cb907552" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "" 4804 "" nil]) :json-false "Basic XSLT / Saxon in Java, from command line" "2013-04-01T18:42:46Z" "2013-04-01T18:42:47Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "16375c6ea2068b387ec4" "" nil nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "RawSerializer.cs" 1256 "" nil]) t "Raw Serializer in C#" "2013-03-08T21:48:18Z" "2013-03-08T21:48:19Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5120167" "" nil nil]) "\"7277212cc00d30f806e5256e321c684c\"" nil] ...)) gh-cache-entry 1397766327.791304 300] "" "github" [object gh-oauth-authenticator "auth" "DinoChiesa" "aa19bf050682c65512c8e9b27046c96becc1085b"] :json 1 nil] [object gh-gist-gist "gh-gist-gist" ([object gh-gist-gist-file "gh-gist-gist-file" "edit-in-place.js" 3712 "" "angular\n\n // edit-in-place attribute\n .directive( 'editInPlace', function() {\n return {\n restrict: 'A',\n scope: { value: '=editInPlace', onSaveFn: '&onSave', onCancelFn: '&onCancel' },\n template: '<span ng-click=\"handleClick()\" ng-bind=\"value\"></span><input ng-model=\"modelCopy\" style=\"width:100%;\"></input>',\n link: function ( $scope, element /* , attrs */ ) {\n // Let's get a reference to the input element, as we'll want to reference it.\n var inputChild = angular.element( element.children()[1] ),\n previousValue;\n\n element.addClass( 'edit-in-place' );\n $scope.editing = false;\n\n // This directive edits a copy of the value. Important because if the\n // value is included in a sorted list, then the sorting will be active\n // during editing, which can cause UI surprises. Elements get sorted out\n // from under the cursor and can lose focus. So we edit a copy of the\n // value, and the actual model gets updated by the controller who\n // receives the onSaveFn.\n $scope.modelCopy = $scope.value;\n\n $scope.handleClick = function() {\n if ( ! $scope.editing) {\n $scope.beginEdit();\n }\n };\n\n // why do I need to watch scope.editing ?\n // $scope.$watch( 'editing', function () {\n // console.log('editInPlace editing changed', $scope.editing);\n // if ( $scope.editing ) {\n // $scope.edit();\n // }\n // else {\n // $scope.stop();\n // }\n // });\n\n // activate editing mode\n $scope.beginEdit = function () {\n $scope.editing = true;\n previousValue = $scope.value;\n\n // When the css class is 'active', the input box gets displayed.\n // See the css for details.\n element.addClass( 'active' );\n\n // Now, focus the element.\n // `angular.element()` returns a chainable array, like jQuery. To access\n // a native DOM function, reference the first element in the array.\n inputChild[0].focus();\n };\n\n // When the user leaves the input box, stop editing and accept the changes\n inputChild.prop( 'onblur', function() {\n if ( $scope.editing ) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n });\n\n // has the user pressed the RETURN or ESCAPE key from within the input box?\n inputChild.prop( 'onkeyup', function(e) {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n if (e.keyCode === 13) {\n $scope.acceptEdits();\n }\n else if (e.keyCode === 27) {\n $scope.cancelEdits();\n }\n }\n });\n\n // Accept edits\n $scope.acceptEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n if ($scope.modelCopy !== previousValue) {\n // This directive does not update the model directly. It's up to\n // the controller to \"accept\" the changes and apply them to the\n // original model.\n $scope.onSaveFn({value: $scope.modelCopy, previousValue: previousValue});\n }\n }\n };\n\n // Cancel edits\n $scope.cancelEdits = function () {\n if ($scope.editing) {\n $scope.editing = false;\n element.removeClass( 'active' );\n // wrap this assignment so that the view gets updated\n $scope.$apply(function() {\n $scope.value = previousValue;\n });\n $scope.onCancelFn({value: $scope.value});\n }\n };\n }\n };\n });\n"]) t "An edit-in-place directive for AngularJS. It requires no jQuery or other JS framework. " "2013-07-11T00:49:03Z" "2014-04-03T14:22:44Z" "" "" "" 0 unbound "5971577" "" nil nil])
(cond ((null gist) (setq gist (eieio-oref (gh-gist-get api id) (quote :data))) (add-to-list (quote gist-list-db) gist)) ((not (gh-gist-gist-has-files gist)) (gh-gist-get api gist)))
(let ((api (gist-get-api t))) (cond ((null gist) (setq gist (eieio-oref (gh-gist-get api id) (quote :data))) (add-to-list (quote gist-list-db) gist)) ((not (gh-gist-gist-has-files gist)) (gh-gist-get api gist))))
(let ((gist nil) (multi nil) (prefix (format "*gist %s*" id)) (result nil)) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- gist-list-db) g) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq g (car --dolist-tail--)) (if (string= (eieio-oref g (quote :id)) id) (progn (setq gist g))) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--))))) (let ((api (gist-get-api t))) (cond ((null gist) (setq gist (eieio-oref (gh-gist-get api id) (quote :data))) (add-to-list (quote gist-list-db) gist)) ((not (gh-gist-gist-has-files gist)) (gh-gist-get api gist)))) (let ((files (eieio-oref gist (quote :files)))) (setq multi (< 1 (length files))) (progn (let ((--dolist-tail-- files) f) (while --dolist-tail-- (setq f (car --dolist-tail--)) (let ((buffer ...) (mode ...)) (save-current-buffer (set-buffer buffer) (delete-region ... ...) (insert ...) (let ... ... ... ... ...) (set-buffer-modified-p nil)) (setq result buffer)) (setq --dolist-tail-- (cdr --dolist-tail--)))))) (if multi (let ((ibuffer-mode-hook nil) (ibuffer-use-header-line nil) (ibuffer-show-empty-filter-groups nil)) (ibuffer t prefix (list (cons (quote name) (regexp-quote (concat prefix "/")))) nil nil nil (quote ((name))))) (switch-to-buffer-other-window result)))
call-interactively(gist-fetch-current nil nil)
토론 #1
+1토론 #2
나도 이 점을 알지만, 요점을 두 번 열면 된다는 것을 발견했다.이런 실수는 처음인 것 같다.토론 #셋
+1에서 O.P.와 +1에서mittenchops--즉 여기도 마찬가지다.토론 #4
적어도 이 부분은 gh 캐시 파일에defmethod gh-api-set-default-auth . . .
제어된 위치에서 만들어진 항목이 없기 때문이라고 생각합니다.파일 위치는 사용자emacs 디렉터리에 있습니다. [user-emacs-directory]/gh/gh-gist-api/user-name
캐시를 삭제하고gist 목록의 항목을 선택하면 오류와 관련 오류를 복사할 수 있습니다.항목을 처음 선택하면 캐시 파일이 생성되거나 업데이트되며 오류 메시지가 표시됩니다.캐시 파일에 업데이트된 항목이 있기 때문에 후속 선택에 오류가 없습니다.모든 오류는gist 목록의 모든gist를 최소한 한 번 선택해서 복구할 수 있습니다. 물론 캐시 파일을 삭제하지 마십시오.토론 #5
gh에 고정해야 합니다.el 0.8.1Reference
이 문제에 관하여(gist fetch에서 "바인딩되지 않은 슬롯"오류가 발생합니다.), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)