DevSecOps 엔지니어 이력서

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DevSecOps 엔지니어 이력서

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어쨌든 제 DevSecOps 이력서는 다음과 같습니다.

Toul Cranmer

B.S. Computer Science, University of Houston - Main Campus, December 2018

Python, GO, Docker, Kubernetes, KubeBench, DockerBench, KubeHunter, KOPS, Helm, Terraform, Terragrunt, Anchore, Snyk, Veracode, Machine Learning

  * Open Source Resume Scanning Project built in GoLang and Deployed on AWS
  * Built a DevSecOps Pipeline through GitHub Actions to reduce likelihood of exploits making it to production
  * Implemented a WAF to further protect web application

  * Open Source repository that shows how to create a free DevSecOps Pipeline through GitHub Actions
  * Added OWASP Dynamic Application Scanning
  * Demonstrates a Dockerized GoLang application deployment to AWS ElasticBeanstalk

DevSecOps Engineer, HP, Inc., Houston, TX, 2018-2022

Terragrunt Infrastructure Pipeline
  * Enabled 200+ developers to provision any piece of AWS infrastructure they needed 24/7 365 days a year
  * Reduced infrastructure resource provisioning time from days to minutes

AWS WAF Implementation
  * Increased AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) on AWS Application Load Balancers (ALB) from 0% to 100% in production
  * Innersourced the WAF into a Terragrunt template that is applied across hundreds of AWS ALB's

Compliance Reporting Platform
  * Reduced report creation from one hour to automatically happening in seconds via Python Lambdas
  * Helped secure SOC 2 and SOC 1 compliance as a result of 100% monthly reporting

Golden Amazon Machine Image
  * Used Docker Bench to create a golden Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  * AMI is now the basis of 200+ Kubernetes Nodes
  * AMI has Security Agents Built in to ensure compliance of SOC 2 and 1

Kubernetes Zero Downtime Upgrades
  * Used Kubebench to determine which vulnerabilities existed in current version of Kubernetes cluster
  * Upgraded Kubernetes Cluster version from 1.11 to 1.13 with zero downtime for CVE vulnerability patches

Gater - Gated Check In tool
  * GoLang CLI that enabled smart code coverage check in on 300+ repositories
  * Increased Code coverage from 10-60% on average

ADM - Automation of Repository Creation & Enforcement
  * Created a GoLang CLI to enforce branch protection rules on 300+ repositories
  * Branch protections increased by 51%


보시다시피 DevSecOps 엔지니어는 대부분 DevOps 파이프라인에 보안 기능을 추가하는 일을 합니다.

자동화라는 개념에서 일반적인 DevOps 작업과 크게 다르지 않지만 고려해야 할 더 미세한 사항이 있습니다.

주로 보안 도구를 통합하는 것은 어렵지 않지만 결과를 자동으로 해석하고 개발자와 보안이 사용할 수 있는 실행 가능한 보고서를 작성합니다.

제 경험상 GoLang은 보안 도구의 결과를 읽고 조치를 취하기 위해 파이프라인에 통합할 간단한 CLI 도구를 구축하는 데 매우 유용합니다.

아래에서 GoLang에 대한 내 기사를 확인하세요.

  • Using GoLang for Web Development
  • Using GoLang for Machine Learning
  • Best GoLang Frameworks
  • 좋은 웹페이지 즐겨찾기