Svelte 프레임워크로 만든 간단한 DevFolio HTML 템플릿 웹사이트
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기본 Svelte 앱을 설정하려면 다음 명령을 실행할 수 있습니다.
npm init vite my-app -- --template svelte
... 그런 다음 터미널의 프로젝트 폴더로 이동하여 다음 종속 항목을 설치합니다.
cd my-app
# Install the dependencies...
npm install
...롤업을 시작합니다.
# Npm Command
npm run dev
localhost:8080으로 이동하면 앱이 실행되는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. src에서 구성 요소 파일을 편집하고 저장한 다음 페이지를 새로고침하여 변경 사항을 확인하세요.
Tailwind CSS + DaisyUI 설정 추가
이제 다음 명령을 사용하여 npm을 통해 Tailwind CSS 및 DaisyUI 피어 종속성을 설치해야 합니다.
npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer daisyui
이제 기본 디렉토리에
라는 tailwind 구성 파일을 생성합니다.tailwind.config.cjs
파일에 다음 코드를 추가합니다.module.exports = {
content: ["./src/**/*.{html,js,svelte}"], theme: {
extend: {},
plugins: [
다음으로 기본 디렉토리에 PostCSS 구성 파일(postcss.config.cjs)을 생성해야 합니다.
파일에 다음 코드를 추가합니다.module.exports = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
autoprefixer: {},
파일 내에서 CSS에 Tailwind 지시문을 추가합니다.<script>
<style global lang="postcss">
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
이제 Tailwind & daisyUI를 Svelte 프로젝트에 성공적으로 구현했는지 확인해야 합니다!
다음 코드를 추가합니다.
npm run dev
파일에 다음 Tailwind 클래스를 추가하여 이를 확인할 수 있습니다.<main>
<h1 class="text-3xl font-bold no-underline text-center">
Hello world!
브라우저를 다시 확인하면 다음과 같이 표시됩니다.
헤더 섹션 만들기
태그를 div와 클래스로 채울 것입니다. 이제 코드의 내용을 이해하지 못하는 경우 언제든지 주석을 달고 Tailwind.css Documentation 에서 찾아볼 수 있습니다.<main class="bg-body text-white font-Montserrat pb-12 scroll-behavior: smooth;">
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<h1 class="text-4xl text-gray-800 text-center md:text-left font-bold mb-6">
<span class="block xl:inline text-gray-50">Hi, I’m John Doe.</span>
<span class="block text-indigo-600 xl:inline">Creative Web Technologist.</span>
<p class="text-xl text-gray-500 text-center font-medium md:text-left">
Amet minim mollit non deserunt ullamco est sit aliqua dolor do amet
sint. Velit officia consequat duis enim velit mollit. Exercitation
veniam consequat sunt nostrud amet.
class="block mt-8 mx-auto md:mx-0 text-2xl py-2 px-6 text-red-50 font-semibold rounded bg-indigo-500 hover:bg-indigo-800"><a href="#">Download Resume</a></button>
따라했다면 다음과 같이 완성된 영웅 섹션과 함께 반응형 탐색 모음이 있어야 합니다.
정보 섹션 만들기
lorem ipsum 자리 표시자 텍스트의 2-4개 문장으로 정보 섹션을 만들어 보겠습니다. 다음 단계는 다음 코드를 추가하고 정보 섹션을 완성하는 것입니다.
<!-- Our About Section -->
<section class="bg-gray-800 pattern py-20" id="">
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<h2 class="text-2xl font-semibold text-white">About Me</h2>
<p class="text-gray-500 mt-4">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ullamcorper
nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at. Ultrices ipsum, enim
cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent arcu eget orci est orci
nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa at tortor, est. Aliquet
pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse porta id elementum, massa.
이제 다음이 표시됩니다.
프로젝트 만들기 섹션
이제 프로젝트 섹션을 생성하고
파일에 다음 행을 추가하십시오.<!-- Our Projects Section -->
<div class="container mt-40 flex justify-between items-center mx-auto px-8 md:px-14 lg:px-24 w-full"
> <section class="w-full text-center">
<h2 id="work" class="secondary-title md:text-left text-4xl font-bold mb-6">Portfolio</h2>
<p class="section-paragraph md:text-left text-gray-500">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ullamcorper
nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at. Ultrices ipsum, enim
cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent arcu eget orci est orci
nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa at tortor, est. Aliquet
pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse porta id elementum, massa.
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3 gap-6 mt-6">
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<img src="" class="w-full bg-nav h-36 lg:h-72 object-cover hover:scale-110 transition duration-300 ease-in-out"
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<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider">Project 1</h2>
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
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<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider">Project 2</h2>
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
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<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider"> Project 3</h2>
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
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<img src="" class="w-full hidden md:block bg-nav h-36 lg:h-72 object-cover object-center"
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<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider">Project 4
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
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<img src=""
class="w-full hidden md:block bg-nav h-36 lg:h-72 object-cover object-center"
<div class="img-overlay w-full h-full absolute top-0 z-10 after:w-full after:rounded after:h-full after:absolute after:top-0 after:left-0 after:opacity-0 after:bg-black"
<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider">Project 5</h2>
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
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<img src=""
class="w-full hidden md:block bg-nav h-36 lg:h-72 object-cover object-center"
<div class="img-overlay w-full h-full absolute top-0 z-10 after:w-full after:rounded after:h-full after:absolute after:top-0 after:left-0 after:opacity-0 after:bg-black">
<h2 class="img__title relative mb-8 my-16 text-4xl font-Oswald font-thin text-white text-center transition duration 0.3s ease-in-out tracking-wider">Project 6</h2>
<a class="img__link relative block w-3/5 p-2.5 font-Montserrat font-medium text-white no-underline hover:bg-secondary text-center text-base border-solid border-2 border-white tracking-wider mx-auto transition duration 0.3 ease-in-out hover:text-gray-50" href="#">View Case Study</a>
이제 postcss 스타일을 구현하여
섹션을 완성할 수 있습니다.<style global lang="postcss">
@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;
.img-overlay:after {
content: "";
z-index: -10;
transition: all 0.3s ease;
.img__title {
top: -200px;
.img__link {
top: 200px;
.img-wrapper:hover .img__title {
top: 0;
.img-wrapper:hover .img__link {
top: 0;
.img-wrapper:hover .img-overlay:after {
opacity: 0.75;
클라이언트 섹션 만들기
이제 다음 코드를 추가하여 클라이언트 섹션을 만들 수 있습니다.
<!-- Our clients section -->
<div class="container mt-64 flex justify-between items-center mx-auto px-8 md:px-14 lg:px-24 w-full" id="">
<section class="w-full">
<h2 id="" class="secondary-title md:text-left text-4xl font-bold mb-6 text-white">Clients</h2>
<p class="section-paragraph md:text-left text-gray-500">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ullamcorper
nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at. Ultrices ipsum, enim
cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent arcu eget orci est orci
nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa at tortor, est. Aliquet
pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse porta id elementum, massa.
<!-- Clients -->
<div class="space-y-12 my-16">
<div class="w-full border border-nav p-16 lg:px-32 lg:py-20 lg:space-x-32 flex justify-center lg:justify-start flex-wrap lg:flex-nowrap hover:scale-110 transition duration-300 ease-in-out">
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viewBox="0 0 80 96"
d="M66.6983 92.1599C61.5487 97.2095 55.867 96.4223 50.4513 94.0415C44.6936 91.6127 39.4299 91.4591 33.3492 94.0415C25.7767 97.3439 21.7577 96.3839 17.1972 92.1599C-8.55106 65.3759 -4.75058 24.5759 24.5131 23.0399C31.6105 23.4239 36.5796 27.0047 40.7601 27.3023C46.9739 26.0255 52.9216 22.3679 59.5724 22.8479C67.5629 23.5007 73.5392 26.6879 77.5297 32.4191C61.0926 42.4031 64.9881 64.2911 80.0855 70.4351C77.0641 78.4511 73.1876 86.3711 66.6888 92.2271L66.6983 92.1599ZM40.19 22.7519C39.4204 10.8479 48.9691 1.05595 59.9525 0.0959473C61.4632 13.8239 47.6009 24.0959 40.19 22.7519Z"
<!-- Client info -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center text-center lg:text-left lg:block">
<h3 class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold">Company, inc.</h3>
<div class="w-full lg:w-auto flex flex-wrap justify-center lg:justify-start gap-3 mt-6 mb-8">
<div class="badge">UI/UX</div>
<div class="badge">Front-end Development</div>
<div class="badge">OpenSource</div>
<p class="text-secondary">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ullamcorper nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at.
Ultrices ipsum, enim cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent
arcu eget orci est orci nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa
at tortor, est. Aliquet pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse
porta id elementum, massa.
<a class="mt-10 text-gray-50 inline-flex items-center font-bold" href="#">Learn More
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viewBox="0 0 24 24"
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viewBox="0 0 80 96"
d="M66.6983 92.1599C61.5487 97.2095 55.867 96.4223 50.4513 94.0415C44.6936 91.6127 39.4299 91.4591 33.3492 94.0415C25.7767 97.3439 21.7577 96.3839 17.1972 92.1599C-8.55106 65.3759 -4.75058 24.5759 24.5131 23.0399C31.6105 23.4239 36.5796 27.0047 40.7601 27.3023C46.9739 26.0255 52.9216 22.3679 59.5724 22.8479C67.5629 23.5007 73.5392 26.6879 77.5297 32.4191C61.0926 42.4031 64.9881 64.2911 80.0855 70.4351C77.0641 78.4511 73.1876 86.3711 66.6888 92.2271L66.6983 92.1599ZM40.19 22.7519C39.4204 10.8479 48.9691 1.05595 59.9525 0.0959473C61.4632 13.8239 47.6009 24.0959 40.19 22.7519Z"
<!-- Client info -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center text-center lg:text-left lg:block">
<h3 class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold">Company, inc.</h3>
<div class="w-full lg:w-auto flex flex-wrap justify-center lg:justify-start gap-3 mt-6 mb-8">
<div class="badge">UI/UX</div>
<div class="badge">Front-end Development</div>
<div class="badge">OpenSource</div>
<p class="text-secondary">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ullamcorper nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at.
Ultrices ipsum, enim cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent
arcu eget orci est orci nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa
at tortor, est. Aliquet pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse
porta id elementum, massa.
<a class="mt-10 text-gray-50 inline-flex items-center font-bold" href="#">Learn More
class="w-4 h-4 ml-2"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path d="M5 12h14M12 5l7 7-7 7" />
<div class="w-full border border-nav p-16 lg:px-32 lg:py-20 lg:space-x-32 flex justify-center lg:justify-start flex-wrap lg:flex-nowrap hover:scale-110 transition duration-300 ease-in-out">
<!-- Client logo -->
<div class="mb-6 lg:mb-0">
viewBox="0 0 80 96"
d="M66.6983 92.1599C61.5487 97.2095 55.867 96.4223 50.4513 94.0415C44.6936 91.6127 39.4299 91.4591 33.3492 94.0415C25.7767 97.3439 21.7577 96.3839 17.1972 92.1599C-8.55106 65.3759 -4.75058 24.5759 24.5131 23.0399C31.6105 23.4239 36.5796 27.0047 40.7601 27.3023C46.9739 26.0255 52.9216 22.3679 59.5724 22.8479C67.5629 23.5007 73.5392 26.6879 77.5297 32.4191C61.0926 42.4031 64.9881 64.2911 80.0855 70.4351C77.0641 78.4511 73.1876 86.3711 66.6888 92.2271L66.6983 92.1599ZM40.19 22.7519C39.4204 10.8479 48.9691 1.05595 59.9525 0.0959473C61.4632 13.8239 47.6009 24.0959 40.19 22.7519Z"
<!-- Client info -->
<div class="flex flex-wrap justify-center text-center lg:text-left lg:block">
<h3 class="text-white text-3xl font-semibold">Company, inc.</h3>
<div class="w-full lg:w-auto flex flex-wrap justify-center lg:justify-start gap-3 mt-6 mb-8">
<div class="badge">UI/UX</div>
<div class="badge">Front-end Development</div>
<div class="badge">OpenSource</div>
<p class="text-secondary">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Ullamcorper nulla nunc quis molestie volutpat elementum at.
Ultrices ipsum, enim cursus lorem ac. Orci maecenas praesent
arcu eget orci est orci nullam. Leo purus est pellentesque massa
at tortor, est. Aliquet pulvinar a mattis sagittis. Suspendisse
porta id elementum, massa.
<a class="mt-10 text-gray-50 inline-flex items-center font-bold" href="#">Learn More
class="w-4 h-4 ml-2"
viewBox="0 0 24 24"
<path d="M5 12h14M12 5l7 7-7 7" />
이제 다음이 표시됩니다.
Hire Me 섹션 만들기
다음 단계는 다음 html + tailwindcss 논리를 사용하여 Hire Me 섹션을 만드는 것입니다.
다음 코드를 추가합니다.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. </p>
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<p class="md:text-left text-error">555-555-555</p>
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