[USACO12MAR] 정원 녹화 Landscaping

2567 단어 DP

제목 설명

Farmer John is building a nicely-landscaped garden, and needs to move a large amount of dirt in the process.
The garden consists of a sequence of N flowerbeds (1 <= N <= 100), where flowerbed i initially contains A_i units of dirt.  Farmer John would like to re-landscape the garden so that each flowerbed i instead contains B_i units of dirt.  The A_i's and B_i's are all integers in the range 0..10.
To landscape the garden, Farmer John has several options: he can purchase one unit of dirt and place it in a flowerbed of his choice for X.HecanremoveoneunitofdirtfromaflowerbedofhischoiceandhaveitshippedawayforX.HecanremoveoneunitofdirtfromaflowerbedofhischoiceandhaveitshippedawayforY.  He can also transport one unit of dirt from flowerbed i to flowerbed j at a cost of $Z times |i-j|.  Please compute the minimum total cost for Farmer John to complete his landscaping project.


* Line 1: Space-separated integers N, X, Y, and Z (0 <= X, Y, Z <= 1000).* Lines 2..1+N: Line i+1 contains the space-separated integers A_i and B_i.


* Line 1: A single integer giving the minimum cost for Farmer John's landscaping project.

샘플 입력

4 100 200 11 42 33 24 0

샘플 출력

문제풀이: 이 문제는 데이터가 비교적 작기 때문에 데이터를 벌려 처리할 수 있다.그 다음에 동태적인 기획으로 해결한다.
int n,x,y,z,la,lb,a[1005],b[1005],f[1005][1005];
using namespace std;
inline int minn(int x,int y)
	return x

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