c \ # datagridview 인쇄, 좋 습 니 다.
원작 자:http://blog.csdn.net/yjlwl1213/article/details/4376073
원작 자: (http://www.codeproject.com/KB/grid/PrintDataGrid_CS.aspx)
인쇄 설정

인쇄 미리 보기
솔 루 션 은 이 인쇄 솔 루 션 을 구성 합 니 다. 인쇄 설정 의 창 과 인쇄 클래스 로 구성 되 어 있 습 니 다.다음 장면 에 사용 할 수 있 습 니 다. 1. 표 시 된 데 이 터 는 양 이 많 지만 모든 데 이 터 를 인쇄 할 필요 가 없 을 때 2. 인쇄 된 열 폭 이 페이지 너비 에 자동 으로 적응 하 기 를 바 랍 니 다.
/* ***************************************************
* DataGridView
* :Afrasiab Cheraghi.
* **************************************************/
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Windows.Forms;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Collections;
using System.Data;
using System.Text;
namespace testPrint
class PrintDGV
private static StringFormat StrFormat; // Holds content of a TextBox Cell to write by DrawString
private static StringFormat StrFormatComboBox; // Holds content of a Boolean Cell to write by DrawImage
private static Button CellButton; // Holds the Contents of Button Cell
private static CheckBox CellCheckBox; // Holds the Contents of CheckBox Cell
private static ComboBox CellComboBox; // Holds the Contents of ComboBox Cell
private static int TotalWidth; // Summation of Columns widths
private static int RowPos; // Position of currently printing row
private static bool NewPage; // Indicates if a new page reached
private static int PageNo; // Number of pages to print
private static ArrayList ColumnLefts = new ArrayList(); // Left Coordinate of Columns
private static ArrayList ColumnWidths = new ArrayList(); // Width of Columns
private static ArrayList ColumnTypes = new ArrayList(); // DataType of Columns
private static int CellHeight; // Height of DataGrid Cell
private static int RowsPerPage; // Number of Rows per Page
private static System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument printDoc =
new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintDocument(); // PrintDocumnet Object used for printing
private static string PrintTi<mce:script type="text/javascript" src="http://hi.images.csdn.net/js/blog/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/zh.js" mce_src="http://hi.images.csdn.net/js/blog/tiny_mce/themes/advanced/langs/zh.js"></mce:script><mce:script type="text/javascript" src="http://hi.images.csdn.net/js/blog/tiny_mce/plugins/syntaxhl/langs/zh.js" mce_src="http://hi.images.csdn.net/js/blog/tiny_mce/plugins/syntaxhl/langs/zh.js"></mce:script>tle = ""; // Header of pages
private static DataGridView dgv; // Holds DataGridView Object to print its contents
private static List<string> SelectedColumns = new List<string>(); // The Columns Selected by user to print.
private static List<string> AvailableColumns = new List<string>(); // All Columns avaiable in DataGrid
private static bool PrintAllRows = true; // True = print all rows, False = print selected rows
private static bool FitToPageWidth = true; // True = Fits selected columns to page width , False = Print columns as showed
private static int HeaderHeight = 0;
public static void Print_DataGridView(DataGridView dgv1)
PrintPreviewDialog ppvw;
// Getting DataGridView object to print
dgv = dgv1;
// Getting all Coulmns Names in the DataGridView
foreach (DataGridViewColumn c in dgv.Columns)
if (!c.Visible) continue;
// Showing the PrintOption Form
PrintOptions dlg = new PrintOptions(AvailableColumns);
if (dlg.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK) return;
PrintTitle = dlg.PrintTitle;
PrintAllRows = dlg.PrintAllRows;
FitToPageWidth = dlg.FitToPageWidth;
SelectedColumns = dlg.GetSelectedColumns();
RowsPerPage = 0;
ppvw = new PrintPreviewDialog();
ppvw.Document = printDoc;
// Showing the Print Preview Page
printDoc.BeginPrint +=new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(PrintDoc_BeginPrint);
printDoc.PrintPage +=new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(PrintDoc_PrintPage);
if (ppvw.ShowDialog() != DialogResult.OK)
printDoc.BeginPrint -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(PrintDoc_BeginPrint);
printDoc.PrintPage -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(PrintDoc_PrintPage);
// Printing the Documnet
printDoc.BeginPrint -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventHandler(PrintDoc_BeginPrint);
printDoc.PrintPage -= new System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventHandler(PrintDoc_PrintPage);
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private static void PrintDoc_BeginPrint(object sender,
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs e)
// Formatting the Content of Text Cell to print
StrFormat = new StringFormat();
StrFormat.Alignment = StringAlignment.Near;
StrFormat.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
StrFormat.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
// Formatting the Content of Combo Cells to print
StrFormatComboBox = new StringFormat();
StrFormatComboBox.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
StrFormatComboBox.FormatFlags = StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;
StrFormatComboBox.Trimming = StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
CellHeight = 0;
RowsPerPage = 0;
// For various column types
CellButton = new Button();
CellCheckBox = new CheckBox();
CellComboBox = new ComboBox();
// Calculating Total Widths
TotalWidth = 0;
foreach (DataGridViewColumn GridCol in dgv.Columns)
if (!GridCol.Visible) continue;
if (!PrintDGV.SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText)) continue;
TotalWidth += GridCol.Width;
PageNo = 1;
NewPage = true;
RowPos = 0;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private static void PrintDoc_PrintPage(object sender,
System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e)
int tmpWidth, i;
int tmpTop = e.MarginBounds.Top;
int tmpLeft = e.MarginBounds.Left;
// Before starting first page, it saves Width & Height of Headers and CoulmnType
if (PageNo == 1)
foreach (DataGridViewColumn GridCol in dgv.Columns)
if (!GridCol.Visible) continue;
// Skip if the current column not selected
if (!PrintDGV.SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText)) continue;
// Detemining whether the columns are fitted to page or not.
if (FitToPageWidth)
tmpWidth = (int)(Math.Floor((double)((double)GridCol.Width /
(double)TotalWidth * (double)TotalWidth *
((double)e.MarginBounds.Width / (double)TotalWidth))));
tmpWidth = GridCol.Width;
HeaderHeight = (int)(e.Graphics.MeasureString(GridCol.HeaderText,
GridCol.InheritedStyle.Font, tmpWidth).Height) + 11;
// Save width & height of headres and ColumnType
tmpLeft += tmpWidth;
// Printing Current Page, Row by Row
while (RowPos <= dgv.Rows.Count - 1)
DataGridViewRow GridRow = dgv.Rows[RowPos];
if (GridRow.IsNewRow || (!PrintAllRows && !GridRow.Selected))
CellHeight = GridRow.Height;
if (tmpTop + CellHeight >= e.MarginBounds.Height + e.MarginBounds.Top)
DrawFooter(e, RowsPerPage);
NewPage = true;
e.HasMorePages = true;
if (NewPage)
// Draw Header
e.Graphics.DrawString(PrintTitle, new Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold),
Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left, e.MarginBounds.Top -
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PrintTitle, new Font(dgv.Font,
FontStyle.Bold), e.MarginBounds.Width).Height - 13);
String s = DateTime.Now.ToLongDateString() + " " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString();
e.Graphics.DrawString(s, new Font(dgv.Font, FontStyle.Bold),
Brushes.Black, e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width -
e.Graphics.MeasureString(s, new Font(dgv.Font,
FontStyle.Bold), e.MarginBounds.Width).Width), e.MarginBounds.Top -
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PrintTitle, new Font(new Font(dgv.Font,
FontStyle.Bold), FontStyle.Bold), e.MarginBounds.Width).Height - 13);
// Draw Columns
tmpTop = e.MarginBounds.Top;
i = 0;
foreach (DataGridViewColumn GridCol in dgv.Columns)
if (!GridCol.Visible) continue;
if (!PrintDGV.SelectedColumns.Contains(GridCol.HeaderText))
e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(Color.LightGray),
new Rectangle((int) ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop,
(int)ColumnWidths[i], HeaderHeight));
new Rectangle((int) ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop,
(int)ColumnWidths[i], HeaderHeight));
e.Graphics.DrawString(GridCol.HeaderText, GridCol.InheritedStyle.Font,
new SolidBrush(GridCol.InheritedStyle.ForeColor),
new RectangleF((int)ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop,
(int)ColumnWidths[i], HeaderHeight), StrFormat);
NewPage = false;
tmpTop += HeaderHeight;
// Draw Columns Contents
i = 0;
foreach (DataGridViewCell Cel in GridRow.Cells)
if (!Cel.OwningColumn.Visible) continue;
if (!SelectedColumns.Contains(Cel.OwningColumn.HeaderText))
// For the TextBox Column
if (((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewTextBoxColumn" ||
((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewLinkColumn")
e.Graphics.DrawString(Cel.Value.ToString(), Cel.InheritedStyle.Font,
new SolidBrush(Cel.InheritedStyle.ForeColor),
new RectangleF((int)ColumnLefts[i], (float)tmpTop,
(int)ColumnWidths[i], (float)CellHeight), StrFormat);
// For the Button Column
else if (((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewButtonColumn")
CellButton.Text = Cel.Value.ToString();
CellButton.Size = new Size((int)ColumnWidths[i], CellHeight);
Bitmap bmp =new Bitmap(CellButton.Width, CellButton.Height);
CellButton.DrawToBitmap(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0,
bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, new Point((int)ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop));
// For the CheckBox Column
else if (((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewCheckBoxColumn")
CellCheckBox.Size = new Size(14, 14);
CellCheckBox.Checked = (bool)Cel.Value;
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap((int)ColumnWidths[i], CellHeight);
Graphics tmpGraphics = Graphics.FromImage(bmp);
tmpGraphics.FillRectangle(Brushes.White, new Rectangle(0, 0,
bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
new Rectangle((int)((bmp.Width - CellCheckBox.Width) / 2),
(int)((bmp.Height - CellCheckBox.Height) / 2),
CellCheckBox.Width, CellCheckBox.Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, new Point((int)ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop));
// For the ComboBox Column
else if (((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewComboBoxColumn")
CellComboBox.Size = new Size((int)ColumnWidths[i], CellHeight);
Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(CellComboBox.Width, CellComboBox.Height);
CellComboBox.DrawToBitmap(bmp, new Rectangle(0, 0,
bmp.Width, bmp.Height));
e.Graphics.DrawImage(bmp, new Point((int)ColumnLefts[i], tmpTop));
e.Graphics.DrawString(Cel.Value.ToString(), Cel.InheritedStyle.Font,
new SolidBrush(Cel.InheritedStyle.ForeColor),
new RectangleF((int)ColumnLefts[i] + 1, tmpTop, (int)ColumnWidths[i]
- 16, CellHeight), StrFormatComboBox);
// For the Image Column
else if (((Type) ColumnTypes[i]).Name == "DataGridViewImageColumn")
Rectangle CelSize = new Rectangle((int)ColumnLefts[i],
tmpTop, (int)ColumnWidths[i], CellHeight);
Size ImgSize = ((Image)(Cel.FormattedValue)).Size;
new Rectangle((int)ColumnLefts[i] + (int)((CelSize.Width - ImgSize.Width) / 2),
tmpTop + (int)((CelSize.Height - ImgSize.Height) / 2),
((Image)(Cel.FormattedValue)).Width, ((Image)(Cel.FormattedValue)).Height));
// Drawing Cells Borders
e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle((int)ColumnLefts[i],
tmpTop, (int)ColumnWidths[i], CellHeight));
tmpTop += CellHeight;
// For the first page it calculates Rows per Page
if (PageNo == 1) RowsPerPage++;
if (RowsPerPage == 0) return;
// Write Footer (Page Number)
DrawFooter(e, RowsPerPage);
e.HasMorePages = false;
catch (Exception ex)
MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, "Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
private static void DrawFooter(System.Drawing.Printing.PrintPageEventArgs e,
int RowsPerPage)
double cnt = 0;
// Detemining rows number to print
if (PrintAllRows)
if (dgv.Rows[dgv.Rows.Count - 1].IsNewRow)
cnt = dgv.Rows.Count - 2; // When the DataGridView doesn't allow adding rows
cnt = dgv.Rows.Count - 1; // When the DataGridView allows adding rows
cnt = dgv.SelectedRows.Count;
// Writing the Page Number on the Bottom of Page
string PageNum = " " + PageNo.ToString()
+ " , " + Math.Ceiling((double)(cnt / RowsPerPage)).ToString()
+ " ";
e.Graphics.DrawString(PageNum, dgv.Font, Brushes.Black,
e.MarginBounds.Left + (e.MarginBounds.Width -
e.Graphics.MeasureString(PageNum, dgv.Font,
e.MarginBounds.Width).Width) / 2, e.MarginBounds.Top +
e.MarginBounds.Height + 31);
예제 코드: testPrint
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