GCP (or local machine) + Kaggle Docker + VSCode

GCP (or local machine) + Kaggle Docker + VSCode

This document describes how to setup Kaggle Python docker image environment on Google Cloud Platform (GCP) or your local machine by Docker and how to setup Visual Studio Code (VSCode) to connect the environment.
A primally information source comes from Kaggle's docker-python repository . Also, there is a guide , but unfortunately it's a bit obsoleted guide written in 2016.
Note: This method may take 20-30 minutes and over 18.5GB disks for data downloads.
Note: If you do not use VSCode, no need to read this document. See here .
All files in this document are available on my repository .
There are 2 options, GCP or local machine. If you are going to setup the environment on your local machine, skip to [Option 2] Setup the environment on your local machine section.

[Option 1] Setup the environment on GCP

On GCP, "AI Platform Notebooks" would be easier than "Compute Engine" (GCE) to setup Kaggle Python docker image .

Create an AI Platform Notebook

  • Access https://console.cloud.google.com/ai/platform/notebooks
  • Select a project e.g. kaggle-shopee-1 (You must create a project beforehand)
  • Choose Customize instance
  • Instance name: e.g. kaggle-test-1
  • Environment: Kaggle Python [BETA] (This option will automatically prepare Kaggle Python docker image at startup the VM instance)
  • GPU type: e.g. NVIDIA Tesla T4 (You must increase GPU quota beforehand)
  • Mark the checkbox Install NVIDIA GPU driver automatically for me
  • gcp_notebook_1
  • Open Networking section
  • Mark the radio button Networks in this project
  • Clear the checkbox Allow proxy access when it's available (This option will avoid to load unnecessary proxy Docker container)
  • Click CREATE
  • gcp_notebook_2
  • Wait for around 20-30 minutes to start up the VM instance. I guess it's because of docker pull . If you choose GPU type: None , it takes a few minutes. Check the console logs at here .
  • Connect to the VM instance

  • Install Cloud SDK . If you are using macOS and Homebrew, brew install --cask google-cloud-sdk may be convenient.
  • After that, gcloud command should be available on your terminal.
  • SSH to the VM instance with port forwarding
  • % gcloud compute --project "kaggle-shopee-1" ssh --zone "us-west1-b" "kaggle-test-1" -- -L 8080:localhost:8080
    Note: You must wait to start up the VM instance. Check the console logs at here .
    Note: I recommend to limit source IP ranges for SSH and RDP port. See here .
  • Open web browser and try to access http://localhost:8080
  • Note: There is no token=... .
    If you do not use VSCode, that's all. You do not have to do anything below.

    Stop pre-installed Docker container

    If you use VSCode to connect GCP Notebook, you must tweak Docker container. At the moment, VSCode can only access to remote Jupyter servers with token option enabled. But pre-installed Docker container disables token option by c.NotebookApp.token = '' . You must stop pre-installed Docker container and run a new Docker container with token option enabled instead.
  • Stop pre-installed Docker container
  • Stop pre-installed Docker container and turn off the startup option. See details here .
    % docker ps -a
    % docker inspect -f "{{.Name}} {{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}" $(docker ps -aq)
    % docker update --restart no payload-container
    % docker inspect -f "{{.Name}} {{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}" $(docker ps -aq)
    % docker stop payload-container
    % docker ps -a
  • Install docker-compose
  • docker-compose will be convenient to run containers, even on a single container. See details here .
    % sudo curl -L "https://github.com/docker/compose/releases/download/1.29.1/docker-compose-$(uname -s)-$(uname -m)" -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    % sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose
    Skip to Run Docker container section.

    [Option 2] Setup the environment on your local machine

    If you setup the environment on your local machine, install and setup Docker .
    After that, docker and docker-compose commands should be available on your terminal.
    % docker -v
    Docker version 20.10.5, build 55c4c88
    % docker-compose -v
    docker-compose version 1.28.5, build c4eb3a1f

    Run Docker container (both GCP and local machine)

    I prepared a sample repository of the Dockerfile , etc. If you do not care about details, execute these commands and skip to Open Notebook by web browser section.
    % git clone https://github.com/susumuota/kaggleenv.git
    % cd kaggleenv
    % docker-compose build
    % docker-compose up -d
    % docker-compose logs
    # Find and copy http://localhost:8080/?token=...
    Otherwise, follow the instructions below.

    Create Dockerfile

    Create a directory (e.g. kaggleenv ) and go there. If you clone the sample repository, just cd kaggleenv .
    Create Dockerfile like the following. See details here . If you use CPU instead of GPU, edit FROM lines.
    # for CPU
    # FROM gcr.io/kaggle-images/python:latest
    # for GPU
    FROM gcr.io/kaggle-gpu-images/python:latest
    # apply patch to enable token and change notebook directory to /kaggle/working
    # see jupyter_notebook_config.py.patch
    COPY jupyter_notebook_config.py.patch /opt/jupyter/.jupyter/
    RUN (cd /opt/jupyter/.jupyter/ && patch < jupyter_notebook_config.py.patch)
    # add extra modules here
    # RUN pip install -U pip
    You can specify a tag (e.g. edit latest to v99 ) to keep using the same environment, otherwise it fetches latest one every time you build image. You can find tags from GCR page .

    Create jupyter_notebook_config.py.patch

    This Docker image will run Jupyter Lab with startup script /run_jupyter.sh and config /opt/jupyter/.jupyter/jupyter_notebook_config.py . It needs to be tweaked like the following.
  • Enable token (so that VSCode can connect properly)
  • Change notebook directory to /kaggle/working
  • Create jupyter_notebook_config.py.patch like the following.
    --- jupyter_notebook_config.py.orig	2021-02-17 07:52:56.000000000 +0000
    +++ jupyter_notebook_config.py	2021-04-05 06:19:23.640584228 +0000
    @@ -4 +4 @@
    -c.NotebookApp.token = ''
    +# c.NotebookApp.token = ''
    @@ -11 +11,2 @@
    -c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/home/jupyter'
    +# c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/home/jupyter'
    +c.NotebookApp.notebook_dir = '/kaggle/working'
    Note: This patch may not work in the future version of Kaggle Python docker image . In that case, create a new patch with diff -u original new > patch . At least I confirmed this patch work on v99 tag.

    Create docker-compose.yml

    Create docker-compose.yml like the following. See details here . This setting mounts current directory on your local machine to /kaggle/working on the container. If you use CPU instead of GPU, comment out runtime: nvidia .
    version: "3"
        build: .
          - $PWD:/kaggle/working
        working_dir: /kaggle/working
          - "8080:8080"
        hostname: localhost
        restart: always
        # for GPU
        runtime: nvidia

    Create .dockerignore

    Create .dockerignore like the following. See details here . This setting specifies subdirectories and files that should be ignored when building Docker images. You will mount the current directory, so you do not need to include subdirectories and files into image. Especially, input directory should be ignored because it may include large files so that build process may take long time.

    Run docker-compose build

    Run docker-compose build to build the Docker image. See details here .
    Note: This process may take 20-30 minutes and over 18.5GB disks for data downloads on your local machine.
    % docker-compose build
    Confirm the image by docker images .
    % docker images
    REPOSITORY            TAG       IMAGE ID       CREATED          SIZE
    kaggleenv_jupyter   latest    ............   28 minutes ago   18.5GB

    Run docker-compose up -d

    Run docker-compose up -d to start Docker container in the background. In addition, the container will automatically run at startup VM instance or local machine. See details here and here .
    % docker-compose up -d
    % docker ps -a
    % docker inspect -f "{{.Name}} {{.HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name}}" $(docker ps -aq)
    Find the Notebook URL on the log and copy it.
    % docker-compose logs

    Open Notebook by web browser

  • Open web browser and type the Notebook URL ( http://localhost:8080/?token=... ).
  • Create a Python 3 Notebook.
  • Create code cells and execute !pwd , !ls and !pip list to confirm Python environment.
  • jupyter_kaggle

    Setup Kaggle API

    Setup Kaggle API credentials .
    After that, ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json file should be on your local machine.
  • Copy ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json to current directory on your local machine (so that it can be accessed from the container at /kaggle/working/kaggle.json )
  • % cp -p ~/.kaggle/kaggle.json .
  • Create a code cell on the Notebook and confirm /kaggle/working/kaggle.json on the container.
  • !ls -l /kaggle/working/kaggle.json
    -rw------- 1 root root 65 Mar 22 07:59 /kaggle/working/kaggle.json
  • Copy it to ~/.kaggle directory on the container.
  • !cp -p /kaggle/working/kaggle.json ~/.kaggle/
  • Remove kaggle.json on the current directory on your local machine.
  • % rm -i kaggle.json
  • Try kaggle command on the Notebook.
  • !kaggle competitions list

    Shutdown the AI Platform Notebook (GCP)

    After you finished your work, stop the VM instance.
  • Access https://console.cloud.google.com/ai/platform/notebooks/list/instances
  • Check the VM instance on the list
  • Click STOP or DELETE
  • If you DELETE the VM instance, you will not be charged anything (as far as I know).
    However, if you STOP the VM instance, you will be charged for resources (e.g. persistent disk) until you DELETE it. You should DELETE if you do not use it for a long time (though you must setup the environment again). See details here .

    Run docker-compose down (local machine)

    After you finished your work, run docker-compose down to stop Docker container. See details here .
    % docker-compose down

    Setup VSCode to open remote Notebooks

    If you are using Visual Studio Code (VSCode) , you can setup VSCode to connect to the remote Notebook.

    [Optional] Install the latest Notebook extension

    There is a revamped version of Notebook extension. See details here . I recommend installing it because this new version can handle custom extensions (e.g. key bindings) properly inside code cells, etc.

    Connect to the remote Notebook

    Connect to the remote Notebook. See details here .
  • Open Command Palette...
  • Type Jupyter: Specify local or remote Jupyter server for connections
  • vscode_palette
  • Choose Existing: Specify the URI of an existing server
  • vscode_existing
  • Specify the Notebook URL ( http://localhost:8080/?token=... )
  • Note: token must be specified.
  • Press Reload button
  • vscode_reload
  • Open Command Palette...
  • Type Jupyter: Create New Blank Notebook
  • vscode_create
  • Create code cells and execute !pwd , !ls and !pip list to confirm Python environment.
  • vscode_new_notebook

    Increase Docker memory (local machine)

    Sometimes containers need much memory more than 2GB. You can increase the amount of memory from Docker preferences.
  • Click Docker icon
  • Choose Preferences...
  • Click Resources
  • Click ADVANCED
  • Increase Memory slider over 2.00 GB
  • Click Apply & Restart
  • docker_preferences

    Maintain Docker containers, images and cache

    Basically docker-compose up -d and docker-compose down work well, but sometimes you may need to use these commands to maintain Docker containers, images and cache.
  • How to remove containers. See details here .
  • % docker ps -a  # confirm container ids to remove
    % docker rm CONTAINER  # remove container by id
    % docker rm $(docker ps --filter status=exited -q)  # remove all containers that have exited
  • How to remove images. See details here .
  • % docker images  # confirm image ids to remove
    % docker rmi IMAGE  # remove image by id
  • How to remove cache. See details here and here .
  • % docker system df  # confirm how much disk used by cache
    % docker builder prune
    % docker volume prune


  • Workflow to submit local Notebook to Kaggle
  • Links

  • https://github.com/Kaggle/docker-python
  • https://medium.com/kaggleteam/how-to-get-started-with-data-science-in-containers-6ed48cb08266
  • https://github.com/susumuota/kaggleenv
  • https://cloud.google.com/ai-platform/notebooks/docs
  • https://cloud.google.com/sdk/docs/quickstart
  • https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/python/jupyter-support#_connect-to-a-remote-jupyter-server
  • https://devblogs.microsoft.com/python/notebooks-are-getting-revamped/
  • https://www.kaggle.com/product-feedback/159602

  • https://amalog.hateblo.jp/entry/data-analysis-docker (Japanese)
  • Author

    Susumu OTA

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