DevOps 엔지니어 이력서: 예를 들어 내 것이 있습니다.

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현재 DevOps 엔지니어 이력서

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그것은 세계 최고의 소프트웨어가 아니며 형식과 간격이 있는 멋진 이력서는 제대로 읽히지 않는 경우가 많습니다.

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어쨌든, 여기 제가 관심 있는 보안에 맞춰진 현재 기본 이력서가 있습니다(현재 AWS 보안 인증 시험과 CISSP를 위해 공부하고 있습니다).

Toul DeGuia-Cranmer

B.S. Computer Science, University of Houston - Main Campus, December 2018

Python, GO, Docker, Kubernetes, KubeBench, DockerBench, KubeHunter, KOPS, Helm, Terraform, Terragrunt, Anchore, Veracode, Machine Learning

  * Open Source Resume Scanning Project built in GoLang and Deployed on AWS
  * Built a DevSecOps Pipeline through GitHub Actions to reduce likelihood of exploits making it to production
  * Implemented a WAF to further protect web application

  * Open Source repository that shows how to create a free DevSecOps Pipeline through GitHub Actions
  * Added OWASP Dynamic Application Scanning
  * Demonstrates a Dockerized GoLang application deployment to AWS ElasticBeanstalk
  * Where I blog about technlogy

DevOps Engineer, HP, Inc., Houston, TX, 2018-Present

Terragrunt Infrastructure Pipeline
  * Enabled 200+ developers to provision any piece of AWS infrastructure they needed 24/7 365 days a year
  * Reduced infrastructure resource provisioning time from days to minutes

AWS WAF Implementation
  * Increased AWS Web Application Firewall (WAF) on AWS Application Load Balancers (ALB) from 0% to 100% in production
  * Innersourced the WAF into a Terragrunt template that is applied across hundreds of AWS ALB's

Compliance Reporting Platform
  * Reduced report creation from one hour to automatically happening in seconds via Python Lambdas
  * Helped secure SOC 2 and SOC 1 compliance as a result of 100% monthly reporting

Golden Amazon Machine Image
  * Used Docker Bench to create a golden Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
  * AMI is now the basis of 200+ Kubernetes Nodes
  * AMI has Security Agents Built in to ensure compliance of SOC 2 and 1

Kubernetes Zero Downtime Upgrades
  * Used Kubebench to determine which vulnerabilities existed in current version of Kubernetes cluster
  * Upgraded Kubernetes Cluster version from 1.11 to 1.13 with zero downtime for CVE vulnerability patches

Gater - Gated Check In tool
  * GoLang CLI that enabled smart code coverage check in on 300+ repositories
  * Increased Code coverage from 10-60% on average

ADM - Automation of Repository Creation & Enforcement
  * Created a GoLang CLI to enforce branch protection rules on 300+ repositories
  * Branch protections increased by 51%

  * Terry Foundation Scholar, 2015-2018
  * Texas Space Grant, 2015

 * Led Alpha Lambda Xi to place 2nd out of 1300 internationally for research project as Executive Vice President
 * Led Fire Drone a 3-person start-up to semi finals at SHPE 2017 National Conference Hackathon

인턴 DevOps 엔지니어 이력서

이것은 지금까지 나의 첫 번째이자 유일한 정규직으로 이어지는 이력서입니다. 저는 또한 HP, Inc.에서 사전에 인턴을 했으며 이는 학생에서 정규직으로 전환하는 일반적인 방법입니다.

DevOps Engineer Intern, HP, Inc., Houston, TX, Summer 2018
Device as a Service Troubleshooting Dashboard
  * Built Data Visualization dashboard using Databricks and Scala to show data for 300,000 devices to reduce data troubleshooting time from days to minutes
  * Leveraged Grafana for 24/7 view ability amongst teams previously process involved manually querying the PostGres tables of interest


  Nanotechnology Intern, Rice University, Houston, TX...........................05/2014 – 08/2016
    * Reduced simulation time by 10% by implementing Jupyter Notebooks with MATLAB

  Resident Advisor, University of Houston, TX........................................01/2016-06/2016
    * Increased resident utilization of campus resources by 33% by holding floor resource fairs
    * Resident Advisor of the month

International Experience

  Exchange Student, University of Stavanger, Norway..............................08/2016 – 01/2017
    * Used MATLAB to compute geological structures

  Engineer Intern, AIDICO Technological Institute, Valencia, Spain……….05/2014– 08/2014
    * Reviewed EU, US, Scandinavian regulations to secure  500,000 USD contract with aluminum helipad manufacturer

    Expected graduation date Fall 2018
    Bachelor of Science Computer Science & Geophysics University of Houston-Main Campus, Houston, TX
      GPA overall: 3.144
  Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence coursework

  Just for Fun Projects
    Sentiment Analysis – web app:  built with Python, Machine Learning, Flask, SQLite
    Lenslocked – web app: built with Go language, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap
    Served – microservice app: built with Go language, Docker, Kubernetes
    Leadership Experience
    Phi Theta Kappa – Executive Vice President

학생 DevOps 엔지니어 이력서

아마도 대학에 다니는 사람들에게 가장 흥미로운 이력서 일 것입니다. 이 이력서와 현재 DevOps 엔지니어 이력서 사이의 중요한 유사점은 사이드 프로젝트 섹션으로 시작된다는 것입니다.

사이드 프로젝트는 IT 세계에서 중요한 것입니다.
최신 기술을 따라잡고 다음 지원자보다 경쟁력을 높일 수 있도록 도와줍니다.

각 프로젝트는 서로 다른 기술을 사용하는 전체 스택 프로젝트입니다.

또한 프로젝트 중 1~2개에 대한 라이브 링크가 있었습니다.
채용 담당자가 쉽게 확인하고 질문할 수 있도록 말이죠.


    Sentiment Analysis – web app:  built with Python, Machine Learning, Flask, SQLite
    Lenslocked – web app: built with GoLang, PostgreSQL, Bootstrap
    Served – microservice app: built with GoLang, Docker, Kubernetes Built with GoLang


    Nanotechnology Intern, Rice University, Houston, TX...........................05/2014 – 08/2016
      * Reduced simulation time by 10% by implementing Jupyter Notebooks with MATLAB

    Resident Advisor, University of Houston, TX........................................01/2016-06/2016
      * Increased resident utilization of campus resources by 33% by holding floor resource fairs
      * Resident Advisor of the month


    Exchange Student, University of Stavanger, Norway..............................08/2016 – 01/2017
      * Used MATLAB to compute geological structures

    Engineer Intern, AIDICO Technological Institute, Valencia, Spain……….05/2014– 08/2014
      * Reviewed EU, US, Scandinavian regulations to secure  500,000 USD contract with aluminum helipad manufacturer


    Expected graduation date Fall 2018
    Bachelor of Science Computer Science & Geophysics University of Houston-Main Campus, Houston, TX
      GPA overall: 3.144
      Machine Learning, Data Analytics, and Artificial Intelligence coursework

      * Phi Theta Kappa – Executive Vice President
      * Lead team to place 2nd out of 1300 chapters at international research competition


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