기업 검색엔진 개발의 연결기connector(209)

16604 단어 connector
모니터 관리 대상인 snapshot Repository Monitor Manager의 start 방법과 stop 방법을 어디서 호출하고 Checkpoint And ChangeQueue 대상의resume 방법을 호출하여Listguaranteed Changes 집합을 얻습니다
다음은 DiffingConnectorTraversalManager 클래스와 관련된 방법을 추적하여 이 클래스가 실현되는 방법에서 모니터 관리 대상인 snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager의 관련 방법을 호출하여 그 조작을 실현하였다.
private final DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManager
  private final TraversalContextManager traversalContextManager;
   * Boolean to mark TraversalManager as invalid.
   * It's possible for Connector Manager to keep a reference to
   * an outdated TraversalManager (after a new one has been given
   * previous TraversalManagers are invalid to use).
  private boolean isActive = true;

   * Creates a {@link DiffingConnectorTraversalManager}.
   * @param snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager the
   *        {@link DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManager}
   *        for use accessing a {@link ChangeSource}
   * @param traversalContextManager {@link TraversalContextManager}
   *        that holds the current {@link TraversalContext}
  public DiffingConnectorTraversalManager(
      DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorManager snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager,
      TraversalContextManager traversalContextManager) {
    this.snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager = snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager;
    this.traversalContextManager = traversalContextManager;

resumeTraversal 방법은 모니터 관리 대상 snapshotRepository Monitor Manager를 시작하고 DocumentList 집합으로 되돌려줍니다
/* @Override */
  public synchronized DocumentList resumeTraversal(String checkpoint)
      throws RepositoryException {
    /* Exhaustive list of method's use:
     resumeTraversal(null) from startTraversal:
       monitors get started from null
     resumeTraversal(null) from Connector Manager sometime after startTraversal:
       monitors already started from previous resumeTraversal call
     resumeTraversal(cp) from Connector Manager without a startTraversal:
       means there was a shutdown or turn off
       monitors get started from cp; should use state
     resumeTraversal(cp) from Connector Manager sometime after some uses:
       is most common case; roll
    if (isActive()) {
        // snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager
      if (!snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager.isRunning()) {
      return newDocumentList(checkpoint);
    } else {
      throw new RepositoryException(
          "Inactive FileTraversalManager referanced.");

새 DocumentList 메서드를 사용하여 DocumentList 컬렉션으로 돌아가기
private DocumentList newDocumentList(String checkpoint)
      throws RepositoryException {
    //  CheckpointAndChangeQueue(  CheckpointAndChangeQueue snapshotRepositoryMonitorManager )
    CheckpointAndChangeQueue checkpointAndChangeQueue =

    try {
      DiffingConnectorDocumentList documentList = new DiffingConnectorDocumentList(
      //Map<String, MonitorCheckpoint>
      Map<String, MonitorCheckpoint> guaranteesMade =

      return new ConfirmActiveDocumentList(documentList);
    } catch (IOException e) {
      throw new RepositoryException("Failure when making DocumentList.", e);

DiffingConnectorDocumentList documentList 대상의 구조 함수에는 CheckpointAndChangeQueue checkpointAndChangeQueue 대기열 집합이 봉인되어 있습니다
DiffingConnectorDocumentList 클래스의 전체 구성은 다음과 같습니다.
 * An implementation of {@link DocumentList} for the {@link DiffingConnector}.
 * @since 2.8
public class DiffingConnectorDocumentList implements DocumentList {
  private final Iterator<CheckpointAndChange> checkpointAndChangeIterator;
  private String checkpoint;

   * Creates a document list that returns a batch of documents from the provided
   * {@link CheckpointAndChangeQueue}.
   * @param queue a CheckpointAndChangeQueue containing document changes
   * @param checkpoint point into the change queue after which to start
   *        returning documents
   * @throws IOException if persisting fails
  public DiffingConnectorDocumentList(CheckpointAndChangeQueue queue,
      String checkpoint) throws IOException {
      //CheckpointAndChangeQueue queued resume List<CheckpointAndChange>
      // DocumentList 
    List<CheckpointAndChange> guaranteedChanges = queue.resume(checkpoint);
    checkpointAndChangeIterator = guaranteedChanges.iterator();
    this.checkpoint = checkpoint;
   *  , checkpoint
  /* @Override */
  public String checkpoint() {
    return checkpoint;

  /* @Override */
  public Document nextDocument() throws RepositoryException {
    if (checkpointAndChangeIterator.hasNext()) {
      CheckpointAndChange checkpointAndChange =
      // checkpoint
      checkpoint = checkpointAndChange.getCheckpoint().toString();
      return checkpointAndChange.getChange().getDocumentHandle().getDocument();
    } else {
      return null;

구성 방법에서 매개 변수인 CheckpointAndChangeQueue의resume 방법을 호출하여ListguaranteedChanges를 가져오고,nextDocument() 방법에서 교체를 통해CheckpointAndChange checkpointAndChange 대상을 가져오며,checkpoint상태 표식을 업데이트합니다
마지막으로 모니터와 연결된 MonitorCheckpoint 객체 매핑 가져오기
//Map<String, MonitorCheckpoint>
      Map<String, MonitorCheckpoint> guaranteesMade =

그리고 모니터 관리 대상인 snapshot Repository Monitor Manager의accept Guarantees 방법을 호출하여 해당하는 모니터 대상이 모니터 Checkpoint 대상을 수신하고 확인합니다
   *  CheckpointAndChangeQueue , MonitorCheckpoint
  /* @Override */
  public void acceptGuarantees(Map<String, MonitorCheckpoint> guarantees) {
    for (Map.Entry<String, MonitorCheckpoint> entry : guarantees.entrySet()) {
      String monitorName = entry.getKey();
      MonitorCheckpoint checkpoint = entry.getValue();
      DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitor monitor = fileSystemMonitorsByName.get(monitorName);
      if (monitor != null) {
        // Signal is asynch.  Let monitor figure out how to use.

창고 대상에 대응하는 구체적인 모니터 수신 확인
   *   [MonitorCheckpoint ]
   * @param cp
  // Public for DocumentSnapshotRepositoryMonitorTest
  public void acceptGuarantee(MonitorCheckpoint cp) {
    guaranteeCheckpoint = cp;

창고에 대응하는 저장 대상은 처리 체인의 끝에 있다
   *  MonitorCheckpoint 
   * @param cp
  void acceptGuarantee(MonitorCheckpoint cp) {
    long readSnapshotNumber = cp.getSnapshotNumber();
    if (readSnapshotNumber < 0) {
      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Received invalid snapshot in: " + cp);
    if (oldestSnapshotToKeep > readSnapshotNumber) {
      LOG.warning("Received an older snapshot than " + oldestSnapshotToKeep + ": " + cp);
    } else {
      oldestSnapshotToKeep = readSnapshotNumber;

본 시리즈 기업 검색엔진 개발의 연결기connector계 본인 오리지널
전재 는 출처 가 블로그 정원 고슴도치 의 온순함 을 밝혀 주십시오
본인 이메일:chenying998179@163#com
본문 링크http://www.cnblogs.com/chenying99/p/3789650.html

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