winXP 에서 VBS 로 작 성 된 코드 편집기

19526 단어 VBS코드 편집기
요 며칠 동안 방문 할 수 없 을 때 하드디스크 에 있 는 것 을 복습 해서 이 물건 을 찾 아 냈 다.수준 이 제한 되 어 있 고 DHTML 에 대한 연구 가 별로 없어 서 거 칠 게 만 들 었 다.붙 인 것 은 벽돌 을 던 져 옥 을 끌 어 내기 위해 서 였 다.높 은 사람 이 수정 하거나 더 좋 은 것 을 꺼 내 달라 고 부탁 했다.테스트 환경 은 windows XP 전문 판 SP2 로 코드 착색 에 bug 가 있 음 을 일시 적 으로 발견 하 였 으 며,해결 방법 은 있 으 나 코드 양 때문에(메모 장 으로 코드 를 쓰 는 것 은 정말 화가 난다)잠시 수정 되 지 않 았 으 며,앞으로 자동 완성 등 기능 이 추 가 될 예정 이다.ps:VBS 스 크 립 트+DHTML 을 이용 하여 주요 기능 은 정규 표현 식+wmic 로 이 루어 집 니 다.코드 는 HTA 형식의 파일 로 저장 해 야 합 니 다.물론 순수한 VBS 스 크 립 트 로 변경 할 수도 있 지만 효율 이 훨씬 낮 고 코드 가 복잡 합 니 다.    
<title> </title>
<HTA:APPLICATION selection="no" SCROLL="no" contextMenu="no" />

Set shell=CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
Set fso=CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

Sub OptionAdd(fExt)
str = "<select size=""1"" name=""objOption"" onChange=""TestSub"">"
Set objDataFiles = GetObject("winmgmts:" _
& "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
Set colFiles = objDataFiles. _
ExecQuery("Select * from CIM_DataFile where extension = '" & fExt & "'")
For Each objFile in colFiles
str = str & "<option value=""" & & """>" & _ & "</option>"
str = "<label> :</label>" & str & "</select>"
forOption.innerHTML = str

end Sub

Sub ChangeColor
if cxs.value = "vbs" then
WinMain.innerHTML = ChangeVBS(WinMain.innerText)
else 'CMD
WinMain.innerHTML = ChangeCMD(WinMain.innerText)
end if
end Sub

Function ChangeVBS(sText)

Set re=new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase =true

re.Pattern = "(\'.*)\r
sText = re.Replace(sText,"<font color=#339999>$1</font><p>")

' [ ]
re.Pattern = "(\(|\)|\&|\+|\-|\*|\%|\:|\;|\.|\""" & ")"
sText = re.Replace(sText,"<font color=#993333>$1</font>")

sText = "<table ><tr><td width='1024' " & _
"style='word-break:break-all'><ol type=1>" & _
"<br /><li>" & sText & "</table>"
sText = Replace(sText,chr(13) & chr (10) ," </li><li> ")

' [ ]
re.Pattern="(\bAnd\b|\bByRef\b|\bByVal\b|\bCall\b" & _
"|\bCase\b|\bClass\b|\bConst\b|\bDim\b|\bDo\b" & _
"|\bEach\b|\bElse\b|\bElseIf\b|\bEmpty\b|\bEnd\b" & _
"|\bEqv\b|\bErase\b|\bError\b|\bExit\b|\bExplicit\b" & _
"|\bFalse\b|\bFor\b|\bFunction\b|\bGet\b|\bIf\b|\bImp\b" & _
"|\bIn\b|\bIs\b|\bLet\b|\bLoop\b|\bMod\b|\bNext\b|\bNot\b" & _
"|\bNothing\b|\bNull\b|\bOn\b|\bOption\b|\bOr\b|\bPrivate\b" & _
"|\bProperty\b|\bPublic\b|\bRandomize\b|\bReDim\b|\bRem\b" & _
"|\bResume\b|\bSelect\b|\bSet\b|\bStep\b|\bSub\b|\bThen\b" & _
sText=re.Replace(sText,"<font color=blue>$1</font>")
' [ ]
re.Pattern="(\bAnchor\b|\bArray\b|\bAsc\b|\bAtn\b" & _
"|\bCBool\b|\bCByte\b|\bCCur\b|\bCDate\b|\bCDbl\b" & _
"|\bChr\b|\bCInt\b|\bCLng\b|\bCos\b|\bCreateObject\b" & _
"|\bCSng\b|\bCStr\b|\bDate\b|\bDateAdd\b|\bDateDiff\b" & _
"|\bDatePart\b|\bDateSerial\b|\bDateValue\b|\bDay\b" & _
"|\bDictionary\b|\bDocument\b|\bElement\b|\bErr\b|\bExp\b" & _
"|\bFileSystemObject \b|\bFilter\b|\bFix\b|\bInt\b|\bForm\b" & _
"|\bFormatCurrency\b|\bFormatDateTime\b|\bFormatNumber\b" & _
"|\bFormatPercent\b|\bGetObject\b|\bHex\b|\bHistory\b|\bHour\b" & _
"|\bInputBox\b|\bInStr\b|\bInstrRev\b|\bIsArray\b|\bIsDate\b" & _
"|\bIsEmpty\b|\bIsNull\b|\bIsNumeric\b|\bIsObject\b|\bJoin\b" & _
"|\bLBound\b|\bLCase\b|\bLeft\b|\bLen\b|\bLink\b|\bLoadPicture\b" & _
"|\bLocation\b|\bLog\b|\bLTrim\b|\bRTrim\b|\bTrim\b|\bMid\b" & _
"|\bMinute\b|\bMonth\b|\bMonthName\b|\bMsgBox\b|\bNavigator\b" & _
"|\bNow\b|\bOct\b|\bReplace\b|\bRight\b|\bRnd\b|\bRound\b" & _
"|\bScriptEngine\b|\bScriptEngineBuildVersion\b" & _
"|\bScriptEngineMajorVersion\b|\bScriptEngineMinorVersion\b" & _
"|\bSecond\b|\bSgn\b|\bSin\b|\bSpace\b|\bSplit\b|\bSqr\b" & _
"|\bStrComp\b|\bString\b|\bStrReverse\b|\bTan\b|\bTime\b" & _
"|\bTextStream\b|\bTimeSerial\b|\bTimeValue\b|\bTypeName\b" & _
"|\bUBound\b|\bUCase\b|\bVarType\b|\bWeekday\b|\bWeekDayName\b" & _
sText=re.Replace(sText,"<font color=red>$1</font>")
ChangeVBS = sText
end Function

Function ChangeCMD(sText)

Set re=new RegExp
re.IgnoreCase =true

'sText = Replace(sText,"/","<font color=#FF0000>/</font>")
re.Pattern = "(\%|\=|\/[a-z]*\b|\>|\<|\|)"
sText = re.Replace(sText,"<font color=#FF8C00>$1</font>")

re.Pattern = "(Rem\b.*\r
sText = re.Replace(sText,"<font color=#20B2AA>$1</font>")

re.Pattern = "(\(|\)|\&|\+|\-|\*|\;|\""" & ")"
sText = re.Replace(sText,"<font size=5 color=#9932CC>$1</font>")

re.Pattern = "(\bShare\b|\bSetver\b|\bNlsfunc\b|\bMem\b|\bLh\b" & _
"|\bLoadhigh\b|\bloadfix\b|\bGraphics\b|\bForcedos\b" & _
"|\bFastopen\b|\bExe2bin\b|\bEdlin\b|\bEdlin\b|\bEdit\b" & _
"|\bDebug\b|\bDebug\b|\bAppend\b|\bSwitches\b|\bStacks\b" & _
"|\bShell\b|\bNtcmdprompt\b|\bLastdrive\b|\bInstall\b" & _
"|\bFiles\b|\bFcbs\b|\bEchoconfig\b|\bDriveparm\b|\bDosonly\b" & _
"|\bDos\b|\bDevicehigh\b|\bDevice\b|\bCountry\b|\bBuffers\b" & _
"|\bXcopy\b|\bWMIC\b|\bWinnt32\b|\bWinnt\b|\bW32tm\b" & _
"|\bVssadmin\b|\bVol\b|\bVerify\b|\bVer\b|\bUnlodctr\b" & _
"|\bTypeperf\b|\bType\b|\bTree\b|\bTracert\b|\bTracerpt\b" & _
"|\bTitle\b|\bTime\b|\bTftp\b|\bTelnet\b|\bTcmsetup\b" & _
"|\bTasklist\b|\bTaskkill\b|\bSfc\b|\bSysteminfo\b|\bSubst\b" & _
"|\bStart\b|\bSort\b|\bShutdown\b|\bShift\b|\bSetlocal\b|\bSet\b" & _
"|\bSecedit\b|\bSchtasks\b|\bSc\b|\bRunas\b|\bRsm\b|\bRsh\b" & _
"|\bRoute\b|\bRmdir\b|\bRexec\b|\bReset\b|\bReplace\b|\bRename\b" & _
"|\bRelog\b|\bRegsvr32\b|\bReg\b|\bRecover\b|\bRcp\b|\bRasdial\b" & _
"|\bQuery\b|\bPushd\b|\bPrompt\b|\bPrnqctl\b|\bPrnport\b" & _
"|\bPrnmngr\b|\bPrnjobs\b|\bPrndrvr\b|\bPrncnfg\b|\bPrint\b" & _
"|\bPopd\b|\bPing\b|\bPerfmon\b|\bPentnt\b|\bPbadmin\b|\bPause\b" & _
"|\bPathping\b|\bPath\b|\bPagefileconfig\b|\bOpenfiles\b|\bNtsd\b" & _
"|\bNtcmdprompt\b|\bNtbackup\b|\bNslookup\b|\bNetstat\b|\bNetsh\b" & _
"|\bNet\b|\bNbtstat\b|\bMsinfo32\b|\bMsiexec\b|\bMove\b" & _
"|\bMountvol\b|\bMore\b|\bMode\b|\bMmc\b|\bMd\b|\bMkdir\b" & _
"|\bMacfile\b|\bLpr\b|\bLpq\b|\bLogman\b|\bLodctr\b|\bLabel\b" & _
"|\bIrftp\b|\bIpxroute\b|\bIpseccmd\b|\bIpconfig\b|\bIf\b" & _
"|\bHostname\b|\bHelpctr\b|\bHelp\b|\bGraftabl\b|\bGpupdate\b" & _
"|\bGpresult\b|\bGoto\b|\bGetmac\b|\bFtype\b|\bFtp\b|\bFsutil\b" & _
"|\bFormat\b|\bFor\b|\bFlattemp\b|\bFinger\b|\bFindstr\b|\bFind\b" & _
"|\bFc\b|\bExpand\b|\bExit\b|\bEvntcmd\b|\bEventtriggers\b" & _
"|\bEventquery\b|\bEventcreate\b|\bEndlocal\b|\bEcho\b" & _
"|\bDriverquery\b|\bDoskey\b|\bDiskPart\b|\bDiskcopy\b" & _
"|\bDiskcomp\b|\bDir\b|\bDel\b|\bDefrag\b|\bDate\b|\bCScript\b" & _
"|\bCprofile\b|\bCopy\b|\bConvert\b|\bCompact\b|\bComp\b" & _
"|\bCmstp\b|\bCmd\b|\bCls\b|\bCipher\b|\bChkntfs\b|\bChkdsk\b" & _
"|\bChdir\b|\bChcp\b|\bChange\b|\bCall\b|\bCacls\b|\bBreak\b" & _
sText=re.Replace(sText,"<font color=blue>$1</font>")

sText = "<table><td width=""1024"" " & _
"style=""word-break:break-all""><ol type=1>" & _
"<br /><li>" & sText & "<tr></table>"
sText = Replace(sText,chr(13) & chr (10) ," </li><li> ")
ChangeCMD = sText
end Function

set oPopup = window.createPopup
sub HelpWindow
if usehelp.checked then
set oPopBody = oPopup.document.body = "lightyellow" = "solid black 1px"
oPopBody.innerHTML = " , " WinMain.offsetleft, _
WinMain.offsettop + WinMain.offsetheight - 20, _
WinMain.offsetWidth, 20, document.body
end if
end sub

Sub RunCode
if cxs.value = "vbs" then
tmpfile = "temp_script.vbs"
str = tmpfile
tmpfile = "temp_script.bat"
str = "cmd /k " & tmpfile
end if
Set file = fso.OpenTextFile(tmpdir & tmpfile,2,True)
file.Write WinMain.innerText
shell.Run str
End Sub

Sub SaveFile
Set objDialog = CreateObject("SAFRCFileDlg.FileSave")
objDialog.FileName = Cstr(date)
if cxs.value = "vbs" then
objDialog.FileType = ".vbs"
objDialog.FileType = ".bat"
end if
intReturn = objDialog.OpenFileSaveDlg

If intReturn Then
Set objFile = fso.CreateTextFile( _
objDialog.FileName & objDialog.FileType)
objFile.WriteLine WinMain.innerText
end if
end Sub

Sub OpenFile

Set objDialog = CreateObject("UserAccounts.CommonDialog")
objDialog.Filter = "bat |*.bat;*.cmd|vbs |*.vbs| |*.*"
'objDialog.MaxFileSize = 10000
'objDialog.FilterIndex = 1
'objDialog.InitialDir = ""
'strLoadFile = objDialog.FileName
If len(trim(objDialog.FileName)) = 0 Then Exit Sub
Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(objDialog.FileName,1,True)
WinMain.innerText = objFile.ReadAll

end Sub

Sub Window_OnLoad()

self.ResizeTo 1,1
self.MoveTo 300,300


Set objWindow = window.Open("about:blank","ProgressWindow","height=15,width=250,left=300,top=300,status=no,titlebar=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,scrollbars=no")
With objWindow
.ResizeTo 250,15 = "Helvetica" = "11pt"
.document.writeln "<html><body> ....</body></html>"
.document.title = " ..." = "buttonface" = "none" = 15
end With

' XP,IE 6.0
strWindowsVer = shell.RegRead _
("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProductName")
strIeVer = shell.RegRead _
("HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Version")
if strWindowsVer <> "Microsoft Windows XP" or _
left(strIeVer,3) <> "6.0" then
intFlag = msgbox(" XP IE 6.0, ?",1)
if intFlag = 1 then
end if
end if

End Sub

Sub Began
OptionAdd "bat"
intLeft = (document.parentwindow.screen.availwidth - 800) / 2
intTop = (document.parentwindow.screen.availheight - 600) / 2
window.resizeTo 800,650
window.moveTo intLeft, intTop
end Sub
Sub TestSub
Set objFile = fso.OpenTextFile(objOption.value,1,True)
WinMain.innerText = objFile.ReadAll
end Sub

Sub Window_OnBeforeUnload()
On Error Resume Next
fso.DeleteFile "temp_script.vbs",True
fso.DeleteFile "temp_script.bat",True
Set shell = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
set oPopup= Nothing
End Sub

Sub Clear
WinMain.innerText = ""
'WinMain.innerHTML = ""
end Sub

Sub ClipBoard
window.clipboardData.SetData "text", WinMain.innerHTML
end Sub

<style type="text/css">
* { padding:0; border:0; overflow:hidden; font:16px Arial;}
html,body { height:100%; margin:0;}
#box_2 { height:100%; background:#ccc;}
<div style="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-weight:bold;">
<span style="font-size: 18pt;"> </span>
<span style="font-size: 8pt;">Ver 1.0 by
<a href="">
3742668</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<a href="mailto:[email protected]">
</a></span><br></div></center><br> <div contentEditable
STYLE="padding:2; overflow:auto;background-color:lightyellow;
width:100%; height:70%;" ID="WinMain" onkeyup="HelpWindow">
</div> <BR> <center>

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (x)"
accesskey="x" ONCLICK="OpenFile">

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (r)"
accesskey="r" ONCLICK="RunCode">

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (c)"
accesskey="c" ONCLICK="Clear">

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (s)"
accesskey="s" ONCLICK="SaveFile">

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (a)"
accesskey="a" ONCLICK="ClipBoard">

<INPUT STYLE="font-family: Trebuchet MS; font-size: 8pt; font-weight:
bold; border: 1px solid black;" TYPE="BUTTON" VALUE=" (d)"
accesskey="d" ONCLICK="ChangeColor"></center>
<br><div id="forOption"></div><p>

<INPUT TYPE="CHECKBOX" ID="usehelp" onfocus="WinMain.focus"
accesskey="z" class="noBorder" position: checked>
<label for="usehelp"> (<u>z</u>)</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;
&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<label> :<label>
<SELECT NAME="cxs" SIZE="1" onchange="OptionAdd(cxs.value)">

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