Go 또는 Golang의 기본 유형은 무엇입니까?

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Go 또는 Golang에는 총 19개의 기본 유형이 있습니다. 그것들은 아래에 언급되어 있습니다:
  • bool
  • string
  • int
  • int8
  • int16
  • int32
  • int64
  • uint
  • uint8
  • uint16
  • uint32
  • uint64
  • uintptr
  • byte
  • rune
  • float32
  • float64
  • complex64
  • complex128

  • 부울 유형

    The bool type is used for holding truthy/falsy values such as true or false .

    var isAdmin bool // isAdmin variable has a type of `bool`
    isAdmin = true

    문자열 유형

    The string type is used to hold a sequence of characters. The characters are enclosed in double quotation marks symbol ( "" ).

    var name string // name variable has a type of `string`
    name = "John Doe"

    int , int8 , int16 , int32 및 int64 유형

    The int types are used to hold numerical values including the negative and non-negative numbers.

    The numbers after the word int refer to the size. For example, the int8 type can hold values of 8-bit size.

    Each of the int types can have negative and non-negative numbers up to a certain range. These are mentioned below:

    • The int8 type can have numbers ranging from -128 to 127 .
    • The int16 type can have numbers ranging from -32768 to 32767 .
    • The int32 type can have numbers ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647 .
    • The int64 type can have numbers ranging from -2^63 (-2 to the power of 63) to 2^63 - 1 (2 to the power of 63 minus 1).
    • The int type is a platform-dependent type which means that on a 32 bit system it will be the same as the int32 type and on a 64 bit system it will be the same as the int64 type.
    var num int8 // num variable has a type of `int8`
    num = -128

    uint , uint8 , uint16 , uint32 및 uint64 유형

    The uint types are used to hold numerical values for non-negative numbers. It is also called as unsigned integer type.

    The numbers after the word int refer to the size. For example, the uint8 type can hold values of 8-bit size.

    Each of the uint types can have non-negative numbers up to a certain range. These are mentioned below:

    • The uint8 type can have numbers ranging from 0 to 255 .
    • The uint16 type can have numbers ranging from 0 to 65535 .
    • The uint32 type can have numbers ranging from 0 to 4294967295 .
    • The uint64 type can have numbers ranging from 0 to 2^64 - 1 (2 to the power of 64 minus 1).
    • The uint type is a platform-dependent type which means that on a 32 bit system it will be the same as the uint32 type and on a 64 bit system it will be the same as the uint64 type.
    var num uint8 // num variable has a type of `uint8`
    num = 255

    uintptr 유형

    You may never have to use the uintptr type unless you are developing code related to Go runtime libraries. It is used to bypass the Go's type system and can be used as the reference of memory locations of C or other system-level programming languages codes.

    바이트 유형

    The byte is an alias for the uint8 type.

    룬 종류

    The rune is an alias for the int32 type.

    One cool thing with the rune type is that if you assign a Unicode symbol like 😃 (Smiling Face with Open Mouth) to the variable, then it will be automatically converted into its hexadecimal Unicode codepoint. The hexadecimal is essentially an integer.

    var favEmoji rune
    favEmoji = '😃'
    fmt.Println(favEmoji) // 128515

    float32 및 float64 유형

    The float32 and float64 type is used to hold numerical values having a decimal or fractional part.

    • The float32 type has a 32 bit size and has single precision.
    • The float64 type has a 64 bit size and has double precision.
    floatNum := 78.65 // floatNum variable has the type of float64

    complex64 및 complex128 유형

    Go can easily handle complex numbers also with the complex64 and complex128 types.

    • The complex64 type has a real part composed of the float32 type and an imaginary part composed of the float32 type.
    • The complex128 type has a real part composed of the float64 type and an imaginary part composed of the float64 type.

    It can be done like this,

    complexNum := 5 + 8i // complexNum variable type is complex128

    Or you can use the built-in complex() function to create the real and imaginary parts of a complex number like this,

    complexNum := complex(5, 8) // complexNum variable type is complex128
    fmt.println(complexNum) // 5 + 8i

    These are the available basic types in Golang.

    That's all 😃!

    이 정보가 유용하다고 생각되면 자유롭게 공유하세요 😃.

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