perl 에서 무 작위 로 이 야 기 를 만 드 는 프로그램(rand 무 작위 함수)

2046 단어 perlrand

use strict; 
use warnings; 

my $count; 
my $input; 
my $number; 
my $sentence; 
my $story; 

my @nouns= 

   'Robin Hood', 
   'Joe and Moe', 

my @verbs= 

   'ran to', 
   'giggled with', 
   'put hot sauce into the orange juice of', 
   'sang stupid songs with', 
   'jumped with', 

 my @prepositions= 
     'at the store', 
     'over the rainbow', 
     'at the beach', 
     'before dinner', 
     'in New York City', 
     'in a dream', 
     'around the world', 

    # , $story  
    for ($count =0;$count<6;$count++) 
       # ,scalar @nouns @nouns , rand , int  
       $sentence =$nouns[int(rand(scalar @nouns))] 
       ." " 
       .$verbs[int(rand(scalar @verbs))] 
       ." " 
       .$nouns[int(rand(scalar @nouns))] 
       ." " 
       .$prepositions[int(rand(scalar @prepositions))] 
       $story .=$sentence; 
   print "
   print "
Type \"quit\"to quit, or press Enter to continue:"; 

# q , , ,/^ ,/i  
until ($input=~/^\s*q/i); 

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