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<title>Jagadeesh Koyya</title>
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<section id="wrapper--hero" class="section--page">
<h1 id="username">Jagadeesh Koyya</h1>
<p id="bio">Software developer, programmer in c and c++. Enthusiastic in full stack development. Blogger in dev, hashnode.</p>
<p id="email">👉 [email protected]</p>
<section class="section--page">
<div id="social--links">
<a href="https://dev.to/jagadeeshkj" target="_blank">Dev</a>
<a href="https://twitter.com/jagadeesh_kj" target="_blank">Twitter</a>
<a href="https://www.linkedin.com/in/jagadeesh-kj/" target="_blank">Linkedin</a>
<a href="https://github.com/JagadeeshKJ" target="_blank">GitHub</a>
<a href="./assets/Jagadeesh Koyya.pdf" target="_blank">Download Resume</a>
<section class="section--page">
<h2>Skills & Qualifications</h2>
<ul id="qualifications--list">
<li>✔️ HackerRank with 20205 Hackos in C & C++
<li>✔️ Selected as Campus Ambassador of E-Cell, IIT Bombay (2021-22)</li>
<li>✔️ Experienced content writer on Dev community, Hashnode </li>
<li>✔️ CEFR B2 Upper Intermediate 499 EnglishScore</li>
<section class="section--page">
<h2>Tech Stack</h2>
<div id="wrapper--techstack--items">
<div class="card--techstack">
<span>Python, Javascript, Node JS</span>
<div class="card--techstack">
<span>Django, FastAPI</span>
<div class="card--techstack">
<span>React, Next JS</span>
<div class="card--techstack">
<span>MangoDB, MySQL</span>
<section id = "work-history-wrapper class="section--page">
<h2>Work History</h2>
<div class="line-break"></div>
<div class="card--work-history">
<strong>🚧 Software Developer, Blog writter at Dev.io</strong>
<p>01/2021 - Present</p>
<p>Worked on building useful tools for real-time problem solving. Learning trending tech and teaching people via blog writing is helpful and enjoyable.</p>
<li>Produced educational blog content which resulted in 300k+ views on Dev</li>
<li>Produced SE campaigns and content to gain market share for related keywords.</li>
<div class="line-break"></div>
<div class="card--work-history">
<strong>🚧 Campus Ambassador of E-Cell, IIT Bombay</strong>
<p>05/2021 - Present</p>
<p>Interacted with people of different mindsets and from various cultural backgrounds.</p>
<li>Made regular contributions to the CA program (work from home)</li>
<li>Incentives, real-time learning, entrepreneurship and more </li>
<div class="line-break"></div>
<!-- Projects -->
<section class="section--page">
<h2>Projects & Accomplishments</h2>
<div class="card--project">
<a href="project1.html"><span>🏆 </span>QR Code Generator - For Any Website
<div class="card--project">
<a href="project5.html"><span>🏆 </span>Password Generator - Authentic
<div class="card--project">
<a href="project2.html" ><span>🏆 </span>Whatsapp Anonymous Messanger</a>
<div class="card--project">
<a href="project3.html" ><span>🏆 </span>Starbucks Clone - An art of cool work</a>
<div class="card--project">
<a href="project4.html"><span>🏆 </span>Restaurant Website - A Working Prototype</a>
Skills, Tech Stack, Work History 및 Projects에 대한 섹션을 포함하고 모든 항목을 컨테이너에 포장했습니다.
프로젝트 페이지의 상용구는 다음과 같습니다.
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<title>Jagadeesh Koyya</title>
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<h1>Built a tool to generate QR Code for handling business websites</h1>
<li><a href="https://qr-code-generator-eight.vercel.app/" target="_blank">Live Demo</a></li>
<li><a href="https://github.com/JagadeeshKJ/QR-Code-Generator" target="_blank">Source code</a></li>
<p>Why remember long websites when you can just click-scan-hit in one go. That's where the cool work of this tool is projected. This tool generates a QR Code for the entered website and it can be saved to access the website 24x7.</p>
<li>QR Codes are portable and comes in handy.</li>
<li>Build using qrcode.js, a library of JS.</li>
<li>QR Code comes in any size and takes little storage.</li>
지금까지의 스타일링
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그것은 그것에 달려 있습니다. 소스 코드에 액세스할 수 있는 라이브 배포 및 GitHub 리포지토리에 대한 링크를 제공했습니다.🔝
이 프로젝트는 내가 최근에 . 그들은 정말 멋진 콘텐츠를 만듭니다. 실력이 너무 좋은 녀석이다. 🙌🏻
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이 문제에 관하여(디지털 이력서), 우리는 이곳에서 더 많은 자료를 발견하고 링크를 클릭하여 보았다 https://dev.to/jagadeeshkj/a-digital-resume-1aba텍스트를 자유롭게 공유하거나 복사할 수 있습니다.하지만 이 문서의 URL은 참조 URL로 남겨 두십시오.
우수한 개발자 콘텐츠 발견에 전념
(Collection and Share based on the CC Protocol.)