Tera Term에 Solarized 컬러 스키마 적용

  • 본 기재 내용을 실시할 때 다음과 같은 내용을 참고하였다.자세한 내용은 아래의 내용을 참조하시오.
  • TeraTerm 색상을 Solarized Dark로 설정
  • 터미널 화면이 눈을 부드럽게 해주고 싶어요.


  • 코드를 보는 인지부하를 낮추고 싶다
  • 눈에도 부드러운 색으로 하고 싶다
  • Solarized 사용 결정

  • "dark"와 "light"두 종류
  • 어떤 물건은 본사 홈페이지Solarized
  • 이하 인용설명문
  • Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise CIELAB lightness relationships and a refined set of hues based on fixed color wheel relationships. It has been tested extensively in real world use on color calibrated displays (as well as uncalibrated/intentionally miscalibrated displays) and in a variety of lighting conditions.

    Tera Term Solarized

  • 응용이 간단하고 Tera Term 설정 파일TERATERM.INI의 해당 위치만 주석
    ;   ANSI color definition (in the case FullColor=on)
    ;   * UseTextColor should be off, or the background and foreground color of
    ;     VTColor are assigned to color-number 0 and 7 respectively, even if
    ;     they are specified in ANSIColor.
    ;   * ANSIColor is a set of 4 values that are color-number(0--15),
    ;     red-value(0--255), green-value(0--255) and blue-value(0--255).
    ;ANSIColor=0,0,0,0, 1,255,0,0, 2,0,255,0, 3,255,255,0, 4,128,128,255, 5,255,0,255, 6,0,255,255, 7,255,255,255, 8,64,64,64, 9,192,0,0, 10,0,192,0, 11,192,192,0, 12,64,64,192, 13,192,0,192, 14,0,192,192, 15,192,192,192    ←:コメントアウト
    ; Solarized (http://ethanschoonover.com/solarized)
    ANSIColor=0,7,54,66, 1,203,75,22, 2,88,110,117, 3,101,123,131, 4,131,148,150, 5,108,113,196, 6,147,161,161, 7,253,246,227, 8,0,43,54, 9,220,50,47, 10,133,153,0, 11,181,137,0, 12,38,139,210, 13,211,54,130, 14,42,161,152, 15,238,232,213    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Text and background colors
    ;       for Normal characters
    ;VTColor=255,255,255,0,0,0    ←:コメントアウト
    ;   Solarized Dark
    VTColor=131,148,150,0,43,54    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Solarized Light
    ;       for Bold characters
    ;VTBoldColor=255,255,0,0,0,0    ←:コメントアウト
    ;   Solarized Dark
    VTBoldColor=147,161,161,0,43,54    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Solarized Light
    ;       for Blink characters
    ;VTBlinkColor=255,0,0,0,0,0    ←:コメントアウト
    ;   Solarized Dark
    VTBlinkColor=133,153,0,0,43,54    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Solarized Light
    ;       for Reverse characters
    ;VTReverseColor=0,0,0,255,255,255    ←:コメントアウト
    ;   Solarized Dark
    VTReverseColor=101,123,131,253,246,227    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Solarized Light
    ;       for URL(hyper link) text color
    ;URLColor=0,255,255,0,0,0    ←:コメントアウト
    ;   Solarized Dark
    URLColor=181,137,0,0,43,54    ←:コメントイン
    ;   Solarized Light

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