deploy uwsgi with niginx on ubuntu

first download stable version uwsgi from
then follow the article
CAUTION:the offical site support nginx 0.7x ,not the newest 0.8x nginx,we advise you download the stable nginx 0.7x for use
currently nginx-0.7.67 is the newest stable version,you can found on
put two app tar file in same directory and untar them
before install nginx with uwsgi moudle you need install PCRE library first refer bellow article 1 sudo apt-get update 2 sudo apt-get install libpcre3 libpcre3-dev
이 가능 하 다, ~ 할 수 있다,...
sudo apt-get
install openssl libssl-dev
Move yourself in the nginx-0.7.x directory and ./configure nginx to add the uwsgi handler to its module list:
./configure --add-module=../uwsgi-
sudo make install
whereis nginx  ==>/usr/local/nginx
add uwsgi_params file(you will find it in the 'nginx' directory of uwsgi the distribution) to /usr/local/nginx
mlzboy@mlzboy- mac: ~ / 다운로드 / uwsgi - 0.95.4 / nginx $sudo cp uwsgiparams /usr/local/nginx/conf/
edit nginx.conf in a location directive
build uwsgi
go to the mlzboy@mlzboy- mac: ~ / 다운로드 / uwsgi - 0.9.4
sudo apt-get install libxml2-dev
make -f Makefile.Py26
mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:~/my/idea/search$ sudo uwsgi -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock -C -w uwsgi_test
whereis nginx
mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:/usr/local/nginx$ sudo ./sbin/nginx -c ./conf/nginx.conf
mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:/usr/local/nginx$ pstree -p|grep nginx
mlzboy@mlzboy-mac:~/my/idea/search$ sudo uwsgi -s /tmp/uwsgi.sock -C -w uwsgi_test

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