TwinDB data recovery toolkit

6274 단어

TwinDB data recovery toolkit

Supported Failures

 TwinDB Data Recovery Toolkit is a set of tools that operate with MySQL files at low level and allow to recover InnoDB databases after different failure scenarios.
The toolkit is also known as UnDrop for InnoDB, which is more accurate name because the toolkit works with InnoDB tables.
The tool recovers data when backups are not available. It supports recovery from following failures: >> 이 도구는 다음과 같은 데이터베이스 고장으로 인해 잃어버린 데이터를 복구할 수 있습니다.
A table or database was dropped. >> 오삭표 또는 데이터베이스InnoDB table space corruption. >>innodb표 공간 파손Hard disk failure. >> 하드 드라이브 장애File system corruption. >> 파일 시스템 장애Records were deleted from a table. >> 표 기록 삭제 (delete) A table was truncated. >> 테이블이truncateInnoDB files were accidentally deleted. >> 이외 innodb files 삭제A table was dropped and created empty one. ## Installation The source code of the toolkit is hosted on LaunchPad. The tool has been developed on Linux, it’s known to work on CentOS 4,5,6,7, Debian, Ubuntu and Amazon Linux. Only 64 bit systems are supported. >> 테이블이 삭제되고 빈 테이블이 만들어졌습니다 To best way to get the source code is to clone it from GitHub.
git clone


The toolkit needs  makegccflex  and  bison  to compile.


To build the toolkit run make in the source code root:
# make


There is a series of blog posts that describe in great details recovery from different failures.
Recover Table Structure From InnoDB Dictionary – how to generate CREATE TABLE statement if you have ibdata1 file.
Take image from corrupted hard drive – what you should do if a hard disk is dying.
Recover Corrupt MySQL Database – how to recover database from corrupt InnoDB tablespace. The same approach can be taken to recover from corrupt file system.
Recover after DROP TABLE. Case 2 – how to recover InnoDB table if it was dropped and innodb_file_per_table was ON (a separate .ibd file per table).
Recover after DROP TABLE. Case 1 – how to recover InnoDB table if it was dropped and innodb_file_per_table was OFF (all tables are in ibadat1 file).
Recover InnoDB dictionary – how to recover and read InnoDB dictionary tables.
UnDROP tool for InnoDB – describes tools of the toolkit, their usage, command line options.
InnoDB dictionary – describes InnoDB dictionary, its tables and format.

Commercial Support and Data Recovery Service

You can recover your database using the toolkit and detailed instructions from the blog posts. We can help you to do it much faster.
Aleksandr Kuzminsky is an author of TwinDB data recovery toolkit and its forks. Since 2008 he dealt with many hundreds recovery cases.
Check MySQL Data Recovery Service to learn more about prices, prerequisites and contact details.

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