TWIL 2021-3 (4)

4435 단어 TWILTWIL

1. Framework vs. Library

Both libraries and frameworks are reusable code written by someone else. Their purpose is to help you solve common problems in easier ways.

When you use a library, you are in charge of the flow of the application. You are choosing when and where to call the library. When you use a framework, the framework is in charge of the flow. It provides some places for you to plug in your code, but it calls the code you plugged in as needed.

🔗 The Difference Between a Framework and a Library

React Is a Library, Not a Framework

One important distinction between libraries like React and frameworks like Ember.js and AngularJS is that React is concerned only with rendering the UI and leaves many things up to each project to put together. As of July 2018, a standard set of tools, often called a stack, for building a React application is as follows:

Application code
React, Redux, react-router

Build tools
Webpack, Uglify, npm/yarn, Babel, babel-preset-env

Testing tools
ESLint, Enzyme, Mocha/Jest

As a point of comparison, the stack for Ember.js is Ember.js. This may sound like a big mark against React (and depending on the situation, it can be), but the debate over the superiority of frameworks or libraries is old and has many excellent arguments on both sides. React’s choice to be a library has allowed projects to adopt it more incrementally and has left the door open to rapid innovation from the community on various other parts of the stack. It has also left many projects to manage a complex ecosystem of extra tooling. There is no better or worse, but the distinction between libraries and frameworks is important to note if comparing React to more feature-rich frameworks like Ember.js.

🔗 Chapter 1. What Is React? 👍

2. date-fns

🔗 date-fns

import * as dateFns from "date-fns";

const today = dateFns.format(new Date(), "yyyy-MM-dd");
// 2021-03-23

momentjsdate-fns의 차이점 알고 쓰기
🔗 momentjs vs date-fns

3. What is Firebase?

데이터베이스 서비스로 시작하여 구글에 인수되었다. 이후 서비스를 확장하여 데이터베이스, 클라우드 스토리지, 인증, 호스팅 등의 백엔드 서비스를 제공하는 웹사이트가 되었다.

AWS amplify와 경쟁 관계에 있다. 거의 같은 목록의 서비스를 제공하는데 추가로 graphQL API, REST API를 제공하는 것이 amplify의 강점이다. Firebase가 더 오래되었기 때문에 현재까지 커뮤니티 규모 및 관련 자료 접근성 면에서는 더 앞선다.

Firebase나 amplify는 어떤 서비스를 구현할 때 적합하게 쓰일까? → 🔗 When to use Firebase?

4. .env

.env는 API Key등 노출하고 싶지 않은 정보를 모아두는 파일로 사용한다. .gitignore.env를 포함시켜 깃허브에 업로드하지 않음으로서 한번에 숨기는 방식이다.

그러나 추후에 빌드 과정에서 어떻게든 노출될 수 있다고 하니 완전한 보안의 개념은 아니고 깃허브에 공공연하게 업로드 하지 않는데에 그 의미가 있다. 빌드 시의 보안은 다른 방법으로 처리해주어야 한다.

🔗 Securing the Keys

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