django-reporting - Django Reporting System - Google Project Hosting

12693 단어 reporting
django-reporting - Django Reporting System - Google Project Hosting
NOTE: django reporting is in beta version, what means that while working, it lacks a lot of features, and has not been well tested.
Django Reporting System allows you to create dynamic reports for your models, consolidating and aggregating data, filtering and sorting it.
It requires Django 1.1, since it uses Django's ORM aggregation.
Add to exiting django project
    'django.contrib.admin', # admin has to go before reporting in order to have links to the reports on the admin site
from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.contrib import admin
import reporting                                           # import the module

reporting.autodiscover()                                   # autodiscover reports in applications

urlpatterns = patterns('',
    (r'^reporting/', include('reporting.urls')),

for more details see a 'samples' directory inside repository
Configure report
Let's say you have the follwing schema:
class Department(models.Model):
class Occupation(models.Model):

class Person(models.Model):
    name = models.CharField(max_length=255)                         # we won't use it in a summary report
    occupation = models.ForeignKey(Occupation)                      # we'll be able to group and to filter by both occupation and country
    department = models.ForeignKey(Department)                      # we'll be able to group and to filter by department and it leader
    country = models.ForeignKey(Country)
    birth_date = models.DateField()                                 # we'll be able to filter by year
    salary = models.DecimalField(max_digits=16, decimal_places=2)   # we'll sum and calculate average for salary and expenses 
    expenses = models.DecimalField(max_digits=16, decimal_places=2)

in your application create a
import reporting
from django.db.models import Sum, Avg, Count
from models import Person

class PersonReport(reporting.Report):
    model = Person
    verbose_name = 'Person Report'
    annotate = (                    # Annotation fields (tupples of field, func, title)
        ('id', Count, 'Total'),     # example of custom title for column 
        ('salary', Sum),            # no title - column will be "Salary Sum"
        ('expenses', Sum),
    aggregate = (                   # columns that will be aggregated (syntax the same as for annotate)
        ('id', Count, 'Total'),
        ('salary', Sum, 'Salary'),
        ('expenses', Sum, 'Expenses'),
    group_by = [                   # list of fields and lookups for group-by options
    list_filter = [                # This are report filter options (similar to django-admin)
    detail_list_display = [        # if detail_list_display is defined user will be able to see how rows was grouped  

    date_hierarchy = 'birth_date' # the same as django-admin

reporting.register('people', PersonReport) # Do not forget to 'register' your class in reports

for more details see a 'samples' projects inside repository

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