Treap Treap 템플릿(단순) Treap SPOJ3273——ORDERSET - Order statistic set(Treap) K-TH(S) : return the k-th smallest element of S COUNT(S,x): return the number of elements of S smaller than x Input Line 1: Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 200000), the number of operations In the next Q lines, the first token of each line i... C++데이터 구조Treap
Treap 템플릿(단순) Treap SPOJ3273——ORDERSET - Order statistic set(Treap) K-TH(S) : return the k-th smallest element of S COUNT(S,x): return the number of elements of S smaller than x Input Line 1: Q (1 ≤ Q ≤ 200000), the number of operations In the next Q lines, the first token of each line i... C++데이터 구조Treap