[F#] 간단한 Graphics 모듈을 만들어 봤습니다.

21950 단어 F#SVGtech
Ocaml에는 표준적인Graphics 모듈이 있어 자신의 용도에 매우 편리하다.
F#에서 표준 모듈은 같은 규격이 없는 것 같아 SVG 출력을 기반으로 제작하기로 했다.

실시 방침

원래는 2차원의 선, 직사각형, 원, 다각형 등을 단순하게 직관적으로 그려내려고 했다.
지금 습득한 지식이라면 SVG를 활용하는 것이 가장 간단하다고 생각해 SVG를 생성하는 코드를 쓰기로 했다.
인터페이스는 기본적으로 OCAml의 그래픽스 모듈을 기반으로 복제를 만드는 것이 아니라 적절하게 접고 정리했다.

소스 코드

실현은 다음과 같다.
) 형식이므로 이벤트 클래스 처리는 JavaScript를 모두 기록합니다.
module Graphics

type EntityAttribute = 
    | Id    of string
    | Class of string list
    | Title of string

type Command = 
    | Plot  of float * float * EntityAttribute list 
    | Plots of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | MoveTo of float * float
    | RMoveTo of float * float
    | LineTo of float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | RLineTo of float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawRect of float * float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawPolyLine of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawPoly of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | FillPoly of (float * float) array * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawCircle of float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | FillRect of float * float * float * float  * EntityAttribute list
    | FillCircle of float * float * float * EntityAttribute list
    | DrawString of string * EntityAttribute list 
    | SetLineWidth of int
    | SetTextSize of int 
    | SetColor of int * int * int 
        member this.WithId (id : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Id(id) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Id(id) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Id(id) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Id(id) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Id(id) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Id(id) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Id(id) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Id(id) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Id(id) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Id(id) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org
        member this.WithClass (className : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Class([className]) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Class([className]) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Class([className]) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Class([className]) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Class([className]) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Class([className]) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Class([className]) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Class([className]) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Class([className]) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org
        member this.WithTitle (title : string) = 
            match this with 
            | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> Plot (x, y, Title(title) :: attrs) 
            | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> Plots (points, Title(title) :: attrs)
            | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> LineTo (x, y, Title(title) :: attrs)
            | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> RLineTo (dx, dy, Title(title) :: attrs) 
            | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, Title(title) :: attrs)  
            | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPolyLine (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> DrawPoly     (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> FillPoly     (points, Title(title) :: attrs)      
            | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, Title(title) :: attrs)   
            | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> FillRect     (x, y, w, h, Title(title) :: attrs)  
            | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, Title(title) :: attrs)   
            | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> DrawString   (s, Title(title) :: attrs)           
            | _ as org                                     -> org

type GraphicsEvent = 
        Selector  : string   
        EventName : string
        Callback  : string

let mutable m_mouseoverStyle : (string * string) list = 
        ("stroke-width", "5")
        ("stroke", "blue")
        ("fill", "blue")
        ("fill-opacity", "0.5")

let mutable m_currentX  = 0.0
let mutable m_currentY  = 0.0
let mutable m_lineWidth = 1
let mutable m_textSize  = 8 
let mutable m_color     = (0, 0, 0)

let mutable m_commandBuffer : Command list = [] 
let mutable m_events : GraphicsEvent list = []

let private attrText = function
    | Id (s)          -> sprintf " id='%s' " s
    | Class (classes) -> System.String.Join (" ", classes)
                         |> sprintf " class='%s' "  
    | _ -> ""

let private titleText (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    |> List.tryFind (fun x -> match x with | Title _ -> true | _ -> false)
    |> function
    | Some (Title (title)) -> sprintf "<title>%s</title>" title
    | _ -> ""

let attrTextLine (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 

    let mergeClass (target : EntityAttribute list) = 
        let classes =
            |> List.choose (fun x -> match x with | Class classes -> Some (classes) | _ -> None)
            |> List.concat
        let others = 
            |> List.filter (fun x -> match x with | Class _ -> false | _ -> true)
        List.concat [ others; [ Class (classes) ] ]

    |> mergeClass
    |> List.map attrText
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("", x) 

let setMouseoverStyle (kvPairs : (string * string) list) = 
    m_mouseoverStyle <- kvPairs

let svgPoint (attrs : EntityAttribute list) =
    let (r, g, b) = m_color      
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='2' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            m_currentX m_currentY r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgLine (toX : float, toY : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<line %s x1='%.1f' y1='%.1f' x2='%.1f' y2='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</line>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            m_currentX m_currentY toX toY r g b m_lineWidth
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawRect (x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<rect %s x='%.1f' y='%.1f' width='%.1f' height='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</rect>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            x y w h r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawCircle (cx : float, cy : float, radius : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='%.1f' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            cx cy radius r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillRect (x : float, y : float, w : float, h : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<rect %s x='%.1f' y='%.1f' width='%.1f' height='%.1f' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</rect>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            x y w h r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillCircle (cx : float, cy : float, radius : float) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<circle %s cx='%.1f' cy='%.1f' r='%.1f' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</circle>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            cx cy radius r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawPolygon (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polygon %s points='%s' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='transparent' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polygon>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgDrawPolyLine (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polyline %s points='%s' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polyline>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgFillPolygon (points : (float * float) array) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<polygon %s points='%s' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' stroke-width='%d'>%s</polygon>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            (points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> sprintf "%.1f,%.1f" x y) 
                    |> fun vs -> System.String.Join (" ", vs))
            r g b
            (titleText attrs)

let svgText (s : string) (attrs : EntityAttribute list) = 
    let (r, g, b) = m_color
    sprintf "<text %s font-size='%d' stroke='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' fill='rgb(%d,%d,%d)' >%s</text>"
            (attrTextLine attrs)
            r g b
            r g b

let doCommand = function
    | Plot         (x, y, attrs)                   -> let s = svgPoint attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x 
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | Plots        (points, attrs)                 -> points |> Array.map (fun (x, y) -> 
                                                          m_currentX <- x 
                                                          m_currentY <- y 
                                                          svgPoint attrs
                                                      |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("\n", x)
    | MoveTo       (x, y)                          -> m_currentX <- x 
                                                      m_currentY <- y 
    | RMoveTo      (dx, dy)                        -> m_currentX <- m_currentX + dx 
                                                      m_currentY <- m_currentY + dy 
    | LineTo       (x, y, attrs)                   -> let s = svgLine (x, y) attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | RLineTo      (dx, dy, attrs)                 -> let (x, y) = (m_currentX + dx, m_currentY + dy)
                                                      let s = svgLine (x, y) attrs
                                                      m_currentX <- x
                                                      m_currentY <- y
    | DrawRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> svgDrawRect (x, y, w, h) attrs
    | DrawPolyLine (points, attrs)                 -> svgDrawPolyLine (points) attrs 
    | DrawPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> svgDrawPolygon (points) attrs 
    | FillPoly     (points, attrs)                 -> svgFillPolygon (points) attrs 
    | DrawCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> svgDrawCircle (cx, cy, r) attrs 
    | FillRect     (x, y, w, h, attrs)             -> svgFillRect (x, y, w, h) attrs 
    | FillCircle   (cx, cy, r, attrs)              -> svgFillCircle (cx, cy, r) attrs 
    | DrawString   (s, attrs)                      -> svgText (s) attrs 
    | SetLineWidth (width)                         -> m_lineWidth <- width 
    | SetTextSize  (size)                          -> m_textSize <- size 
    | SetColor     (r, g, b)                       -> m_color <- (r, g, b) 

let private generateScript (event : GraphicsEvent) = 
    let selector  = event.Selector
    let eventName = event.EventName
    let callback  = event.Callback
        sprintf "document.querySelectorAll('%s').forEach(element => {" selector;
        sprintf "    element.addEventListener('%s', eve => {" eventName;
        sprintf "        %s" (callback.Replace("\n", "\n    ")); 
                "    });"; 
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join("\n", x)

let private generateStyles () = 
    |> List.map (fun (key, value) -> sprintf "%s : %s;" key value)
    |> fun x -> System.String.Join (" ", x)
    |> sprintf ".mouseover { %s }"

let private generateHtml (w, h) = 
    let scripts = 
        |> List.rev
        |> List.map generateScript
        |> fun x -> System.String.Join ("\n\n", x)
    let svgContent =
        |> List.rev
        |> List.map doCommand
        |> fun x -> System.String.Join("\n", x)    
    sprintf """
<svg width='%dpx' height='%dpx' viewbox='0,0,%d,%d' >
        (generateStyles ())

let saveHtml (w, h) = 
    let dst = @".\canvas.html" 
    generateHtml (w, h)
    |> fun content -> System.IO.File.WriteAllText(dst, content)

let openGraph(w, h) = 
    let dst = saveHtml (w, h)

let closeGraph() = ()
let clearGraph() = ()
let sizeX() = ()
let sizeY() = ()

let private addBuffer (command) = 
    m_commandBuffer <-  command :: m_commandBuffer

let defaultEntityAttributes = 
    [ Class (["entity"]) ]

let plot (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| Plot(x, y, defaultEntityAttributes)

let plots (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| Plots (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let moveTo (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| MoveTo(x, y) 

let rmoveTo (dx : float) (dy : float) = 
    addBuffer <| RMoveTo(dx, dy) 

let currentX () = m_currentX 
let currentY () = m_currentY 
let lineTo (x : float) (y : float) = 
    addBuffer <| LineTo (x, y, defaultEntityAttributes)

let rlineTo (dx : float) (dy : float) = 
    addBuffer <| RLineTo (dx, dy, defaultEntityAttributes) 

let drawRect (x : float) (y : float) (w : float) (h : float) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawRect (x, y, w, h, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawPolyLine (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawPolyLine (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawPoly (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawPoly (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let fillPoly (pairs : (float * float) array) = 
    addBuffer <| FillPoly (pairs, defaultEntityAttributes)

let drawCircle (x : float) (y : float) (r : float) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawCircle (x, y, r, defaultEntityAttributes)

let setLineWidth (width : int) = 
    addBuffer <| SetLineWidth (width)

let setColor (r, g, b) = 
    addBuffer <| SetColor (r, g, b)

let drawString (s : string) = 
    addBuffer <| DrawString (s, defaultEntityAttributes)

let setTextSize (size : int) = 
    addBuffer <| SetTextSize (size)

let fillRect (x : float) (y : float) (w : float) (h : float) = 
    addBuffer <| FillRect (x, y, w, h, defaultEntityAttributes)

let fillCircle (x : float) (y : float) (r : float) = 
    addBuffer <| FillCircle (x, y, r, defaultEntityAttributes)

let withId (id : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithId(id) :: tl 

let withClass (className : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithClass(className) :: tl 

let withTitle (title : string) = 
    match m_commandBuffer with 
    | [] -> ()
    | hd :: tl -> m_commandBuffer <- hd.WithTitle(title) :: tl 

let addEventListener (selector : string) (eventName : string) (callback : string) = 
    m_events <- { Selector  = selector
                  EventName = eventName 
                  Callback  = callback }
                :: m_events

let addDefaultEventListener () = 
    addEventListener ".entity" "mouseover" "element.classList.add('mouseover');"
    addEventListener ".entity" "mouseleave" "element.classList.remove('mouseover');"


이런 느낌의 대본을 쓰다.
#load "Graphics.fs"

open Graphics

let test () =

    let gridPoints = 
        [| for i in 0 .. 2 -> 
                for j in 0 .. 2 -> (float ((i + 1) * 100), float ((j + 1) * 100)) 
        |> Array.concat
    let gridLines = 
            (gridPoints.[0], gridPoints.[1])
            (gridPoints.[1], gridPoints.[2])
            (gridPoints.[3], gridPoints.[4])
            (gridPoints.[4], gridPoints.[5])
            (gridPoints.[6], gridPoints.[7])
            (gridPoints.[7], gridPoints.[8])
            (gridPoints.[0], gridPoints.[3])
            (gridPoints.[1], gridPoints.[4])
            (gridPoints.[2], gridPoints.[5])
            (gridPoints.[3], gridPoints.[6])
            (gridPoints.[4], gridPoints.[7])
            (gridPoints.[5], gridPoints.[8])

    setColor (200, 200, 200)
    fillPoly [| gridPoints.[0]; gridPoints.[1]; gridPoints.[4]; gridPoints.[3] |]
    withTitle "rect1"
    fillPoly [| gridPoints.[1]; gridPoints.[2]; gridPoints.[5]; gridPoints.[4] |]
    withTitle "rect2"
    setLineWidth 5

    setColor (100, 100, 100)
    |> Array.iteri (fun i ((x1, y1), (x2, y2)) -> 
        moveTo x1 y1 
        lineTo x2 y2 
        withTitle <| sprintf "line%d" (i + 1)
    |> Array.iteri (fun i (x, y) -> 
        fillCircle x y 10.0 
        withTitle <| sprintf "point%d" (i + 1)

    saveHtml (600, 600)

let path = test()
printfn "%s" path
에서 나오는 출력은 이런 느낌입니다.


  • 출력은 HTML 기반이기 때문에 사용하기 편합니다.
  • 이벤트는 주변이 강세지만 개인이 충분히 사용한다.
  • 좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기