[개발 노트] - LInq to xml 학습 노트

29358 단어 LINQ
최근 xml 문 서 를 조작 하 는 방법 이 필요 합 니 다. linq to xml 를 배 웠 습 니 다.
테스트 코드:
class Program

        //  :  LINQ to XML      - luckdv -      http://www.cnblogs.com/luckdv/articles/1728088.html 

        static void Main(string[] args)
            string path = @"E:\def\5.xml";
            //XDocument xdoc = new XDocument(new XDeclaration("1.0", "utf-8", "yes"),new XElement("nianhui",new XElement("mingdan",new XText("      ")),new XElement("jiangxiang",new XText("     "))));

            //XElement root = new XElement("nianhui",
            //    new XElement("first", "  "),
            //    new XElement("second", "   ")
            //    );


            //    Element
            //XElement rootload = XElement.Load(path);
            //XElement md = rootload.Element("mingdan");
            //if (md != null)
            //    md.ReplaceWith(new XElement("mingdan", "    "));

            //    rootload.Add(new XElement("mingdan", "     "));

            //XElement root=new XElement("nianhui");

            //  Value 
            //string x= GetElementValue(path,"mingda");

            //DelElement(path, "mingdan");

            //XElement root = XElement.Load(Xpath);
            //XElement element = root.Element(Xname);
            //if (element != null)
            //    element.Remove();

            //XElement root = XElement.Load(path);
            //XElement element = root.Element("xing");
            //element.Add(new XElement("heihei","what"));

            //------------    xml----------------------------------------------

            //      xml  
            //XElement xdoc = new XElement("root", new XElement("first",new XAttribute("ID","001")),new XElement("second","   value"));

            //        xml  
            //XElement xdoc = new XElement("root",new XElement("first",new XAttribute("name","002"),new XAttribute("path","abc.txt")));

            //XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);

            //XElement x = xdoc.Element("first");
            //string x2 = x.Attribute("path").Value;

            //XElement x3 = xdoc.Element("first");
            //if (x3 != null)
            //    XAttribute a1 = x3.Attribute("path");
            //    if (a1 != null)
            //    {
            //        a1.SetValue("wohuanle");
            //    }


            //XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);
            //XElement x4 = xdoc.Element("first");
            //if (x4 != null)
            //    XAttribute a2 = x4.Attribute("path");
            //    if (a2 != null)
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine(a2.Value);
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        Console.WriteLine("");
            //    }

            //XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);
            //XElement x4 = xdoc.Element("first");
            //if (x4 != null)
            //    x4.SetAttributeValue("hah", "what");

            //XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);
            //XElement x4 = xdoc.Element("mingdan");
            //if (x4 != null)
            //    XAttribute attr = x4.Attribute("number");
            //    if (attr != null)
            //    {
            //        //     
            //        attr.SetValue("woshixinzengjiade");
            //    }
            //    else
            //    {
            //        //      
            //        x4.SetAttributeValue("number", "meizhegeshuxing");
            //    }

            //    xml                
            //XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);
            ////XElement x4 = xdoc.Element("mingdan");

            //IEnumerable<XElement> element = from e in xdoc.Elements()
            //             where e.Elements().Any(c=>c.Name=="xing")
            //              select e;
            //foreach (XElement it in element)
            //  Console.WriteLine(  it.Value);

            //Dictionary<string,string> ss=new Dictionary<string,string>();
            //CreateAttr(path, "heihei",ss);

            XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(path);
            XElement x4 = xdoc.Element("mingdan");
            if (x4 != null)
                if (x4.Attribute("number") != null)



        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath">    </param>
        /// <param name="Xname">      </param>
        /// <param name="Attr">   </param>
        static void CreateAttr(string Xpath, string Xname, Dictionary<string, string> Attr)
            XElement xdoc = XElement.Load(Xpath);
            XElement x4 = xdoc.Element(Xname);
            if (x4 != null)
                foreach (var item in Attr)
                    x4.Add(new XAttribute(item.Key, item.Value));

        #region        Xroot xml  
        /// <summary>
        ///        Xroot xml  
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath"></param>
        /// <param name="Xroot"></param>
        void InitElement(string Xpath, string Xroot)
            XElement root = new XElement(Xroot);

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath"></param>
        /// <param name="Xname"></param>
        /// <param name="XValue"></param>
        void CreateElement(string Xpath, string Xname, string XValue)
            //  xml    
            XElement root = XElement.Load(Xpath);
            //       name   
            XElement first = root.Element(Xname);
            if (first != null)
                first.ReplaceWith(new XElement(Xname, XValue));
                root.Add(new XElement(Xname, XValue));

        #region       Value 
        /// <summary>
        ///       Value 
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath"></param>
        /// <param name="Xname"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        static string GetElementValue(string Xpath, string Xname)
            XElement root = XElement.Load(Xpath);
            XElement element = root.Element(Xname);
            if (element != null)
                return element.Value;
                return "";


        #region   Name Xname    
        /// <summary>
        ///   Name Xname    
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath"></param>
        /// <param name="Xname"></param>
        static void DelElement(string Xpath, string Xname)
            XElement root = XElement.Load(Xpath);
            XElement element = root.Element(Xname);
            if (element != null)


2014 - 1 - 10 10: 08: 37 하나 추가:
        /// <summary>
        ///          (1    )
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Xpath"></param>
        /// <param name="Xelement"></param>
      static void AddElement(string Xpath, Dictionary<string, string> Xelement)
          //  xml    
          XElement root = XElement.Load(Xpath);
          foreach (var e in Xelement)
              //            ,   ,      ,    ,   
              XElement first = root.Element(e.Key);
              if (first != null)
                  root.SetElementValue(e.Key, e.Value);

  참고: LINQ to XML 프로 그래 밍 기초 - luckdv - 블 로그 원 http://www.cnblogs.com/luckdv/articles/1728088.html 
전재 출처 를 밝 혀 주 십시오.

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