Blog Day 13: Primitive , Reference Type, Scope, and Metaverse
- TIL (Today I learned)
Today I learned about two different types of data storage which is primitive type and reference type. Primitive type stores a data into a assigned variable (ex. let a = 1;), on the other hand reference type stores an address that leads to a storage called 'heap.' There are two different types of data storage because due to an update in the way data are stored. By using primitive types, it is complicated and almost impossible for anyone to delete, reach into, or add data because the storage is limited. Therefore today's new school programmers use reference type storage to solve that problem from the past. To make it simple, we can say that reference type is like using a backup storage and just putting an address into a stack. I am getting into it more day by day and I just won't stop.
Scopes, this is like the part I decided to take a rest because it is kind of simple but someway hard when I have to solve some problems to check if I understood. A good example would be like the question below:
let x = 10; function outer () { x = 20; function inner () { x = x + 20; } inner(); } outer(); let result = x; What is result?
This just freaked me out but carefully breaking it down helped me understand it a bit. The answer is 40. This is because in the local scope, x is changed into 20 and into the next function x becomes x+20 which is 40. If let x = 20 was mentioned in the 3rd line, then things would have turned out different. This is just a simple understanding I earned and I would have to come back tomorrow to earn more insights about the difference between global and local scope.
I also learned that just stop using 'var' due to its outdated error-making characteristics. var c = 10; will just make the whole sheet or window c is always 10. You cannot change the variable c, except for some specific situations but it is just too risky to do so in a business world. Adding on to this using 'use strict' into JS can make the computer a strict proctor to check for any errors especially dealing with ways to assigning a variable.
Reading through the book, Metaverse, I found out 3 different good ideas and thougts to think about. A type of Metaverse in today's world is Instagram, Facebook, or any other SNS we use to daily blog our life.
a. First thought is that the reason these SNS are earning a lot of users to keep on updating their own profile is that these businesses penetrated the emotional part of a human. Humans have been blogging since a long time ago, 'daily diary.' Instagram or any other SNS are new updated versions of daily diary. But, what makes it better is that updated diaries are a tool to interconnect people. I upload my blog to instagram and feel happy when people compliment or press a like. I feel accepted and that gives me a boost in ego. The book said that why not use this as a tool to comfort or compliment people because it is much better than binge eating or partying hard till you get weak. However, the contradiction to this is that people get too obssessed that they actually hurt other people when they find better contents to post.
b. Second is that the book taught me to treat people around me as travel buddies not lifelong partner. This is because if you treat a people like a lifelong partner(most people does this to their wife or husband) you tend to want your partner to become exactly same as you are. A small difference in lifestyle or mindset will cause you to start hating each other. However, if you treat them as your travel buddy, you tend to not really care about small differences and just accept them as they are. This was mentioned because it works both in the metaverse and the real world we live in. In the metaverse(Instagram or other SNS), we just have to accept people as they are whatever they upload and treat them as travel buddies not lifelong partners. In the real world, this lesson is even more important because it will cause you less stress and also happiness.
c. Lastly, sometimes you find 'fools' in the SNS world. They put up things that you just think is useless in your life, however, when entering such world full of new universe. We should put this aside, because often 'fools' lead us to new ways and also even better ways than just following the cliche. Therefore, when you have in mind that 'he is a fool,' have in mind that it could be the new key to success.
- 3 Things to be Thankful for.
- Thank God my brother's workplace is starting to find patients and solve the problem they might face in the future.
- Thank God I met a good book and learned a lot of things today.
- Thank God that I found a good pathway to study in an online university and I also can afford it.
- Ideas or things to think about.
- I am actually feeling the comfort I receive form posting in instagram my daily blog.
- When you just feel like resting, take a rest try again tomorrow.
- If I have the habit of repeating anything for 7 times, it would really be a good one because doing something over and over 7 times will boost your understanding.
- Humans are like artifical intelligence, we need many data to become smarter. (Videos, Reading, Hearing, Touching ) focus on differentiating your ways to intake information.
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