1.10.9인치에서 1.11.5인치로 nokogiri 증가

13878 단어 jample


1.10.9에서 1.11.5까지의 충돌nokogiri.
릴리즈 노트
출처nokogiri's releases.

1.11.5 / 2021-05-19


[Windows CRuby] Work around segfault at process exit on Windows when using libxml2 system DLLs.

libxml 2.9.12 introduced new behavior to avoid memory leaks when unloading libxml2 shared libraries (see libxml/!66). Early testing caught this segfault on non-Windows platforms (see #2059 and libxml@956534e) but it was incompletely fixed and is still an issue on Windows platforms that are using system DLLs.

We work around this by configuring libxml2 in this situation to use its default memory management functions. Note that if Nokogiri is not on Windows, or is not using shared system libraries, it will will continue to configure libxml2 to use Ruby's memory management functions. Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO["libxml"]["memory_management"] will allow you to verify when the default memory management functions are being used. [#2241]


Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO["libxml"] now contains the key "memory_management" to declare whether libxml2 is using its default memory management functions, or whether it uses the memory management functions from ruby. See above for more details.

1.11.4 / 2021-05-14


[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 upgraded to v2.9.12 which addresses:

Note that two additional CVEs were addressed upstream but are not relevant to this release. CVE-2021-3516 via xmllint is not present in Nokogiri, and CVE-2020-7595 has been patched in Nokogiri since v1.10.8 (see #1992).

Please see nokogiri/GHSA-7rrm-v45f-jp64 or #2233 for a more complete analysis of these CVEs and patches.

의존 관계

  • [CRuby] vendored libxml2 is updated from 2.9.10 to 2.9.12. (Note that 2.9.11 was skipped because it was superseded by 2.9.12 a few hours after its release.)

1.11.3 / 2021-04-07


  • [CRuby] Passing non-Node objects to Document#root= now raises an ArgumentError exception. Previously this likely segfaulted. [#1900]
  • [JRuby] Passing non-Node objects to Document#root= now raises an ArgumentError exception. Previously this raised a TypeError exception.
  • [CRuby] arm64/aarch64 systems (like Apple's M1) can now compile libxml2 and libxslt from source (though we continue to strongly advise users to install the native gems for the best possible experience)

1.11.2 / 2021-03-11

... (자르기)
변경 로그
출처nokogiri's changelog.

1.11.5 / 2021-05-19


[Windows CRuby] Work around segfault at process exit on Windows when using libxml2 system DLLs.

libxml 2.9.12 introduced new behavior to avoid memory leaks when unloading libxml2 shared libraries (see libxml/!66). Early testing caught this segfault on non-Windows platforms (see #2059 and libxml@956534e) but it was incompletely fixed and is still an issue on Windows platforms that are using system DLLs.

We work around this by configuring libxml2 in this situation to use its default memory management functions. Note that if Nokogiri is not on Windows, or is not using shared system libraries, it will will continue to configure libxml2 to use Ruby's memory management functions. Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO["libxml"]["memory_management"] will allow you to verify when the default memory management functions are being used. [#2241]


Nokogiri::VERSION_INFO["libxml"] now contains the key "memory_management" to declare whether libxml2 is using its default memory management functions, or whether it uses the memory management functions from ruby. See above for more details.

1.11.4 / 2021-05-14


[CRuby] Vendored libxml2 upgraded to v2.9.12 which addresses:

Note that two additional CVEs were addressed upstream but are not relevant to this release. CVE-2021-3516 via xmllint is not present in Nokogiri, and CVE-2020-7595 has been patched in Nokogiri since v1.10.8 (see #1992).

Please see nokogiri/GHSA-7rrm-v45f-jp64 or #2233 for a more complete analysis of these CVEs and patches.

의존 관계

  • [CRuby] vendored libxml2 is updated from 2.9.10 to 2.9.12. (Note that 2.9.11 was skipped because it was superseded by 2.9.12 a few hours after its release.)

1.11.3 / 2021-04-07


  • [CRuby] Passing non-Node objects to Document#root= now raises an ArgumentError exception. Previously this likely segfaulted. [#1900]
  • [JRuby] Passing non-Node objects to Document#root= now raises an ArgumentError exception. Previously this raised a TypeError exception.
  • [CRuby] arm64/aarch64 systems (like Apple's M1) can now compile libxml2 and libxslt from source (though we continue to strongly advise users to install the native gems for the best possible experience)

1.11.2 / 2021-03-11

... (자르기)
  • e43f521 버전이 v1로 업그레이드되었습니다.11.5
  • 42354e4 병합 요청#2243은 Spark Mootion/flavorjones-v1 11 x-update-tests-에서 왔다.
  • 05f30eb 업데이트 변경 로그
  • e6709aa windows:libxml2xmlcleanuparser
  • 사용
  • 8f54c0f 테스트: 조정 테스트를 시스템libxml2>=2.9.11
  • 을 통과하도록
  • 3d8a570 ci:github 조작의 윈도우즈 설정
  • 4b9bfe3 GHSA
  • 로 변경 로그 업데이트
  • 9d69b44 버전이 v1로 업그레이드되었습니다.11.4
  • 058e87f 전체 CVE 정보로 변경 로그 업데이트
  • 9285251 합병 요청#2234/2233-upgrade-to-libxml-2-9-12
  • compare view
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