vchttps 파일 다운로드 실현

3105 단어
잔말 말고 코드로 바로 올라가세요.
.h 파일
#pragma once
class CDownloadHttps

	static BOOL DownloadFile(std::wstring serverName, std::wstring objectName, std::wstring path);

.cpp 파일
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "DownloadHttps.h"
#include "windows.h"
#include "winhttp.h"

#pragma comment(lib,"Winhttp.lib")



BOOL CDownloadHttps::DownloadFile(std::wstring serverName, std::wstring objectName, std::wstring path)
	HINTERNET hOpen = 0;
	HINTERNET hConnect = 0;
	HINTERNET hRequest = 0;
	BOOL bResult = FALSE;

	do {
		hOpen = WinHttpOpen(_T("DownloadFile"), WINHTTP_ACCESS_TYPE_DEFAULT_PROXY,
		if (!hOpen) {
			wprintf(L"WinHttpOpen failed (0x%.8X)
", GetLastError()); break; } hConnect = WinHttpConnect(hOpen, serverName.c_str(), INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT, 0); if (!hConnect) { wprintf(L"WinHttpConnect failed (0x%.8X)
", GetLastError()); break; } // use flag WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE to initiate SSL hRequest = WinHttpOpenRequest(hConnect, L"GET", objectName.c_str(), NULL, WINHTTP_NO_REFERER, WINHTTP_DEFAULT_ACCEPT_TYPES, WINHTTP_FLAG_SECURE); if (!hRequest) { wprintf(L"WinHttpOpenRequest failed (0x%.8X)
", GetLastError()); break; } if (!WinHttpSendRequest(hRequest, WINHTTP_NO_ADDITIONAL_HEADERS, 0, WINHTTP_NO_REQUEST_DATA, 0, 0, 0)) { wprintf(L"WinHttpSendRequest failed (0x%.8X)
", GetLastError()); break; } if (!WinHttpReceiveResponse(hRequest, 0)) { wprintf(L"WinHttpReceiveResponse failed (0x%.8X)
", GetLastError()); break; } // query remote file size, set haveContentLength on success and dwContentLength to the length TCHAR szContentLength[32] = { 0 }; DWORD cch = 64; DWORD dwHeaderIndex = WINHTTP_NO_HEADER_INDEX; BOOL haveContentLength = WinHttpQueryHeaders(hRequest, WINHTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, NULL, &szContentLength, &cch, &dwHeaderIndex); DWORD dwContentLength; if (haveContentLength) dwContentLength = _wtoi(szContentLength); BYTE Buffer[4096]; HANDLE hFile = CreateFile(path.c_str(), GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); if (hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { wprintf(L"CreateFile(%s) failed (0x%.8X)
", path.c_str(), GetLastError()); break; } DWORD dwSize, dwWrite; while (WinHttpQueryDataAvailable(hRequest, &dwSize) && dwSize) { if (dwSize > 4096) dwSize = 4096; WinHttpReadData(hRequest, Buffer, dwSize, &dwSize); WriteFile(hFile, Buffer, dwSize, &dwWrite, NULL); } CloseHandle(hFile); bResult = TRUE; } while (FALSE); if (hRequest) WinHttpCloseHandle(hRequest); if (hConnect) WinHttpCloseHandle(hConnect); if (hOpen) WinHttpCloseHandle(hOpen); return bResult; }

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