UVa Problem 10154 Weights and Measures (중량 과 힘)

// Weights and Measures (     )
// PC/UVa IDs: 111103/10154, Popularity: C, Success rate: average Level: 3
// Verdict: Programming Challenges - Solved, UVa - Accepted
// Submission Date: 2011-10-12
// UVa Run Time: 0.080s
//     (C)2011,  。metaphysis # yeah dot net
// I know, up on top you are seeing great sights,
// But down at the bottom, we, too, should have rights.
// We turtles can't stand it. Our shells will all crack!
// Besides, we need food. We are starving!" groaned Mack.
// 			Yertle the Turtle, Dr.Seuss
// [Problem Description]
// A turtle named Mack, to avoid being cracked, has enlisted your advice as to
// the order in which turtles should be stacked to form Yertle the Turtle’s throne.
// Each of the 5,607 turtles ordered by Yertle has a different weight and strength.
// Your task is to build the largest stack of turtles possible.
// [Input]
// Standard input consists of several lines, each containing a pair of integers
// separated by one or more space characters, specifying the weight and strength
// of a turtle. The weight of the turtle is in grams. The strength, also in grams,
// is the turtle’s overall carrying capacity, including its own weight. That is,
// a turtle weighing 300 g with a strength of 1,000 g can carry 700 g of turtles
// on its back. There are at most 5,607 turtles.
// [Output]
// Your output is a single integer indicating the maximum number of turtles that
// can be stacked without exceeding the strength of any one.
// [Sample Input]
// 300 1000
// 1000 1200
// 200 600
// 100 101
// [Sample Output]
// 3
// [    ]
//           DP  ,             ,        ,        ,  
// DP          。    Programming Challenges      ,    UVa    WA。 
//    UVa BBS     ,        PC              ( ...)。
//                ,        ,                。 
//                     ,         ,     ,       :
// (1)10 50
// (2)100 120
//              (1)      ,(2)    ,           1,     
//  (2)  ,(1)  ,        2      。                    
//      ,               。
//       ,                ,         ,             
//   ,    :
// (1)10 1000
// (2)20 1000
// (3)30 40
//               2,       3,   (3)       。
//         ,           ,          ,           i,  1  
// i - 1           i       ,          j,     i          
//       ,      ,         ,         ,          ,   
//        (           ):
// (1)101 101
// (2)100 201
// (3)99 300
// (4)98 301
// (5)5 302
//               3,    (2),(3),(4),(5)            4   
//   ,        ?          (2)   ,    (1)     (2) ,   
// (2)        2,          ,(2)                ,    (1)
//          ,            K      ,        ,         ,
//                     ,            。
//               ?      ,       ,         W1,S1,W2,S2,
//    S1 <= S2,      :
// W1 S1
// W2 S2
//      S1           W2        ,   S1 >= (W1 + W2),    S2 >= S1
//      S2             ,          ,  S2 >= (W1 + W2),    
// S1 >= (W1 + W2),                  。
//     ,              i          h          ,   minWeight
// [h][i],       :
// minWeight[h][i] = min{minWeight[h][i - 1],minWeight[h - 1][i - 1] + weight[i]}
//           ,  minWeight[h - 1][i - 1] + weight[i] <= strength[i]。   ,
//         ,                   ,                  
//                   。             ,            , 
//       ,      0,      0      ,         0,      1    
//      ,        ,           MAXINT     。        :
// minWeight[0][0] 0
// minWeight[1][0] MAXINT
// minWeight[2][0] MAXINT
//       ...        ...
// minWeight[N][0] MAXINT
//             1  ,       1           ,       , :
// minWeight[1][1] = min{minWeight[1][0],minWeight[0][0] + weight[1]}
//            (        ),          ,minWeight[1][0]      
//    ,minWeight[0][0]        ,         minWeight[1][1],       
// minWeight[1][1]      ,         1,     0           ,     
//        ,      :
// minWeight[0] minWeight[1] minWeight[2] ... minWeight[N]
//       0         MAXINT       MAXINT    ...    MAXINT
//          ,            ,                        。
//     UVa 10069 Distinct Subsequences               。

#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>

using namespace std;

#define MAXN 5610
#define MAXINT (1 << 20)

class turtle
	int weight;
	int strength;

	bool operator<(const turtle &other) const
		//         。
		if (strength != other.strength)
			return strength < other.strength;

		//      ,        。
		return weight < other.weight;

int main(int ac, char *av[])
	turtle turtles[MAXN];
	int minWeight[MAXN];
	int nTurtles = 1, weight, strength;
	while (cin >> weight >> strength)
		if (weight > strength)

		turtles[nTurtles++] = (turtle){weight, strength};

	//           。
	sort(turtles + 1, turtles + nTurtles);

	//    ,   MAXINT           h     。
	minWeight[0] = 0;
	for (int h = 1; h <= nTurtles; h++)
		minWeight[h] = MAXINT;

	// DP      。
	int answer = 1;
	for (int i = 1; i <= nTurtles; i++)
		for (int h = nTurtles; h >= 1; h--)
			if (minWeight[h - 1] + turtles[i].weight <= turtles[i].strength)
			minWeight[h] = min(minWeight[h], minWeight[h - 1] + turtles[i].weight);

			if (minWeight[h] < MAXINT)
				answer = max(answer, h);

	cout << answer << endl;

	return 0;

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